Synchronize Specification File Changes With Generated Source Code

You can use the ochain sync command to bring new changes from the specification file to the current source files (model and controller). The command works with both TypeScript and Go projects.

  • Synchronization is unidirectional: you can bring changes from your specification file into your chaincode project, but not the other way around. Changes made in your chaincode project remain as-is after the synchronizing process.
  • The ochain sync command works only if the chaincode project was scaffolded by using a specification file. Do not delete, rename or move the specification file if you plan to synchronize any changes from the specification file to the source code in the future.
  • If you used a single specification file to generate more than one chaincode project, you can synchronize only one project at a time by using the ochain sync command.


sync [options] [...args]
my-mac:TsProject myname@ ochain sync -h 
Usage: sync [options] [...args]
Synchronize Changes from spec file to the required chaincode. 
    [...args] (optional) Sync Arguments.
Options :
    -h, --help              output command usage information
    -D, --debug             enable debug logging
    -p, --project <path>    (optional) Path to Chaincode project to sync. If not specified, it defaults to current directory
    -c, --confirm <bool>    (optional) Parameter to ensure if you have resolved all the conflicts, and commit changes
Examples :
$> ochain sync
without chaincode initial arguments
The ochain sync command has two optional arguments:
  • -p / --project

    This option takes the chaincode project directory where the synchronization needs to be performed. If not specified, it defaults to the current directory.

  • -c / --confirm

    This option takes Boolean (true/false) values. If there are any conflicts during the merging process, you must resolve those conflicts manually and set this option to true in the next synchronization cycle. Don't use this option if you're not sure that the conflicts have been merged.

If the ochain sync command fails and you have installed and configured all prerequisites including Git and the Git username and password, complete the following steps to reinitialize the synchronization operation:
  1. Check the specification file for errors and fix any errors that you find.
  2. In the chaincode project folder, remove the following folders if they are present: .sync_temp, .sync_backup, and .sync_repo.
  3. In the src folder, remove the .git folder if it is present.
  4. In the project root folder, edit the ochain.json file and set the syncEnabled property to false. Save and close the file.
  5. Retry the ochain sync command.