Tags for Base Database Service Resources

Tagging is a powerful foundational service for Oracle Cloud Infrastructure (OCI) that enables users to search, control access, and do bulk actions on a set of resources based on the tag.

Importance of Tagging

Using the Oracle Cloud Infrastructure (OCI) tagging system, you can tag resources as per your organizational scheme allowing you to group resources, manage costs, and give insights into usage. Tags also help you build a governance model around security and Maximum Availability Architecture (MAA). As your organization expands its cloud footprint, it can become challenging to keep track of the deployment architectures, security best practices, MAA, application tier, etc. Using metadata tags to identify workload attributes can help keep up with the security and availability of your tenancy without cost overruns.

To enable customers to manage OCI resources securely and cost-effectively, Oracle provides a set of predefined tags in line with best practices for tagging resources. These tags are grouped into two namespaces - The OracleStandard namespace and the OracleApplicationName namespace. You can think of a tag namespace as a container for your tag keys.

Consider a scenario where your organization has multiple cloud resources such as, DB system, database, compute, network, and load balancers across multiple compartments in your tenancy. Suppose you wish to track these cloud resources for specific purposes, report on them, or take bulk actions. In that case, you will need a system that lets you group these resources based on different criteria such as environment, criticality, target users, application, etc. You can achieve this by applying appropriate tags to these resources.

For example, you may tag all resources in your development stack with Oracle-Standard.Environment=Dev or for a business critical application stack, set Oracle-Standard.Criticality=High or Extreme. In the event of service disruptions due to various reasons, you would then be able to quickly identify all OCI resources associated with an application or business function or be able to separate critical and non-critical workloads.

Tagging can also help you deploy optimized configurations based on workload attributes identified via tags. For example, database deployments for the Peoplesoft application require a specific configuration. By setting the ApplicationName and AppMajorVersion tags, while deploying a database, can ensure that the database is configured ready for the particular application (Example: Peoplesoft) out of the box.

Moreover, integration with the Cloud Advisor OCI service can provide you with direct, deep insight into how well your cloud services adhere to the corporate guidelines and help your management govern with a vision. For more information, see Cloud Advisor Overview.

Adding Tags

You can tag resources using the Console, the CLI, or the SDK.

There are many cloud resources that can be tagged in a DB system. DB systems, VM clusters, databases, are some of them. Tags can either be applied while creating the resources or modified later. For example, you can apply tags to an VM cluster while provisioning or add them later from its Details page.

Tagging integrates with OCI authorization system. You can use IAM policy controls to enable delegation or restriction of tag manipulation. For more information about the permissions required to work with defined and free-form tags, see Authentication and Authorization in Tagging Overview.

Your tenancies come with a library of standard tags that would apply to most resources. These tags are currently available as a set of Tag Namespaces that your governance administrators can deploy. OCI best practices recommend applying these tags to all resources a standard tag can be applied to. Besides reporting and governance, OCI service automation can deliver workload-specific optimizations based on standard tag values.

For example, database deployments for the Peoplesoft application require a specific configuration. By setting the appropriate application tag key in the Oracle-ApplicationName tag namespace while deploying a database, can ensure that the database is configured ready for the particular application (Example: Peoplesoft) out of the box.

Oracle Standard Tags

Your tenancy governance administrators can deploy the standard tags at the tenancy level and may also mark certain tags as required, thereby enforcing tags on resources in those compartments. The following are the standard tags defined in the namespace called OracleStandard. For more information, see Understanding Standard Tags.

Table - Oracle Standard Tags

Tag Key Tag Value Options Description





Enables tiering of resource in line with corporate application classification standards. Customer governance can use this tag for reporting and ensuring resources are configured as per the guideline for the tier they belong to.

For example, a database resource with OracleStandard.Criticality set to Extreme or High may require the highest availability SLA, and may need to be configured with Data Guard.









User Testing

Denotes a resource lifecycle. In the case of databases, it helps determine consolidation density, database distribution across containers, set maintenance plans, and manage clones.




Highly Sensitive

Extremely Sensitive

An application or database classification tag. OracleStandard.Sensitivity set to Highly Sensitive may indicate that an access control list or certain Network Security Group (NSG) enforcement is mandatory to restrict access.
OracleStandard.Regulation For values, see List of Compliance Regulations.

Denotes one or more compliance regulations that a resource must adhere to.

Tag administrators may add values to the list from the OCI Governance and Administration console. For more information see Using Predefined Values.









Denotes the end users of a resource. Another form of resource classification that helps determine target users and allow governance teams to set corporate standards based on user or application type.










An approximate count of end-users. This tag helps determine the number of users impacted or blast radius during an availability or security event. This also help prioritize recovery efforts in the event of major outages affecting a large number of cloud resources.
OracleStandard.OwnerEmail Free form tag. Denotes the email address of the resource owner.
OracleStandard.Org HR, Finance, Marketing, Sales, Legal, R&D, Customer Support, Internal Support, Manufacturing

Identifies the customer's line of business or department that owns or uses the resource. This may help with cost aggregation reports and determining usage across business units.

Tag administrators may add relevant values to the list from the OCI Governance and Administration console. For more information, see Using Predefined Values.

OracleStandard.CostCenter 12345, WebMarketing Freeform field for cost center.
OracleStandard.RecoveryTimeObjectiveMinutes 0-10080 Time in minutes. Denotes the maximum time within which the resource is required to recover from a failure.
OracleStandard.RecoveryPointObjectiveMinutes 0-1440 Time in minutes. Maximum data loss tolerance for a data store resource such as a database or a storage device.

List of Compliance Regulations

The table below lists the valid values that you can apply for the OracleStandard.Regulation tag.

Table - List of Compliance Regulations

Regulation Description
PCI DSS Payment Card Industry Data Security Standard
HIPAA Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act
ISO International Standards Organization
SOC1 System and Organization Controls 1
SOC 2 System and Organization Controls 2
FedRamp Federal Risk and Authorization Management Program
GLBA Gramm–Leach–Bliley Act
CCPA California Consumer Privacy Act
SOX Sarbanes Oxley
NIST National Institute of Standards and Technology - Cyber Security
FISMA Federal Information Security Management
HITECH Health Information Technology for Economic and Clinical Health Act
FERPA Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act ( Student privacy)
FACTA Fair and Accurate Credit Transaction Act
Texas HB300 Texas Medical Records Privacy Act
CIS Center for Internet Security
CJIS Criminal Justice Information Services Security Policy
C-TPAT Customs-Trade Partnership Against Terrorism
COPPA Children's Online Privacy Protection Act
PIPED Act, or PIPEDA Personal Information Protection and Electronic Documents Act
GDPR General Data Protection Regulation
PIPL Personal Information Protection Law

Oracle Application Name Tags

The following are the application name tags defined in the Oracle-ApplicationName namespace.

Table - Oracle Application Name Tags

Tag Key Tag Value Options Description



Denotes the version of the Hyperion application.
JD Edwards




Denotes the version of the JD Edwards application.





Denotes the version of the Oracle E-Business Suite application.



Denotes the version of the Peoplesoft application.



Denotes the version of the Siebel application.
Other_Oracle_Application Free form tag in string format. Can be used to denote any application other than those listed above. You can enter the application name as a string value.