Get all risk events



Get Risk Events data comprising of Security Control, Policy Alerts and Anomalous behavior for your tenant. Risk Events can be obtained over a specific date range by indicating the startDate and pagesize. Use the priority field to obtain Risk Events with specific risks. The category field can be used to filter the event types such as Security Control, Policy Alerts and Anomalous behavior. Risk Events specific to Cloud Application and Cloud Application instance can be used by using the applicationType and applicationInstanceName field. The potentially large response contains a series of JSON objects, each separated with a line break and each corresponding to a risk event. The pagesize field can be used to indicate the number of risk events fetched in the API call. The marker position is set to the next set of risks related to pagesize + 1 from the previous call and can be used to obtain the next batch of data.


Supported Media Types
Query Parameters
  • The application instance ID. The default is to retrieve all application instances.
  • The application instance name. The default is to retrieve all application names.
  • The application type. Default is to retrieve all application types.
  • The risk event category. The default is to retrieve all risk event categories.
    Allowed Values: [ "Anomalous activity", "Security control", "Policy alert", "Monitoring stopped" ]
  • End date indicating the time upto which the events need to be searched. Default is to retrieve risk events up to the present moment. The format for endDate is yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss.S.
  • Marker position, indicating pagination, from which to begin retrieving the next set of events. Default is to retrieve risk from the beginning in the tenant's history.
  • Page size in number of events. The maximum value allowed is 100
  • Event priority, such as High, Medium, or Low. Default is to return all.
    Allowed Values: [ "High", "Medium", "Low" ]
  • Start date indicating the time from when the events need to be searched. The format for startDate is yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss.S.
  • Event status, such as Open, or Resolved. Defaults to both.
    Allowed Values: [ "Open", "Resolve" ]
Header Parameters
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Supported Media Types

200 Response

Successfully retrieved all risk events for the given filters.
Body ()
Root Schema : RiskEventsResponse
Type: object
Show Source
Nested Schema : riskevents
Type: array
List of risk events.
Show Source
Nested Schema : RiskEvent
Type: object
Show Source
Nested Schema : additionalDetails
Type: array
Show Source
Nested Schema : comments
Type: array
Show Source
Nested Schema : AdditionalDetails
Type: object
Show Source
Nested Schema : details
Type: array
Show Source
Nested Schema : Details
Type: object
Show Source
Nested Schema : Comments
Type: object
Show Source
Nested Schema : comment
Type: array
Show Source
Nested Schema : Comment
Type: object
Show Source

400 Response

Bad request format. Check the response for more information on which fields are inaccurate. Ensure that you have a request which follows the format.
Body ()
Root Schema : Error
Type: object
Show Source

401 Response

Unauthorized get API call. See response for more details.
Body ()
Root Schema : Error
Type: object
Show Source

403 Response

Retrieving all risk events is forbidden. It is likely that the CASB APIs aren't enabled for the tenant.
Body ()
Root Schema : Error
Type: object
Show Source

404 Response

Requested Resource(risk event id) is not present.
Body ()
Root Schema : Error
Type: object
Show Source

412 Response

One of the preconditions for the API failed. See response for more details.
Body ()
Root Schema : Error
Type: object
Show Source

500 Response

Internal Server error occurred. See response for more details.
Body ()
Root Schema : Error
Type: object
Show Source
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The following examples show how to retrieve all, or a subset of risk events by submitting a GET request.

Example Response Body

The following example shows the contents of the response body in JSON format:

  "riskevents" : [
      "id" : "aa1eab35-6d84-3f5a-a9b5-3e1509bad244",  
      "uri" : "/v1/events/riskevent?eventId=aa1eab35-6d84-3f5a-a9b5-3e1509bad244&applicationInstanceId;=5786ed4c-3527-413d-9d19-da93d0f065c8",
      "appname" : "AWS",
      "appinstance" : "awse2e_01",
      "appinstanceid" : "64909d3d-3855-5de1-49ed-6452ae9f6365",
      "snapdate" : "2017-10-25",
      "title" : "DeleteSecurityGroup action in EC2 SecurityGroup \"JKSecurityGroup\"",
      "additionalDetails" : [
          "Details" : [
              "name" : "Actor",
              "value" : "funct_test_nonservice"
              "name" : "Resource type",
              "value" : "EC2 SecurityGroup"
              "name" : "Group",
              "value" : "JKSecurityGroup"
              "name" : "Resource name",
              "value" : "[JKSecurityGroup]"
              "name" : "Action",
              "value" : "DeleteSecurityGroup"
              "name" : "Policy alert name",
              "value" : "EC2 - Instances Network Routes Network ACL VPN and Security Group changes"
              "name" : "Occurred",
              "value" : "2017-10-25T17:17:29Z"
              "name" : "recommendationkey",
              "value" : "AWS~PolicyAlert~ec2deletesecuritygroup"
         "Logdata" :
"{\"requestParameters\" :{\"groupName\" :\"JKSecurityGroup\"},\"responseElements\" :{\"_return\" :true},\"eventVersion\" :\"1.05\",\"eventTime\" :\"2017-10-25T17:17:29Z\",\"eventSource\" :\"\",\"eventName\" :\"DeleteSecurityGroup\",\"awsRegion\" :\"us-east-1\",\"sourceIPAddress\" :\"\",\"userAgent\" :\"aws-sdk-java/1.10.54
Java_HotSpot(TM)_64-Bit_Server_VM/25.60-b23/1.8.0_60\",\"userIdentity\" :{\"type\" :\"IAMUser\",\"principalId\" :\"AIDAJVECQI6KOIYZMM42A\",\"arn\" :\"arn:aws:iam::141111462111:user/funct_test_nonservice\",\"accountId\" :\"141111462111\",\"accessKeyId\" :\"AKIAJM4J6OYTZDBHN3KA\",\"userName\" :\"funct_test_nonservice\"},\"requestID\" :\"bc44cd99-fac7-4e6c-8868-382c26fc95ee\",\"eventID\" :\"664d6fa8-8bdf-4bda-af5c-55d447620a78\"}"
      "category" : "Policy alert",
      "priority" : "High",
      "status" : "Open",
      "createdon" : "2017-10-25T17:33:55.000Z",
      "realeventtime" : "2017-10-25T17:17:29.000Z"
      "id" : "1b098639-8965-3f0d-aa2b-5c92ef23ad2e",
     "uri" :
      "appname" : "AWS",
      "appinstance" : "awse2e_01",
      "appinstanceid" : "e4dc5876-7253-3d41-911d-0f065c8da93d",
      "snapdate" : "2017-10-25",
      "title" : "DeleteVpnConnection action in EC2 VPN \"vpn-de0d1fbf\"",
      "additionalDetails" : [
          "Details" : [
              "name" : "Actor",
              "value" : "funct_test_nonservice"
              "name" : "Resource type",
              "value" : "EC2 VPN"
              "name" : "Resource name",
              "value" : "[vpn-de0d1fbf]"
              "name" : "Action",
              "value" : "DeleteVpnConnection"
              "name" : "Policy alert name",
              "value" : "EC2 - Instances Network Routes Network ACL VPN and Security Group changes"
              "name" : "Occurred",
              "value" : "2017-10-25T17:17:44Z"
              "name" : "recommendationkey",
              "value" : "AWS~PolicyAlert~ec2deletevpnconnection"
           "Logdata" : 
"{\"requestParameters\" :{\"vpnConnectionId\" :\"vpn-de0d1fbf\"},\"responseElements\" :{\"requestId\" :\"df6729be-ccdb-4839-9c2e-25ed48d64908\",\"_return\" :true},\"eventVersion\" :\"1.05\",\"eventTime\" :\"2017-10-25T17:17:44Z\",\"eventSource\" :\"\",\"eventName\" :\"DeleteVpnConnection\",\"awsRegion\" :\"us-east-1\",\"sourceIPAddress\" :\"\",\"userAgent\" :\"aws-sdk-java/1.10.54
Java_HotSpot(TM)_64-Bit_Server_VM/25.60-b23/1.8.0_60\",\"userIdentity\" :{\"type\" :\"IAMUser\",\"principalId\" :\"AIDAJVECQI6KOIYZMM42A\",\"arn\" :\"arn:aws:iam::141111462111:user/funct_test_nonservice\",\"accountId\" :\"141111462111\",\"accessKeyId\" :\"AKIAJM4J6OYTZDBHN3KA\",\"userName\" :\"funct_test_nonservice\"},\"requestID\" :\"df6729be-ccdb-4839-9c2e-25ed48d64908\",\"eventID\" :\"4c0d0878-ad12-48d6-b82d-d09d413077ae\"}"
      "category" : "Policy alert",
      "priority" : "High",
      "status" : "Open",
      "createdon" : "2017-10-25T17:33:56.000Z",
      "realeventtime" : "2017-10-25T17:17:44.000Z"
  "tenantId" : "abcdefgh-1234-ijkl-5678-mnopqrstuvwx",
  "nextMarkerPosition" : "1508952846000",
  "maxCount" : 100,
  "size" : 10

Paging Risk Events if More Than 100 Are Returned

The maximum number of risk events that can be returned in response is 100. This example shows how to ensure that you get all the risk events, whether or not the total is greater than 100. If there are more than 100 risk events, each response returns nextMarkerPosition (bolded below), which is then used for the subsequent request.

import requests
import json

def getRiskEvents():
    auth_t = '<token_id>' ### add tokenId
    tenantId = '<token_id>' ### add tenantId
    headers = {
            'content-type' : "application/json", 
            'cache-control' : "no-cache",
            'X-Apprity-Tenant-Id' : tenantId, 
            'Authorization' : 'Bearer ' + auth_t 
    # This URL should point to the endpoint where the tenant has been created for the customer.
    riskEventUrlTest = "https://<CASB-STACK>"
    startDate = "2019-09-11T15:37:39.000Z"
    nextMarkerPosition = ''
    polling = 'no'
    totalRecords = 0
    noOfCallsToCasb = 1
    while True:
        if (polling == "no"):
            params = {
                          'pagesize' : "100",
                          'startDate' : startDate
        elif (polling == "yes"):
            params = {
                          'pagesize' : "100",
                          'markerPosition' : nextMarkerPosition
        print ("Number of calls to CASB: " + str(noOfCallsToCasb))
        print ("Total Records: " + str(totalRecords))
        noOfCallsToCasb += 1
        response = requests.get(riskEventUrlTest, params=params, headers=headers)
        print ("Response Status Code: " + str(response.status_code))
        rawJsonFromCASBResp = json.loads(response.content.decode('utf-8'))
        print (" ============ =========Response======== =======================>")
        print rawJsonFromCASBResp
        pageSize = rawJsonFromCASBResp['size']
        print ("Page Size: " + str(pageSize))
        totalRecords += pageSize
        print ("Total Records: " + str(totalRecords))
        if(totalRecords > 0):
            if pageSize >= 100:
                polling = "yes"
                nextMarkerPosition = rawJsonFromCASBResp['nextMarkerPosition']
                print ("Marker Position Value: " + str(nextMarkerPosition))
                print (" ===== ================= ==============================>")
                print "Retrieved all records from CASB/no records available"
                polling = "no"


Getting Risk Events for a Single Application Type

By default, all risk events for all application types in you Oracle CASB Cloud Service tenant are returned. If you want to fetch risk events for only a single application type, use applicationType in your parameters sections something like this example, which returns only risk events for Box:

parameters = {
             'pagesize' : "100",
             'applicationType' : "BOX",
             'startDate' : "2017-08-11T15:37:39.000Z" }

Getting Risk Events for a Single Application Instance

If you want to fetch risk events for only a single application instance, use applicationInstanceName in your parameters sections something like this example, which returns only risk events for a Box instance named Box_Sales:

parameters = {
             'pagesize' : "100",
             'applicationInstanceName' : "Box_Sales",
             'startDate' : "2017-08-11T15:37:39.000Z" }
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