Risks Specific to Each Application: The Applications Page

Understand how to view summary information on risks for a single application instance in the Applications page.

Information on the risks that are specific to each application instance is available from the Applications page, where an icon indicates the risk level or status for each application instance:

  • Image showing icon for high risk level. — High risk level. A threat was detected.

  • Image showing icon for medium risk level. — Medium risk level. Some items require investigation, but no behavioral threats or malicious IP address accesses.

  • Image showing icon for low risk level. — Low risk level. Few or no issues require attention.

  • Image showing icon for new application instance. — Status: You or another administrator recently added this application instance. Oracle CASB Cloud Service is collecting initial data.

  • Image showing icon for unreachable application instance. — Status: Application instance is unreachable.

These icons also appear at the top of the Applications page, with a count indicating how many registered application instances are in risk level or each status. Click a non-zero number next to an icon to display only application instances in that risk level or status.

From the Applications page, to view all alerts for a single application on the Risk Events page:
  • In grid view, in the row for an application instance, click the number under the column heading for the type of incident you want to view.

  • In card view, click an application tile to see the Health Summary card for that application, then click the number next to the type of incident you want to view.

Below are the types of events for which you can get a filtered list of incidents in a link in Risk Events. The labels appear as shown below on the Health Summary card in card view. In grid view as column headers, they are all completely capitalized:

  • Security Controls. The number of weak security configuration settings in the application instance (for example, weak requirements for password length and complexity).

  • Threats. The number of suspicious behaviors or IP addresses currently detected.

  • Policy Alerts. All open alerts triggered by a manually configured policy.

  • Most recent data analyzed. A summary of new items reviewed during the last data collection run.

A value of 0 means that there are no related risk events.