Typical Workflow for Creating Policies and Managing Policy Alerts

With Oracle CASB Cloud Service, you can create policies and manage policy alerts.

Task Description Additional Information
Understand policy alerts. You can learn about how Oracle CASB Cloud Service can compare activity in the cloud with policies that you define, and generate an alert any time a policy it detects a policy violation. About Policy Alerts
Understand managed policies and custom policies You can learn about managed policies that are available and any custom policies already created. Getting Started with Policies
Understand administrator roles and policies. You can learn about different administrator roles in Oracle CASB Cloud Service and the administrative rights they have with policies. Oracle CASB Cloud Service Administrator Roles and Policies
Understand managed policies. You can learn how managed policy alerts are updated, and how to change subscription status and create modifiable copies. Working with Managed Policies
Manage policy alerts. You can view the log data for events to determine how serious they are, or, if you feel that an incident does not need further attention, then you can dismiss it. Managing Policy Alerts in Risk Events
Create a policy. You can create a policy for any application instances, or all instances of the same application type. Creating a Policy
Modify a policy. You can change the rules of a policy so that it is more inclusive or restrictive in terms of the alerts that it generates. Modifying a Custom Policy
See how to create a sample policy alert. You can review steps for creating a specific policy to generate an alert when a particular file is shared. Example Alert: Changes to a Sensitive File
Create custom policy alerts for specific application types. See how you can create custom policy alerts for a variety of situations that are specific to different application types.