Verifying Your Application Registration

After you finish registering an application, wait a few minutes, and then verify that Oracle CASB Cloud Service is monitoring data for your application.

After you add an application instance, the initial data sweep can take a few minutes, after which Oracle CASB Cloud Service should start to display information about account activity.

After successful registration of an Amazon Web Services instance, if CloudTrail isn’t enabled for one or more regions, then Oracle CASB Cloud Service issues an alert in Risk Events. Oracle CASB Cloud Service depends on CloudTrail to be able to collect log information from the region.
  1. Select the Dashboard from the Navigation menu. If the Navigation Menu is not displayed, click the Navigation Menu icon Image of the Navigation Menu icon. to display it.
  2. Select or hover over the icon for the new application instance.
  3. In the Health Summary card, check whether or not Oracle CASB Cloud Service appears to be collecting data.

    If there’s any number other than zero (0) for Monitoring Failed, then click the number to view the alerts related to monitoring the application instance. Often, monitoring fails if the Oracle CASB Cloud Service user's password or access keys need to be updated. Credentials may need to be updated in Oracle CASB Cloud Service, in the application instance, or both places.

  4. If numbers appear for any risks in the Health Summary card, then you can click the numbers for details about the risks.