Deleting a Template

Use Oracle Cloud Stack to delete a stack template.


  • User-created templates can be deleted. Oracle templates cannot be deleted.

  • Deleting a template does not affect any existing stacks that were created from the template.

Deleting a Template with the Console

Use the web console to delete a template file from Oracle Cloud Stack.

  1. Access the Oracle Cloud Stack console, and then click Templates.
  2. Optional: To delete an unpublished (draft) template, click Unpublished.
  3. To the right of the template that you want to delete, click Delete this template Trash icon.
  4. When prompted for confirmation, click OK.

Deleting a Template with the CLI

Use the CLI to delete an existing template from Oracle Cloud Stack.

  1. Identify the name of the template to delete. Execute the stack list-templates command.
  2. Execute the stack delete-template command. Supply the name of the template:
    psm stack delete-template -n name

    For example:

    psm stack delete-template -n MyTemplate

For more information about the CLI commands for Oracle Cloud Stack, see psm stack Commands.