About Oracle Cloud Stack

Oracle Cloud Stack is a feature of Oracle Cloud that empowers users to automate the provisioning of multiple cloud services as a single unit called a stack.

In order to build and deploy their applications, businesses often require sophisticated environments that consist of multiple, integrated cloud services. Consider a development environment whose needs include a Java application server along with two relational databases. Provisioning these three service instances (1 Java and 2 databases) for every member of your development team is time consuming and error prone, regardless of whether you’re using service consoles or REST APIs to provision the services.

When you use Oracle Cloud Stack to create an environment, it provisions the specified Oracle Cloud resources by using each service’s public REST APIs. It orchestrates the execution of these APIs in a standardized, repeatable way, ensuring that you create consistent environments in your cloud accounts or even in different cloud data centers. You can also define the dependencies between your resources, so that Oracle Cloud Stack creates and destroys the resources in your cloud stacks in a logical sequence.

Oracle Cloud Stack is supported on Oracle Cloud and on Oracle Cloud at Customer.

What is a Cloud Stack

A cloud stack is a collection of related cloud services that you provision together with Oracle Cloud Stack .

It represents a complete environment whose functionality extends beyond a single service in Oracle Cloud. The services or resources that make up a cloud stack are created, deleted, started, and stopped together as a unit, but these services can also be individually accessed, configured and managed by using their service-specific interfaces. A cloud stack is created from a template.

See List of Resource Types for the types of cloud resources that can be included as components of a cloud stack.

What is a Template

A template in Oracle Cloud Stack defines the cloud services that are part of a stack as well as how they are provisioned in Oracle Cloud. They act like blueprints for the creation of cloud environments.

You can rapidly provision similar environments, in the same cloud data center or in different ones, by creating multiple stacks from a single template. After a stack is created from a template, its lifecycle is completely independent from the template’s lifecycle. In other words, modifications you make to the template will not affect existing cloud stacks.

Templates are text files that use the standard YAML syntax. You can either use the template authoring tools in the Oracle Cloud Stack console, or import template files into Oracle Cloud Stack that you authored with some other tool.

A template is comprised of several elements:
  • Resources define the cloud services to create and the dependencies between them.

  • Template parameters allow users of the template to customize the template for a specific cloud stack.

  • Attributes enable you to use the runtime characteristics of one resource as parameters for the creation of another resource.

  • Conditions change a template’s behavior based on different criteria like the values of template parameters.

For more information, see About Template Components.