Publishing a Template

Publish an Oracle Cloud Stack template so that you and other cloud users can create stacks from the template.

Oracle recommends that you validate your template prior to publishing it. See Validating a Template.

You cannot publish a template that has the same name and version as an existing published template. If a published template already exists with the same name and version, you must modify the name and/or version of your template prior to publishing it.

If you publish a template that has the same name as an existing published template, but has a newer version, your template will replace the existing published template. New stacks will be created from the latest version of the template. Any existing stacks that were created from previous versions of this template are not affected.


If you want to create a stack using an older version of a template, you must edit and then publish the template again prior to creating the stack. Alternatively, you can publish these versions as separate templates with different names.
  1. Access the Oracle Cloud Stack console, and then click Templates.
  2. Click Unpublished.
  3. To the right of the template that you want to publish, click Publish this template Cloud icon with arrow.

    You can also publish a template while editing it within the Template Builder. Be sure to save your changes before publishing.

  4. Click Published.
  5. Verify the presence on your template.

    You can also use the Search input field to locate your template.

To create a stack from your published template, see Creating a Cloud Stack.