Oracle® Cloud

What's New for Oracle Cloud Stack

Release 19.3.3


September 2019

What’s New for Oracle Cloud Stack

Oracle Cloud Stack is upgraded in Oracle Cloud data centers as soon as new and changed features become available. You don’t need to request an upgrade. Here’s an overview of new features and enhancements added recently to improve your Oracle Cloud Stack experience.

September 2019

Feature Description
Universal Credit accounts do not use My Services Dashboard

After signing into Oracle Cloud, you use the Oracle Cloud Infrastructure Console to access your Platform Services. Previously you were required to access these services from the My Services Dashboard. See Accessing Oracle Cloud Stack.

July 2018

Feature Description
Parameter JSON file

When you create a stack from the CLI or REST API, you can provide values for template parameters with a JSON file. In addition, when you create a stack from the web console, you can download an equivalent JSON file. See Creating a Cloud Stack.

Create template storage container

When you specify an object storage container for unpublished templates, Oracle Cloud Stack can create the container for you if it doesn’t already exist. See Configuring Template Storage.

Find resource parameters

When you create or edit a resource in the Template Builder, you can filter the list of parameters shown for the current resource. Specifically, you can search for resource parameters by name, or display only required parameters. See Creating Resources.

Edit conditions

You can quickly add more expressions to an existing condition in the Template Builder. See Creating Conditions.

June 2018

Feature Description
Generic validations

Edit a template’s source and define custom constraints that evaluate arbitrary YAML expressions. Validation succeeds only if the expression evaluates to true. See Using Validations.

More database validation options

In addition to checking for connectivity, database validations can optionally check for existing PDBs, schemas, and capacity. See Using Validations.

More functions

Build more sophisticated templates with functions like Contains, GetRandom, and Match. See List of Functions.

Delete a stack but retain its resources

When you delete a stack by using the CLI or REST API, you can choose to delete all or some of its resources. Identify the resources that you want to retain by using tags. See psm stack delete.

May 2018

Feature Description
Tag parameters

Stack templates support a new parameter type that enables users to create new tags and also select existing tags. Tags can be simple keys or key/value pairs. See Using Template Parameters.

Storage validations

Edit a template’s source and define validations that check the connectivity to object storage in Oracle Cloud. Oracle Cloud Stack will not create a stack from a template if any of its validations fail. See Using Validations.

Autonomous Integration, Analytics, and Visual Builder templates

New stack templates are available that provision the following Oracle-managed services:

  • Oracle Autonomous Integration Cloud

  • Oracle Analytics Cloud

  • Oracle Autonomous Visual Builder Cloud

These Oracle-defined templates are available to all Oracle Cloud Stack users. See About Oracle Stack Templates.

April 2018

Feature Description
Custom actions

Edit a template’s source and specify custom Linux commands and scripts that are run after the creation of a resource. Use this capability to modify the operating system, create a database schema, deploy an application, and so on. See Using Custom Actions.

Template Builder maps

Use the Template Builder in the Oracle Cloud Stack console to create and edit maps and submaps within a template. See Creating Maps.

March 2018

Feature Description
Hidden parameters

Configure template parameters so that they are not visible in the web console. These parameters can still be used to create stacks from the CLI and REST API. See Using Template Parameters.

February 2018

Feature Description
Stack tags

Assign tags to cloud stacks, and then quickly search for stacks by using the same tags. See Creating a Cloud Stack and Using Tags with Cloud Stacks.

Database validations

Edit a template’s source and define validations that check the connectivity to one or more databases in Oracle Cloud. Oracle Cloud Stack will not create a stack from a template if any of its validations fail. See Using Validations.


Edit a template’s source and define data structures to organize collections of static values. Use functions to retrieve map values, and then incorporate these values in the configuration of stack resources. See Using Maps.

January 2018

Feature Description
Template Builder

Use the Oracle Cloud Stack console to graphically create, copy, and edit templates. You can also edit the YAML source for a template from the console. Refer to these topics:

If you prefer, you can continue to export and edit template files on your local computer, and then import them into Oracle Cloud Stack.

Unpublished templates

Create drafts of your templates in Oracle Cloud Stack, and then publish them when you are ready to test. Unpublished templates are saved to a specified location in cloud object storage. See Configuring Template Storage and Publishing a Template.

Integration and Visual Builder templates

New stack templates are available that provision the following services:

  • Oracle Integration

  • Oracle Visual Builder

These Oracle-defined templates are available to all Oracle Cloud Stack users. See About Oracle Stack Templates.

December 2017

Feature Description
Import from a URL

In addition to uploading a template from your local computer, you can import a template from a remote URL. See Importing a Template.

Mobile and SOA templates

New stack templates are available that provision the following services:

  • Oracle Mobile Cloud, Enterprise

  • Oracle SOA Cloud Service

  • Oracle Managed File Transfer Cloud Service

These Oracle-defined templates are available to all Oracle Cloud Stack users. See About Oracle Stack Templates.

September 2017

Feature Description
Region parameter type Stack templates support a new parameter type so that users can select from a list of Oracle Cloud regions when creating a stack. See Using Template Parameters.
Support for stack lifecycle operations with parameters

Some Oracle Cloud resource types support input parameters when you perform lifecycle operations on them, such as starting, stopping or deleting. For example, when deleting an Oracle Java Cloud Service instance, you can provide the user name and password of its associated database.

When performing a lifecycle operation on a stack, the Oracle Cloud Stack console will prompt you for input parameters if one or more of the stack’s resources support lifecycle parameters. The console will indicate which lifecycle parameters are required and which are optional.

Documentation Accessibility

For information about Oracle's commitment to accessibility, visit the Oracle Accessibility Program website at

Access to Oracle Support

Oracle customers that have purchased support have access to electronic support through My Oracle Support. For information, visit or visit if you are hearing impaired.

Oracle Cloud What's New for Oracle Cloud Stack, Release 19.3.3


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