Oracle by Example brandingGetting Started with Oracle Cloud Stack

section 0Before You Begin

This 15-minute tutorial shows you how to create an Oracle Cloud Stack by using a standard template for Oracle Java Cloud Service and Oracle Database Cloud Service.


To build and deploy their applications, businesses often require sophisticated environments that consist of multiple, integrated cloud services. Consider a development environment whose needs include a Java application server along with a relational database. Provisioning each of these services for every member of your development team is time-consuming and error-prone. Using templates in Oracle Cloud Stack, you can quickly provision a group of cloud resources called a stack.

What Do You Need?

  • Valid credentials for an Oracle Cloud account
  • An active subscription to Oracle Java Cloud Service

section 1Access the Stack Console

  1. Sign in to Oracle Cloud.
  2. From the Oracle Cloud Infrastructure Console, click the Navigation menu Dashboard Menu Icon at the top left corner of the page, expand Platform Services, and then select Java.

    Note: On some older Oracle Cloud accounts, you use the Oracle Cloud Infrastructure Classic Console. Click the Navigation menu Dashboard Menu Icon, and then select Java.

    Tip: You can access Cloud Stack from any Oracle Platform service.

  3. From the Oracle Java Cloud Service console, click the Navigation menu Dashboard Menu Icon at the top left corner of the page, and then select Cloud Stack.
  4. If the Welcome page displays, click Go to Console.
    Welcome page
    Description of the illustration welcome.png

section 2Create a Stack

  1. From the Oracle Cloud Stack console, click Create Stack.
    Create Stack dialog
    Description of the illustration create_stack.png
  2. For Name, enter a name for your stack. For example, MyJavaStack.
  3. For Template, select Oracle-JCS-DBCS-Template.
  4. Configure these stack parameters:
    • Notification Email: Your_email_address
    • Password (to access JCS and DBCS): Your_password
    • Confirm Password (to access JCS and DBCS): Your_password
    • Usable Database Storage: 15

    Tip: This password is used to administer Oracle Database and Oracle WebLogic Server.

  5. To the right of SSH Public Key, click Edit.
  6. Select the option Create a New Key, and then click Enter.
  7. Click Download, and then click Done.

    Tip: You can use the downloaded private key to connect to any node in this stack.

  8. Click Next.
  9. Click Confirm.

    Your new stack is added to the Stacks page. An hourglass icon indicates that the stack is in the process of being created.

section 3Monitor Stack Creation

  1. Click Refresh Refresh icon.
  2. Locate the Status field for the stack. Click the Creating Stack link. A box appears below the Status field showing the log messages for the stack creation job.
    messages during stack creation
    Description of the illustration stack_creation_initiated.png
  3. Continue to refresh the page periodically until the job has completed and the Status field is no longer displayed.

    Tip: You will also receive an email message when the job has completed.

  4. Click the name of the stack.
  5. From the Stack Details page, click the name of the Oracle Java Cloud Service resource in this stack. For example, MyJavaStackJCS.

    The Overview page of the Oracle Java Cloud Service console is displayed.

  6. From the top of the page, click the navigation link with the name of your stack. For example, MyJavaStack.
    breadcrumbs on instance overview page
    Description of the illustration jcs_instance_overview_breadcrumb.png

    The Stack Details page is displayed again.

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