Migrate Files from a Documents Folder to an Asset Repository

You migrate files from a single Documents folder to a single asset type in a single repository. All files in the Documents folder and its subfolders will be migrated.

The following procedure assumes you've already mapped your source data structure and security to Oracle Content Management asset features and created the asset structure in Oracle Content Management.

To migrate files from a Documents folder to an asset repository, submit a service request:

  1. Sign in to Oracle Cloud Support.
  2. Create a new service request.
  3. For the Product, select Oracle Content Management.
  4. For the Problem Type, select Service Instance Migration.
  5. Submit your service request. Then make sure to keep up with any service request updates so you can provide additional information when necessary.
  6. Oracle Support will work with you to gather additional required details about your migration, including your source and target information, field mappings, and taxonomy definitions.
  7. After the details are gathered, Oracle Support will coordinate with the migration team to finalize a migration date that works for you and Oracle. The service request will be updated with the date and time your migration will start.
  8. After you confirm in the service request that you approve the migration start date and time, Oracle Support and the migration team will execute your migration request.

    Updates will be made to the service request to show how the migration is progressing. The data migration will be done at the back end; no action is required at your end other than to keep up with any service request updates, and to validate the migration after it's done.

Your files are managed in the following way during migration:

  • The migration process leaves the original files in the source Documents folders.
  • For each new asset created during migration, a secondary reference to the original file is made. The files are not copied.
  • You're responsible for validating that the migration was successful. Once satisfied, you delete the files and folders from Documents.
  • After you delete the files from Documents, the references from Documents are removed.