Interface RestApiInterfaceV1

public interface RestApiInterfaceV1
The interface used for defining the retrofit endpoints for all SDK REST API calls. - V1.1
  • Field Details

  • Method Details

    • getContentItem

      @GET("content/published/api/v1.1/items/{ID}") retrofit2.Call<> getContentItem(@Path("ID") String ID, @Query("links") String links, @Query("expand") String expand, @Header("Cache-Control") String cacheControl)
      REST call to get content item from delivery SDK.
      ID - Id of the content item.
      links - links value (comma-delimited list)
      expand - String value of expand parameter (e.g. "expand=all")
      cacheControl - Override cache-control heading
      retrofit call object
    • getContentItemBySlug

      @GET("content/published/api/v1.1/items/.by.slug/{slugId}") retrofit2.Call<> getContentItemBySlug(@Path("slugId") String slugId, @Query("links") String links, @Query("expand") String expand, @Header("Cache-Control") String cacheControl)
      REST call to get content item from delivery SDK using a "slug".
      slugId - slug id of the content item.
      links - links value (comma-delimited list)
      expand - String value of expand parameter (e.g. "expand=all")
      cacheControl - Override cache-control heading
      retrofit call object
    • getItemLanguageVariations

      @GET("content/published/api/v1.1/items/{ID}/variations/language") retrofit2.Call<> getItemLanguageVariations(@Path("ID") String ID, @Query("links") String links)
      REST call to get item language variations from delivery SDK.
      ID - Id of the content item.
      links - links value (comma-delimited list)
      retrofit call object
    • getItemLanguageVariationsBySlug

      @GET("content/published/api/v1.1/items/.by.slug/{slugId}/variations/language") retrofit2.Call<> getItemLanguageVariationsBySlug(@Path("slugId") String slugId, @Query("links") String links)
      REST call to get item language variations from delivery SDK.
      slugId - slug id of the content item.
      links - links value (comma-delimited list)
      retrofit call object
    • searchBySCIMQuery

      @GET("content/published/api/v1.1/items") retrofit2.Call<> searchBySCIMQuery(@Query("q") String query, @Query("fields") String fields, @Query("links") String links, @Query("default") String defaultQuery, @Query("limit") Integer limit, @Query("offset") Integer offset, @Query("orderBy") String orderBy, @Query("totalResults") Boolean totalResults, @Header("Cache-Control") String cacheControl)
      REST call to search for content item based on a SCIM query string.
      query - query string (e.g. "type cq 'mytype'")
      fields - specific fields to retrieve
      links - links value (comma-delimited list)
      defaultQuery - default query string
      limit - maximum number of items to request
      offset - offset to start getting items from
      orderBy - field to order results by
      totalResults - true to get the total count of items
      cacheControl - Override cache-control heading
      retrofit call object
    • getTaxonomies

      @GET("/content/published/api/v1.1/taxonomies") retrofit2.Call<> getTaxonomies(@Query("expand") String expand, @Query("links") String links, @Query("limit") Integer limit, @Query("offset") Integer offset, @Query("totalResults") Boolean totalResults)
    • getTaxonomyCategories

      @GET("/content/published/api/v1.1/taxonomies/{ID}/categories") retrofit2.Call<> getTaxonomyCategories(@Path("ID") String ID, @Query("expand") String expand, @Query("links") String links, @Query("limit") Integer limit, @Query("offset") Integer offset, @Query("totalResults") Boolean totalResults)
    • getApiInfo

      @GET("content/published/api/v1.1") retrofit2.Call<> getApiInfo()
      REST call to get API info.
      retrofit call object
    • getPublishChannels

      @Headers("X-Requested-With: XMLHttpRequest") @GET("/content/management/api/v1.1/channels") retrofit2.Call<> getPublishChannels(@Query("fields") String fields, @Query("links") String links, @Query("limit") Integer limit, @Query("offset") Integer offset, @Query("totalResults") Boolean totalResults)