Oracle Content Toolkit Command-Line Utility


The Oracle Content Toolkit comes with a cross-platform cec command-line utility, which allows you to execute commands for many aspects of Oracle Content Management.

To set up the Oracle Content Toolkit on your local machine, you’ll need to make sure you have Node.js and Node packet manager (npm) installed. Then, follow the setup instructions to set your path, download and unpack the Content Toolkit from GitHub, install dependencies, and create a local source folder outside of the Content Toolkit hierarchy to store your work. For more information, review the file on GitHub.

For full details on developing with the Oracle Content Toolkit, see the Building Sites with Oracle Content Management guide.

Before using the cec command-line utility, you must create a local source folder in a different location from where you installed the Oracle Content Management Toolkit. This source folder is where all of your local work will be stored, and where you’ll run cec commands. The source folder can be named anything you want, but for most examples in this guide, the source folder is named cec. For example:

mkdir cec
cd cec
cec install

The cec command-line utility has integrated help, which provides information on all available commands, with examples. To view the integrated help, type a cec command on the command line in your source directory:

To see the current version of the cec command-line utility, type cec -v or cec --version.

What’s New

23.12.1 — January 2024

23.11.1 — November 2023

23.10.1 — October 2023

23.9.2 — September 2023

23.7.2 — July 2023

23.7.1 — July 2023

23.6.2 — June 2023

23.6.1 — June 2023

23.5.2 — May 2023

23.5.1 — May 2023

23.4.2 — April 2023

23.4.1 — April 2023

23.3.3 — March 2023

23.3.2 — March 2023

23.3.1 — March 2023

23.2.2 — February 2023

23.2.1 — February 2023

23.1.2 — January 2023

22.12.2 — December 2022

22.12.1 — December 2022

22.11.2 — November 2022

22.11.1 — November 2022

22.10.1 — October 2022

22.9.3 — September 2022

22.9.2 — September 2022

22.9.1 — September 2022

22.8.2 — August 2022

22.8.1 — August 2022

Toolkit PowerShell

Toolkit PowerShell in Oracle Content Management (OCM) allows power users to run CLI-like commands for listing or querying information about OCM objects in the web interface. The commands available in the web interface are a subset of the CLI utilities that are available in the OCM Content Toolkit.

Access to this feature requires users to have the OCM Developer role (so regular contributors will not be able to access the Toolkit PowerShell user interface).

To access the Toolkit PowerShell:

  1. Click Developer.
  2. Click Open Toolkit PowerShell.

On the Toolkit PowerShell page, you have a link in the upper right corner of the page to the Oracle Content Toolkit GitHub page, where you can download and install the toolkit CLI.

A drop-down menu lists the available commands. You can select a command from the drop-down menu, optionally specify additional arguments, and then click Run to execute the command. After you run a command, the output is displayed on the page. When you run more than one command, the output for each of the commands is displayed in new tabs.

For example, selecting the list command and running it will display all the resources in the system. Running the describe-asset command with the --help argument will display the help information describing this command.

This image shows the Toolkit PowerShell page.

Commands by Category

Below are the available commands grouped by functional category:


The following commands are available for documents in Oracle Content Management. See Command Details below for more information on each command, including options and examples.

Command Description Alias
cec create-folder <name> Creates a folder or folder hierarchy on OCM server. cfd
cec copy-folder <name> Copies folder on OCM server. cpfd
cec share-folder <name> Shares folder with users and groups on OCM server. sfd
cec unshare-folder <name> Deletes user or group access to a shared folder on OCM server. usfd
cec list-folder <path> Displays folder hierarchy on OCM server. lfd
cec download-folder <path> Downloads folder from OCM server. dlfd
cec upload-folder <path> Uploads folder to OCM server. ulfd
cec delete-folder <path> Deletes folder on OCM server.
cec copy-file <file> Copies file on OCM server. cpf
cec download-file <file> Downloads file <file> from OCM server. dlf
cec upload-file <file> Uploads file <file> to OCM server. ulf
cec delete-file <file> Deletes file on OCM server.
cec describe-file <file> Lists the properties of a file on OCM server. dsf
cec list-trash Displays content in Trash on OCM server. ltr
cec delete-trash <name> Deletes a resource from Trash permanently on OCM server.
cec restore-trash <name> Restores a resource in Trash on OCM server. rtr
cec empty-trash <type> Deletes content in Trash on OCM server.


The following commands are available for components in Oracle Content Management. See Command Details below for more information on each command, including options and examples.

Command Description Alias
cec create-component <name> Creates the component <name>. cc
cec copy-component <source> [<destination>] Copies an existing local or server component. cpc
cec import-component <zip> Imports a component from <zip>. ic
cec export-component <name> Exports the component <name> as a zip file. ec
cec download-component <names> Downloads the components <names> from the OCM server. dlcp
cec upload-component <names> Uploads the components <names> to the OCM server. ulcp
cec control-component <action> Performs action <action> on components on OCM server. ctcp
cec share-component <name> Shares component with users and groups on OCM server. sc
cec unshare-component <name> Deletes user or group access to a component on OCM server. usc
cec describe-component <name> Lists the properties of a component on OCM server. dscp


The following commands are available for templates in Oracle Content Management. See Command Details below for more information on each command, including options and examples.

Command Description Alias
cec create-template <name> Creates the template <name>. ct
cec create-template-from-site <name> Creates the template <name> from site <site> on the OCM server. ctfs
cec download-template <name> Downloads the template <name> from the OCM server. dlt
cec compile-template <source> Compiles the site within the template. cmpt
cec copy-template <source> [<destination>] Copies an existing local or server template. cpt
cec import-template <zip> Imports a template from <zip>. it
cec export-template <name> Exports the template <name> as a zip file. et
cec upload-template <name> Uploads the template <name> to the OCM server. ult
cec delete-template <name> Deletes the template <name> on the OCM server.
cec share-template <name> Shares template with users and groups on OCM server. stm
cec unshare-template <name> Deletes user or group access to a template on OCM server. ustm
cec update-template <action> Performs action on a local or server template. ut
cec describe-template <name> Lists the properties of a local or server template. dst
cec create-template-report <name> Generates an asset usage report for the template <name> package. cttr


The following commands are available for themes in Oracle Content Management. See Command Details below for more information on each command, including options and examples.

Command Description Alias
cec add-component-to-theme <component> Adds a component to a theme. actt
cec remove-component-from-theme <component> Removes a component from a theme. rcft
cec copy-theme <source> [<destination>] Copies a theme on OCM server. cpth
cec control-theme <action> Performs action <action> on theme on OCM server. ctt
cec share-theme <name> Shares theme with users and groups on OCM server. sth
cec unshare-theme <name> Deletes user or group access to a theme on OCM server. usth
cec describe-theme <name> Lists the properties of a theme on OCM server dsth


The following commands are available for sites in Oracle Content Management. See Command Details below for more information on each command, including options and examples.

Command Description Alias
cec create-site <name> Creates Enterprise Site <name>. cs
cec create-site-page <name> Creates a new site page. csp
cec copy-site <name> Copies Enterprise Site <name>. cps
cec update-site <name> Update Enterprise Site <name>. us
cec transfer-site <name> Transfers a site from one OCM server to another. ts
cec transfer-site-content <name> Creates scripts to transfer site content from one OCM server to another. tsc
cec transfer-site-page <name> Transfers site pages from one OCM server to another. tsp
cec validate-site <name> Validates site <name>. vs
cec control-site <action> Performs action <action> on site on OCM server. cts
cec share-site <name> Shares site with users and groups on OCM server. ss
cec unshare-site <name> Deletes user or group access to a site on OCM server. uss
cec delete-site <name> Deletes site on the OCM server.
cec describe-site <name> Lists the properties of a site. dss
cec describe-site-page <name> Lists the properties of a site page. dssp
cec get-site-security <name> Gets site security on OCM server. gss
cec set-site-security <name> Sets site security on OCM server. sss
cec index-site <site> Index the page content of site <site> on OCM server. is
cec create-site-map <site> Creates a site map for site <site> on OCM server. csm
cec create-rss-feed <site> Creates RSS feed for site <site> on OCM server. crf
cec create-asset-report <site> Generates an asset usage report for site <site> on OCM server. car
cec upload-static-site-files <path> Uploads files to render statically from a site on OCM server. ulss
cec download-static-site-files <site> Downloads the static files from a site on OCM server. dlss
cec delete-static-site-files <site> Deletes the static files from a site on OCM server.
cec refresh-prerender-cache <site> Refreshes pre-render cache for a site on OCM server. rpc
cec migrate-site <site> Migrates a site from OCI IC server to EC server. ms

Export and Import

The following commands are available for export and import in Oracle Content Management. See Command Details below for more information on each command, including options and examples.

Command Description Alias
cec export-site <name> Exports a site. es
cec import-site <name> Imports a site. ips
cec replicate-site Replicates a site. rps
cec export-repository Exports a repository. er
cec import-repository Imports a repository. ir
cec replicate-repository Replicates a repository. rpr
cec unblock-import-job <id> Unblocks an import job. uij
cec retry-import-job <id> Retry an import job. rij
cec cancel-export-job <id> Cancels an export job. cej
cec cancel-import-job <id> Cancels an import job. cij
cec delete-export-job <id> Deletes an export job.
cec delete-import-job <id> Deletes an import job.
cec list-export-jobs Lists export jobs. lej
cec describe-export-job <id> Lists the properties of an export job. dsej
cec list-import-jobs Lists import jobs. lij
cec describe-import-job <id> Lists the properties of an import job. dsij


The following commands are available for assets in Oracle Content Management. See Command Details below for more information on each command, including options and examples.

Command Description Alias
cec download-content Downloads content from OCM server. dlc
cec upload-content <name> Uploads local content to a repository on OCM server. ulc
cec control-content <action> Performs action <action> on channel items on OCM server. ctct
cec transfer-content <repository> Creates scripts to transfer content from one OCM server to another. tc
cec delete-assets Deletes assets on OCM server.
cec validate-assets <channel> Validates assets on OCM server. va
cec list-assets Lists assets on OCM server. la
cec list-asset-ids <repository> List Ids of assets on OCM server. lai
cec describe-asset <id> Lists the properties of an asset OCM server. dsa
cec create-digital-asset Creates digital asset cda
cec update-digital-asset <id> Updates digital asset uda
cec copy-assets <repository> Copies assets to another repository on OCM server. ca
cec create-asset-usage-report <assets> Generates an asset usage report for assets on OCM server. caur
cec migrate-content <name> Migrates content from OCI IC server to EC server. mc
cec compile-content Compiles the content items generating HTML renditions. cmpc
cec upload-compiled-content <path> Uploads the compiled content to OCM server. ulcc
cec describe-local-content <name> Lists local content resources. dslc


The following commands are available for content items in Oracle Content Management. See Command Details below for more information on each command, including options and examples.

Command Description Alias
cec create-repository <name> Creates a repository on OCM server. cr
cec control-repository <action> Performs action <action> on repositories on OCM server. ctr
cec share-repository <name> Shares repository with users and groups on OCM server. sr
cec unshare-repository <name> Deletes user or group access to a repository on OCM server. usr
cec describe-repository <name> Lists the properties of a repository on OCM server. dsr
cec create-collection <name> Creates a collection on OCM server. ccol
cec describe-collection <name> Lists the properties of a collection on OCM server. dscl
cec control-collection <action> Performs action on collections on OCM server. ctcl
cec create-channel <name> Creates a channel on OCM server. cch
cec share-channel <name> Shares channel with users and groups on OCM server. sch
cec unshare-channel <name> Deletes user or group access to a channel on OCM server. usch
cec describe-channel <name> Lists the properties of a channel on OCM server. dsch
cec create-localization-policy <name> Creates a localization policy on OCM server. clp
cec describe-localization-policy <name> Lists the properties of a localization policy on OCM server. dslp
cec download-localization-policy <name> Downloads localization policies from OCM server. dllp
cec upload-localization-policy <name> Uploads localization policies to OCM server. ullp
cec list-server-content-types Lists all content types from server. lsct
cec share-type <name> Shares type with users and groups on OCM server. st
cec unshare-type <name> Deletes user or group access to a type on OCM server. ust
cec download-type <name> Downloads types from OCM server. dltp
cec upload-type <name> Uploads types to OCM server. ultp
cec copy-type <source> [<destination>] Copies a type on OCM server. cptp
cec update-type <action> Performs action <action> on a type utp
cec describe-type <name> Lists the properties of an asset type. dstp
cec describe-workflow <name> Lists the properties of a content workflow on OCM server. dswf
cec create-contentlayout <name> Creates a content layout based on a content type. ccl
cec add-contentlayout-mapping <contentlayout> Creates content type and content layout mapping. aclm
cec remove-contentlayout-mapping <contentlayout> Removes a content layout mapping. rclm
cec add-field-editor <name> Adds a field editor to a field in a content type. afe
cec remove-field-editor <name> Removes a field editor from a field in a content type. rfe


The following commands are available for recommendations in Oracle Content Management. See Command Details below for more information on each command, including options and examples.

Command Description Alias
cec download-recommendation <name> Downloads a recommendation from the OCM server. dlr
cec upload-recommendation <name> Uploads a recommendation to the OCM server. ulr
cec control-recommendation <action> Performs action on recommendations on OCM server. ctre


The following commands are available for taxonomies in Oracle Content Management. See Command Details below for more information on each command, including options and examples.

Command Description Alias
cec download-taxonomy <name> Downloads a taxonomy from OCM server. dltx
cec transfer-category-property <name> Transfers category properties from one OCM server to another. tcp
cec upload-taxonomy <taxonomy> Uploads a taxonomy to OCM server. ultx
cec control-taxonomy <action> Performs action on taxonomy on OCM server. cttx
cec update-taxonomy <name> Update taxonomy on OCM server. utx
cec describe-taxonomy <name> Lists the properties of a taxonomy on OCM server. dstx
cec describe-category <apiname> Lists the properties of a taxonomy’s category on OCM server. dsct
cec share-taxonomy <name> Shares taxonomy with users and groups on OCM server. stx
cec unshare-taxonomy <name> Deletes user or group access to a taxonomy on OCM server. ustx


The following commands are available for permissions in Oracle Content Management. See Command Details below for more information on each command, including options and examples.

Command Description Alias
cec list-editorial-permission <name> Lists repository members Editorial Permissions on assets. lep
cec set-editorial-permission <name> Grants repository members Editorial Permissions on assets. sep
cec list-editorial-roles Lists Editorial Roles on OCM server. ler
cec create-editorial-role <name> Creates an editorial role on OCM server. cer
cec set-editorial-role <name> Sets Editorial Permissions for editorial role. ser
cec delete-editorial-role <name> Deletes an editorial role on OCM server.
cec transfer-editorial-role <name> Transfers editorial roles from one OCM server to another. ter


The following commands are available for translations in Oracle Content Management. See Command Details below for more information on each command, including options and examples.

Command Description Alias
cec list-translation-jobs Lists translation jobs. ltj
cec describe-translation-job <name> Lists the properties of a translation job on OCM server. dstj
cec create-translation-job <name> Creates a translation job <name> for a site or assets on OCM server. ctj
cec download-translation-job <name> Downloads translation job <name> from OCM server. dtj
cec submit-translation-job <name> Submits translation job <name> to translation connection <connection>. stj
cec refresh-translation-job <name> Refreshes translation job <name> from translation connection. rtj
cec ingest-translation-job <name> Gets translated job <name> from translation connection and ingest. itj
cec upload-translation-job <name> Uploads translation job <name> to OCM server. utj
cec create-translation-connector <name> Creates translation connector <name>. ctc
cec start-translation-connector <name> Starts translation connector <name>. stc
cec register-translation-connector <name> Registers a translation connector. rtc


The following commands are available for jobs in Oracle Content Management. See Command Details below for more information on each command, including options and examples.

Command Description Alias
cec describe-background-job <id> Lists the properties of a background job. dsbj
cec list-scheduled-jobs Lists scheduled publish jobs. lsj
cec describe-scheduled-job <id> Lists the properties of a scheduled publish job. dssj
cec list-publishing-jobs Lists publishing jobs. lpj
cec download-job-log <id> Downloads publishing job log. dljl

Users and Groups

The following commands are available for groups in Oracle Content Management. See Command Details below for more information on each command, including options and examples.

Command Description Alias
cec create-group <name> Creates an OCM group on OCM server. cg
cec delete-group <name> Deletes an OCM group on OCM server.
cec add-member-to-group <name> Adds users and groups to an OCM group on OCM server. amtg
cec remove-member-from-group <name> Removes users and groups from an OCM group on OCM server. rmfg
cec list-groups <name> Lists groups on OCM server. lg
cec list-users <name> Lists users on OCM server. lu


The following commands are available for the Oracle Content Management environment. See Command Details below for more information on each command, including options and examples.

Command Description Alias
cec set-logger-level <level> Set the logger level sll
cec create-encryption-key <file> Create an encryption key to encrypt/decrypt password for servers. cek
cec register-server <name> Registers an OCM server. rs
cec config-properties <name> <value> Config properties for OCM server. cp
cec set-oauth-token <token> Sets OAuth token for server. sot
cec refresh-oauth-token Gets a refresh OAuth token from server. rot
cec list Lists local or server resources. l
cec list-activities Lists activities on OCM server. lac
cec execute-get <endpoint> Makes an HTTP GET request to a REST API endpoint on OCM server exeg
cec execute-post <endpoint> Makes an HTTP POST request to a REST API endpoint on OCM server exeo
cec execute-put <endpoint> Makes an HTTP PUT request to a REST API endpoint on OCM server exeu
cec execute-patch <endpoint> Makes an HTTP PATCH request to a REST API endpoint on OCM server exea
cec execute-delete <endpoint> Makes an HTTP DELETE request to a REST API endpoint on OCM server exed
cec install Creates source tree. i
cec develop Starts a test server. d
cec sync-server Starts a sync server. scs
cec webhook-server Starts a webhook server. whs

Command Details

Below are further details on all available commands, including options and examples. The commands are listed by the category groups as listed above.

cec create-folder

Usage: cec create-folder <name> | cec cfd <name>

Create a folder or folder hierarchy on OCM server. Specify the server with -s <server> or use the one specified in file.


Option Description
--help, -h Show Help
--server, -s <server> The registered OCM server


Example Description
cec create-folder Projects Creates folder Projects under the Home folder
cec create-folder Projects/Blogs Creates folder Projects under the Home folder and folder Blogs under Projects
cec create-folder Projects -s SampleServer1 Creates folder Projects under the Home folder on the registered server SampleServer1

cec copy-folder

Usage: cec copy-folder <name> | cec cpfd <name>

Copies folder on OCM server. If no target folder is specified, the folder will be copied to the same folder. Specify the server with -s <server> or use the one specified in file.


Option Description
--help, -h Show Help
--folder, -f The target folder to copy the folder to
--server, -s <server> The registered OCM server


Example Description
cec copy-folder Projects/Blogs Copy the folder in the same parent folder
cec copy-folder Projects/Blogs -f / Copy the folder to the Home folder
cec copy-folder Projects/Blogs -f Projects2 -s SampleServer1 Copy the folder to another folder
cec copy-folder site:blog1/pages -f site:blog2 Copy the site folder to another site
cec copy-folder theme:blog1Theme/assets/img -f theme:blog1Theme/assets/css Copy the theme folder to another folder of the same theme
cec copy-folder component:Comp1/assets Copy the component folder in the same component folder

cec share-folder

Usage: cec share-folder <name> | cec sfd <name>

Shares folder with users and groups on OCM server and assign a role. Specify the server with -s <server> or use the one specified in file. The valid roles are:


Option Description
--help, -h Show Help
--users, -u The comma separated list of user names
--groups, -g The comma separated list of group names
--role, -r The role [manager
--server, -s <server> The registered OCM server


Example Description
cec share-folder Projects/Blogs -u user1,user2 -r manager Share folder Projects/Blogs with user user1 and user2 and assign Manager role to them
cec share-folder Projects/Blogs -u user1,user2 -g group1 -r manager Share folder Projects/Blogs with user user1, user2 and group group1 and assign Manager role to them
cec share-folder Projects/Blogs -g group1,group2 -r manager Share folder Projects/Blogs with group group1 and group2 and assign Manager role to them
cec share-folder Projects/Blogs -u user1,user2 -r manager -s SampleServer1 Share folder Projects/Blogs with user user1 and user2 and assign Manager role to them on the registered server SampleServer1

cec unshare-folder

Usage: cec unshare-folder <name> | cec usfd <name>

Deletes user or group access to a shared folder on OCM server. Specify the server with -s <server> or use the one specified in file.


Option Description
--help, -h Show Help
--users, -u The comma separated list of user names
--groups, -g The comma separated list of group names
--server, -s <server> The registered OCM server


Example Description
cec unshare-folder Projects/Blogs -u user1,user2
cec unshare-folder Projects/Blogs -g group1,group2
cec unshare-folder Projects/Blogs -u user1,user2 -g group1,group2
cec unshare-folder Projects/Blogs -u user1,user2 -s SampleServer1

cec list-folder

Usage: cec list-folder <path> | cec lfd <path>

Displays folder and all its content on OCM server. Optionally, specify -n to filter the results to only those folders and files whose name matches the specified string. Specify the server with -s <server> or use the one specified in file.


Option Description
--help, -h Show Help
--namefilter, -n The specified string to filter the results
--server, -s The registered OCM server


Example Description
cec list-folder Releases/1
cec list-folder Releases/1 -s SampleServer1
cec list-folder site:blog1
cec list-folder site:blog1 -n “en-CA”
cec list-folder theme:blog1Theme
cec list-folder component:Comp1/assets

cec download-folder

Usage: cec download-folder <path> | cec dlfd <path>

Downloads folder and all its content from OCM server. Specify the server with -s <server> or use the one specified in file. Optionally, specify -f <folder> to save the folder on the local system.


Option Description
--help, -h Show Help
--folder, -f <folder> Local folder to save the folder on OCM server
--number, -n The number of files in each batch, defaults to 50
--server, -s <server> The registered OCM server


Example Description
cec download-folder Releases/1 Downloads folder Releases/1 from OCM server and save to local folder src/documents/
cec download-folder / Downloads all documents from OCM server and save to local folder src/documents/
cec download-folder Releases/1 -s SampleServer1 Downloads folder Releases/1 from the registered server SampleServer1 and save to local folder src/documents/
cec download-folder Releases/1 -f ~/Downloads Downloads folder Releases/1 from OCM server and save to local folder ~/Download/
cec download-folder Releases/1 -f . Downloads folder Releases/1 from OCM server and save to the current local folder
cec download-folder site:blog1 -f ~/Downloads/blog1Files Downloads all files of site blog1 and save to local folder ~/Download/blog1Files
cec download-folder theme:blog1Theme Downloads all files of theme blog1Theme and save to local folder src/documents/blog1Theme/
cec download-folder component:Comp1/assets Downloads all files in folder assets of component Comp1 and save to local folder src/documents/Comp1/assets/
cec download-folder LargeFileFolder -n 5 Download folder LargeFileFolder from OCM server with 5 files in each batch

cec upload-folder

Usage: cec upload-folder <path> | cec ulfd <path>

Uploads folder and all its content to OCM server. Specify the server with -s <server> or use the one specified in file. Optionally, specify -f <folder> to set the parent folder on OCM server.


Option Description
--help, -h Show Help
--folder, -f <folder> The parent folder on OCM server
--server, -s <server> The registered OCM server


Example Description
cec upload-folder ~/Downloads/docs Uploads all content from ~/Downloads/docs to folder docs on the server
cec upload-folder ~/Downloads/docs/ Uploads all content from ~/Downloads/docs to the Home folder on the server
cec upload-folder ~/Downloads/docs -f Mydoc Uploads all content from ~/Downloads/docs to folder Mydoc/docs on the server
cec upload-folder ~/Downloads/docs/ -f Mydoc Uploads all content from ~/Downloads/docs to folder Mydoc on the server
cec upload-folder ~/Downloads/docs -s SampleServer1 Uploads all content from ~/Downloads/docs to folder docs on the registered server SampleServer1
cec upload-folder ~/Downloads/docs/ -f site:blog1/settings/misc Uploads all content from ~/Downloads/docs to folder settings/misc of site blog1
cec upload-folder ~/Downloads/docs -f theme:blog1Theme Uploads all content from ~/Downloads/docs to folder docs of theme blog1Theme
cec upload-folder ~/Downloads/docs -f component:Comp1 Uploads all content from ~/Downloads/docs to folder docs of component Comp1

cec delete-folder

Usage: cec delete-folder <path>

Deletes folder and all its content on OCM server. Specify the server with -s <server> or use the one specified in file. Optionally, specify -p to permanently delete the folder.


Option Description
--help, -h Show Help
--server, -s <server> The registered OCM server
--permanent, -p Delete the folder permanently


Example Description
cec delete-folder Import/docs
cec delete-folder Import/docs -s SampleServer1
cec delete-folder Import/docs -p
cec delete-folder site:blog1/docs
cec delete-folder theme:blog1Theme/docs
cec delete-folder component:Comp1/docs

cec copy-file

Usage: cec copy-file <file> | cec cpf <file>

Copies file on OCM server. If no target folder is specified, the file will be copied to the same folder. Specify the server with -s <server> or use the one specified in file.


Option Description
--help, -h Show Help
--folder, -f The target folder to copy the file to
--server, -s <server> The registered OCM server


Example Description
cec copy-file Releases/Projects.pdf Copy the file the in the same folder
cec copy-file Releases/Projects.pdf -f / Copy the file to the Home folder
cec copy-file Releases/Projects.pdf -f NewRelease/v1 -s SampleServer1 Copy the folder to another folder
cec copy-file site:blog1/siteinfo.json -f Misc Copy the site file to Home folder Misc
cec copy-file theme:blog1Theme/designs/default/design.css -f theme:blog1Theme/designs/styles Copy the theme file to another folder of the same theme
cec copy-file component:Comp1/assets/render.js Copy the component file in the same component folder

cec download-file

Usage: cec download-file <file> | cec dlf <file>

Downloads file <file> from OCM server. Specify the server with -s <server> or use the one specified in file. Optionally, specify -v <fileversion> to download the particular version. Optionally, specify -f <folder> to save the file on the local system.


Option Description
--help, -h Show Help
--fileversion, -v The particular version to download
--folder, -f Local folder to save the file
--server, -s The registered OCM server


Example Description
cec download-file Releases/Projects.pdf Downloads the file from OCM server and save to local folder src/documents/
cec download-file Releases/Projects.pdf -v 4 Downloads the version 4 of the file from OCM server and save to local folder src/documents/
cec download-file Releases/Projects.pdf -s SampleServer1 Downloads the file from the registered server SampleServer1 and save to local folder src/documents/
cec download-file Releases/Projects.pdf -f ~/Downloads Downloads the file from OCM server and save to local folder ~/Download/
cec download-file Releases/Projects.pdf -f . Downloads the file from OCM server and save to the current local folder
cec download-file site:blog1/siteinfo.json Downloads the file from folder blog1 and save to local folder src/documents/blog1
cec download-file theme:blog1Theme/designs/default/design.css Downloads the css file from folder designs/default of theme blog1Theme and save to local folder src/documents/blog1Theme/designs/default/
cec download-file component:Comp1/assets/render.js Downloads the js file from folder assets of component Comp1 and save to local folder src/documents/Comp1/assets/

cec upload-file

Usage: cec upload-file <file> | cec ulf <file>

Uploads file <file> to OCM server. Specify the server with -s <server> or use the one specified in file. Optionally, specify -f <folder> to set the parent folder on OCM server.


Option Description
--help, -h Show Help
--folder, -f The parent folder on OCM server
--createfolder, -c Create the folder if it does not exist
--server, -s The registered OCM server


Example Description
cec upload-file ~/Documents/Projects.pdf Uploads the file to the Home folder
cec upload-file ~/Documents/Projects.pdf -s SampleServer1 Uploads the file to the Home folder on the registered server SampleServer1
cec upload-file ~/Documents/Projects.pdf -f Doc/Plan Uploads the file to folder Doc/Plan
cec upload-file ~/Documents/Projects.pdf -f site:blog1/settings/misc Uploads the file to folder settings/misc of site blog1
cec upload-file ~/Documents/style1.css -f theme:blog1Theme/designs/default Uploads the css file to folder designs/default of theme blog1Theme
cec upload-file ~/Documents/comp1.js -f component:Comp1/assets Uploads the js file to folder assets of component Comp1

cec delete-file

Usage: cec delete-file <file>

Deletes file on OCM server. Specify the server with -s <server> or use the one specified in file. Optionally, specify -p to permanently delete the file.


Option Description
--help, -h Show Help
--server, -s <server> The registered OCM server
--permanent, -p Delete the file permanently


Example Description
cec delete-file docs/Projects.pdf
cec delete-file docs/Projects.pdf -s SampleServer1
cec delete-file docs/Projects.pdf -p
cec delete-file site:blog1/docs/Projects.pdf
cec delete-file theme:blog1Theme/docs/Projects.pdf
cec delete-file component:Comp1/docs/Projects.pdf

cec describe-file

Usage: cec describe-file <file> | cec dsf <file>

Lists the properties of a file on OCM server. Specify the server with -s <server> or use the one specified in file.


Option Description
--help, -h Show Help
--server, -s <server> The registered OCM server


Example Description
cec describe-file docs/Projects.pdf
cec describe-file docs/Projects.pdf -s SampleServer1
cec describe-file site:blog1/docs/Projects.pdf
cec describe-file theme:blog1Theme/docs/Projects.pdf
cec describe-file component:Comp1/docs/Projects.pdf

cec list-trash

Usage: cec list-trash | cec ltr

Displays content in Trash on OCM server. Specify the server with -s <server> or use the one specified in file.


Option Description
--help, -h Show Help
--server, -s <server> The registered OCM server


Example Description
cec list-trash
cec list-trash -s SampleServer1

cec delete-trash

Usage: cec delete-trash <name>

Deletes a resource from Trash permanently on OCM server. Specify the server with -s <server> or use the one specified in file.


Option Description
--help, -h Show Help
--id, -i The resource Id
--server, -s <server> The registered OCM server


Example Description
cec delete-trash File1
cec delete-trash File1 -s SampleServer1
cec delete-trash Folder1
cec delete-trash Site1
cec delete-trash Docs -i FE11C3CE54CF30BFEFC8044F9E1DF61A8D907F122AE5

cec restore-trash

Usage: cec restore-trash <name> | cec rtr <name>

Restores a resource in Trash to its original location on OCM server. Specify the server with -s <server> or use the one specified in file.


Option Description
--help, -h Show Help
--id, -i The resource Id
--server, -s <server> The registered OCM server


Example Description
cec restore-trash File1
cec restore-trash File1 -s SampleServer1
cec restore-trash Folder1
cec restore-trash Site1
cec restore-trash Docs -i FE11C3CE54CF30BFEFC8044F9E1DF61A8D907F122AE5

cec empty-trash

Usage: cec empty-trash <type>

Deletes content in Trash on OCM server. Specify the server with -s <server> or use the one specified in file. The valid values for <type> are:


Option Description
--help, -h Show Help
--server, -s <server> The registered OCM server


Example Description
cec empty-trash all Delete all documents, sites, components, templates and themes from Trash
cec empty-trash all -s SampleServer1
cec empty-trash documents Delete all files and folders from Trash
cec empty-trash sites Delete all sites from Trash

cec create-component

Usage: |cec create-component <name>|cec cc <name>| Creates the component <name>. By default, it creates a local component. Optionally, specify -f <source> to create from a different source.

Valid values for <source> are:


Option Description
--help, -h Show Help
--from, -f <from> Source to create from


Example Description
cec create-component Comp1
cec create-component Comp2 -f Sample-File-List

cec copy-component

Usage: cec copy-component <source> [<destination>] | cec cpc <source> [<destination>]

Copies an existing local or server component. Specify the server with -s <server> or use the one specified in file.


Option Description
--help, -h Show Help
--description, -d The description of the new component on OCM server
--server, -s The registered OCM server


Example Description
cec copy-component Sample-To-Do Comp1 Copies Sample-To-Do to Comp1.
cec copy-component Comp1 Comp2 -s SampleServer Copies Comp1 to Comp2 on the registered server SampleServer.
cec copy-component Comp1 Comp2 -d “compied from Comp1” -s SampleServer Copies Comp1 to Comp2 on the registered server SampleServer and set the description.

cec import-component

Usage: cec import-component <zip> | cec ic <zip>

Imports a component from <zip>. Specify the absolute path of the zip file. The zip file name will be used as the component name.


Option Description
--help, -h Show Help


Example Description
cec import-component /home/ Imports the component Comp1.

cec export-component

Usage: cec export-component <name> | cec ec <name>

Exports the component <name> as a zip file.


Option Description
--help, -h Show Help


Example Description
cec export-component Sample-To-Do Exports the component Sample-To-Do.

cec download-component

Usage: cec download-component <names> | cec dlcp <names>

Downloads the components <names> from the Content Management server. Specify the server with -s <server> or use the one specified in file.


Option Description
--help, -h Show Help
--publishedversion, -b Published version of the component
--server, -s The registered OCM server


Example Description
cec download-component Sample-To-Do
cec download-component Sample-To-Do,Sample-To-Do2
cec download-component Sample-To-Do,Sample-To-Do2 -b
cec download-component Sample-To-Do -s SampleServer1

cec upload-component

Usage: cec upload-component <names> | cec ulcp <names>

Uploads the components <names> to the Content Management server. Specify the server with -s <server> or use the one specified in file. Optionally, specify -p to publish the component after deploy. Optionally, specify -f <folder> to set the folder to upload the component zip file.


Option Description
--help, -h Show Help
--folder, -f <folder> Folder to upload the component zip file
--publish, -p Publish the component
--server, -s <server> The registered OCM server


Example Description
cec upload-component Sample-To-Do Uploads the component Sample-To-Do to the server specified in
cec upload-component Sample-To-Do -s SampleServer1 Uploads the component Sample-To-Do to the registered server SampleServer1.
cec upload-component Sample-To-Do -p Uploads and publishes the component Sample-To-Do.
cec upload-component Sample-To-Do,Sample-To-Do2 Uploads component Sample-To-Do and Sample-To-Do2.
cec upload-component Sample-To-Do -f Import/Components Uploads file to folder Import/Components and imports the component Sample-To-Do.

cec control-component

Usage: cec control-component <action> | cec ctcp <action>

Perform <action> on components on OCM server. Specify the components with -c <components>. Specify the server with -s <server> or use the one specified in file. The valid actions are:


Option Description
--help, -h Show Help
--components, -c <components> The comma separated list of components
--server, -s <server> The registered OCM server


Example Description
cec control-component publish -c Comp1 Publish component Comp1 on the server specified in file
cec control-component publish -c Comp1 -s SampleServer1 Publish component Comp1 on the registered server SampleServer1
cec control-component publish -c Comp1,Comp2 -s SampleServer1 Publish component Comp1 and Comp2 on the registered server SampleServer1

cec share-component

Usage: cec share-component <name> | cec sc <name>

Shares component with users and groups on OCM server and assign a role. Specify the server with -s <server> or use the one specified in file. The valid roles are:


Option Description
--help, -h Show Help
--users, -u The comma separated list of user names
--groups, -g The comma separated list of group names
--role, -r The role [manager
--server, -s <server> The registered OCM server


Example Description
cec share-component Comp1 -u user1,user2 -r manager Share component Comp1 with user user1 and user2 and assign Manager role to them
cec share-component Comp1 -u user1,user2 -g group1,group2 -r manager Share component Comp1 with user user1 and user2 and group group1 and group2 and assign Manager role to them
cec share-component Comp1 -u user1,user2 -r manager -s SampleServer1 Share component Comp1 with user user1 and user2 and assign Manager role to them on the registered server SampleServer1

cec unshare-component

Usage: cec unshare-component <name> | cec usc <name>

Deletes user or group access to a component on OCM server. Specify the server with -s <server> or use the one specified in file.


Option Description
--help, -h Show Help
--users, -u The comma separated list of user names
--groups, -g The comma separated list of group names
--server, -s <server> The registered OCM server


Example Description
cec unshare-component Comp1 -u user1,user2
cec unshare-component Comp1 -u user1,user2 -g group1,group2
cec unshare-component Comp1 -u user1,user2 -s SampleServer1

cec describe-component

Usage: cec describe-component <name> | cec dscp <name>

Lists the properties of a component on OCM server. Optionally, specify -f <file> to save the properties to a JSON file. Specify the server with -s <server> or use the one specified in file.


Option Description
--help, -h Show Help
--file, -f The JSON file to save the properties
--server, -s <server> The registered OCM server


Example Description
cec describe-component Comp1 -s SampleServer1
cec describe-component Comp1 -f ~/Docs/Comp1.json -s SampleServer1

cec create-template

Usage: cec create-template <name> | cec ct <name>

Creates the template <name>. By default, it creates a StarterTemplate. Optionally, specify -f <source> to create from different source.

Valid values for <source> are:

To create template based on a site on OCM server, specify -s <site> and specify the server with -r <server> or use the one specified in file.


Option Description
--help, -h Show Help
--from, -f Source to create from
--site, -s Site to create from
--publishedversion, -b Published site, theme and components
--publishedassets, -p Published assets only
--referencedassets, -n Assets added to the site’s pages only
--excludecontent, -x Exclude content
--excludetype, -t Exclude content types
--excludecomponents, -c Exclude components
--excludefolders, -d The comma separated list of excluded folders for site and theme
--enterprisetemplate, -e Enterprise template
--server, -r The registered OCM server


Example Description
cec create-template Temp1
cec create-template Temp2 -f CafeSupremoLite
cec create-template Temp1 -s Site1 Create template Temp1 based on site Site1 on OCM server and include all assets in the site channel
cec create-template Temp1 -s Site1 -b Create template Temp1 based on site Site1 on OCM server and include only the published site, theme and components
cec create-template Temp1 -s Site1 -p Create template Temp1 based on site Site1 on OCM server and include only the published assets
cec create-template Temp1 -s Site1 -n Create template Temp1 based on site Site1 on OCM server and include only the assets added to the site’s pages
cec create-template Temp1 -s Site1 -x Create template Temp1 based on site Site1 on OCM server and exclude the content in the site
cec create-template Temp1 -s Site1 -x -t Create template Temp1 based on site Site1 on OCM server and exclude both content and content types in the site
cec create-template Temp1 -s Site1 -c Create template Temp1 based on site Site1 on OCM server and exclude the components used in the site
cec create-template Temp1 -s Site1 -d site:content Create template Temp1 based on site Site1 on OCM server and exclude the content folder of the site
cec create-template Temp1 -s Site1 -r SampleServer1 Create template Temp1 based on site Site1 on the registered server SampleServer1
cec create-template EnterpriseTemp1 -s StandardSite1 -e Create enterprise template EnterpriseTemp1 based on standard site StandardSite1 on OCM server

cec create-template-from-site

Usage: cec create-template-from-site <name> | cec ctfs <name>

Creates the template <name> from site <site> on the Content Management server. Specify the server with -r <server> or use the one specified in file. Optionally, specify <includeunpublishedassets> to include unpublished content items and digital assets in your template.


Option Description
--help, -h Show Help
--site, -s <site> Site to create from
--includeunpublishedassets, -i The flag to indicate to include unpublished content items and digital assets in your template
--enterprisetemplate, -e Enterprise template
--server, -r <server> The registered OCM server


Example Description
cec create-template-from-site BlogTemplate -s BlogSite
cec create-template-from-site BlogTemplate -s BlogSite -r SampleServer1
cec create-template-from-site BlogTemplate -s BlogSite -i -r SampleServer1
cec create-template-from-site EnterpriseTemplate -s StandardSite -e

cec download-template

Usage: cec download-template <name> | cec dlt <name>

Downloads the template <name> from the Content Management server. Specify the server with -s <server> or use the one specified in file.


Option Description
--help, -h Show Help
--server, -s <server> The registered OCM server


Example Description
cec download-template BlogTemplate
cec download-template BlogTemplate -s SampleServer1

cec compile-template

Usage: cec compile-template <source> | cec cmpt <source>

Compiles all the pages within the site of the template and places the compiled pages under the sites assets folder.

Optionally, specify -s <server> to make content queries against this server (requires channelToken).

Optionally, specify -c <channelToken> to use this channelToken when generating any content URLs.

Optionally, specify -t <contentType> [draft | published] content to retrieve from the server type, defaults to published.

Optionally, specify -p <pages> the set of pages to compile.

Optionally, specify -d <debug> to start the compilation with –inspect-brk flag.

Optionally, specify -r <recurse> recurse through all child pages of specified pages.

Optionally, specify -l <includeLocale> include default locale when creating pages.

Optionally, specify -a <targetDevice> [desktop | mobile] target device type when using adaptive layouts.

Optionally, specify -v <verbose> to display all warning messages during compilation.

Optionally, specify -g <localeGroup> comma separated list of locales to compile.

Optionally, specify -f <useFallbackLocale> the locale of the page file to use if the selected locale page file does not exist.

Optionally, specify -i <ignoreErrors> ignore compilation errors when calculating the exit code for the process.


Option Description
--help, -h Show Help
--server, -s The registered OCM server
--channelToken, -c The channel access token to use for content URLs
--type, -t The type of content to retrieve from the serve [published
--pages, -p The list of pages to compile
--recurse, -r Compile all child pages of those specifed in the page list
--debug, -d Start the compiler with “–inspect-brk” option to debug compilation
--noDetailPages, -e Do not generate compiled detail pages
--noDefaultDetailPageLink, -o Do not generate compiled detail page for items/content lists that use the default detail page
--targetDevice, -a The target device type when using adaptive layouts [desktop
--siteName, -n The target site name to use when compiling the template
--secureSite, -u The target site is a secure site
--includeLocale, -l Include default locale when creating pages
--verbose, -v Run in verbose mode to display all warning messages during compilation.
--localeGroup, -g Comma separated list of locales to compile.
--useFallbackLocale, -f The locale of the page file to use if the selected locale page file does not exist.
--ignoreErrors, -i Ignore compilation errors when calculating the exit code for the process.


Example Description
cec compile-template Temp1 Compiles the site in template Temp1 using content stored in the template.
cec compile-template Temp1 -c channelToken Compiles the site in template Temp1 using the given channelToken for any content URLs.
cec compile-template Temp1 -c channelToken -s SampleServer1 -t draft Compiles the site in template Temp1 retrieving draft content from the specified server.
cec compile-template Temp1 -p 104,112,183 -r Compiles the specified pages in the site in template Temp1 including all child pages.
cec compile-template Temp1 -d Waits for the debugger to be attached.

cec copy-template

Usage: cec copy-template <source> [<destination>] | cec cpt <source> [<destination>]

Copies an existing local or server template. Specify the server with -s <server> or use the one specified in file.


Option Description
--help, -h Show Help
--description, -d The description of the new template on OCM server
--server, -s The registered OCM server


Example Description
cec copy-template Temp1 Temp2 Copies local Temp1 to Temp2.
cec copy-template Temp1 Temp2 -s SampleServer Copies Temp1 to Temp2 on the registered server SampleServer.
cec copy-template Temp1 Temp2 -d “copied from Temp1” -s SampleServer Copies Temp1 to Temp2 on the registered server SampleServer and set the description.

cec import-template

Usage: cec import-template <zip> | cec it <zip>

Imports a template from <zip>. Specify the absolute path of the zip file. The zip file name will be used as the template name.


Option Description
--help, -h Show Help


Example Description
cec import-template /home/ Imports the template Temp1.

cec export-template

Usage: cec export-template <name> | cec et <name>

Exports the template <name> as a zip file and provides the location of the zip file.


Option Description
--help, -h Show Help
--optimize, -o Optimize the template


Example Description
cec export-template Temp1 Exports the template Temp1.

cec upload-template

Usage: cec upload-template <name> | cec ult <name>

Uploads the template <name> to the Content Management server. Specify the server with -s <server> or use the one specified in file. Optionally, specify -f <folder> to set the folder to upload the template zip file. Optionally, specify -p to publish theme and components after import.


Option Description
--help, -h Show Help
--folder, -f <folder> Folder to upload the template zip file
--server, -s <server> The registered OCM server
--optimize, -o Optimize the template
--excludecontenttemplate, -x Exclude content template
--excludecomponents, -e Exclude components
--excludetheme, -c Exclude theme
--publish, -p Publish theme and components


Example Description
cec upload-template StarterTemplate Uploads the template StarterTemplate.
cec upload-template StarterTemplate -s SampleServer1 Uploads the template StarterTemplate to the registered server SampleServer1.
cec upload-template StarterTemplate -f Import/Templates Uploads file to folder Import/Templates and imports the template StarterTemplate.
cec upload-template StarterTemplate -p Publish the theme and all components in after import
cec upload-template StarterTemplate -o Optimizes and uploads the template StarterTemplate.
cec upload-template StarterTemplate -x Exclude the “Content Template” from the template upload. “Content Template” upload can be managed independently.
cec upload-template StarterTemplate -e Exclude all components from the template upload. Components can be uploaded independently.
cec upload-template StarterTemplate -c Exclude theme if the theme exists on the OCM server.

cec delete-template

Usage: cec delete-template <name>

Deletes the template <name> on the Content Management server. Specify the server with -s <server> or use the one specified in file. Optionally, specify -p to permanently delete the template.


Option Description
--help, -h Show Help
--server, -s <server> The registered OCM server
--permanent, -p The flag to indicate to permanently delete the template


Example Description
cec delete-template BlogTemplate
cec delete-template BlogTemplate -p
cec delete-template BlogTemplate -s SampleServer1

cec share-template

Usage: cec share-template <name> | cec stm <name>

Shares template with users and groups on OCM server and assign a role. Specify the server with -s <server> or use the one specified in file. The valid roles are:


Option Description
--help, -h Show Help
--users, -u The comma separated list of user names
--groups, -g The comma separated list of group names
--role, -r The role [manager
--server, -s <server> The registered OCM server


Example Description
cec share-template Template1 -u user1,user2 -r manager Share template Template1 with user user1 and user2 and assign Manager role to them
cec share-template Template1 -u user1,user2 -g group1,group2 -r manager Share template Template1 with user user1 and user2 and group group1 and group2 and assign Manager role to them
cec share-template Template1 -u user1,user2 -r manager -s SampleServer1 Share template Template1 with user user1 and user2 and assign Manager role to them on the registered server SampleServer1

cec unshare-template

Usage: cec unshare-template <name> | cec ustm <name>

Deletes user or group access to a template on OCM server. Specify the server with -s <server> or use the one specified in file.


Option Description
--help, -h Show Help
--users, -u The comma separated list of user names
--groups, -g The comma separated list of group names
--server, -s <server> The registered OCM server


Example Description
cec unshare-template Template1 -u user1,user2
cec unshare-template Template1 -u user1,user2 -g group1,group2
cec unshare-template Template1 -u user1,user2 -s SampleServer1

cec update-template

Usage: cec update-template <action> | cec ut <action>

Performs action <action> on a local or server template. <rename-asset-id> action is for local template only. Optionally, specify -c for other local content. The valid actions are:


Option Description
--help, -h Show Help
--template, -t The template
--content, -c The comma separated list of local content
--server, -s The registered OCM server


Example Description
cec update-template rename-asset-id -t Template1
cec update-template rename-asset-id -t Template1 -c Content1,Content2
cec update-template require-taxonomy -t Template1 Set local template to require Site Security Taxonomy
cec update-template not-require-taxonomy -t Template1 -s SampleServer1 Set template on OCM server to not require Site Security Taxonomy

cec describe-template

Usage: cec describe-template <name> | cec dst <name>

Lists the properties of a local or server template. Optionally, specify -f <file> to save the properties to a JSON file for server template. Specify the server with -r <server> or use the one specified in file.


Option Description
--help, -h Show Help
--file, -f The JSON file to save the properties for template on OCM server
--server, -s <server> The registered OCM server


Example Description
cec describe-template StarterTemplate Display the properties of local template StarterTemplate
cec describe-template StarterTemplate -s SampleServer Display the properties of template StarterTemplate on the registered server SampleServer
cec describe-template StarterTemplate -f ~/Docs/StarterTemplate.json -s SampleServer Display the properties of template StarterTemplate on the registered server SampleServer and also save to the local file

cec create-template-report

Usage: cec create-template-report <name> | cec cttr <name>

Generates an asset usage report for the template <name> package. Optionally, specify -o to save the report to a json file.


Option Description
--help, -h Show Help
--includepagelinks, -i Include validating page links
--output, -o Output the report to a JSON file


Example Description
cec create-template-report StarterTemplate
cec create-template-report StarterTemplate -o The report will be saved to StarterTemplateAssetUsage.json at the current local location
cec create-template-report StarterTemplate -o ~/Documents The report will be saved to ~/Documents/StarterTemplateAssetUsage.json
cec create-template-report StarterTemplate -o ~/Documents/StarterTemplateReport.json The report will be saved to ~/Documents/StarterTemplateReport.json
cec create-template-report StarterTemplate -i Include validating page links

cec add-component-to-theme

Usage: cec add-component-to-theme <component> | cec actt <component>

Adds a component to a theme. Optionally, specify -c <category> to set the component category.


Option Description
--help, -h Show Help
--theme, -t <theme> Theme
--category, -c <category> component category


Example Description
cec add-component-to-theme Sample-To-Do -t BlogTheme
cec add-component-to-theme Sample-To-Do -t BlogTheme -c Samples

cec remove-component-from-theme

Usage: cec remove-component-from-theme <component> | cec rcft <component>

Removes a component from a theme.


Option Description
--help, -h Show Help
--theme, -t <theme> Theme


Example Description
cec remove-component-from-theme Sample-To-Do -t BlogTheme

cec copy-theme

Usage: cec copy-theme <source> [<destination>] | cec cpth <source> [<destination>]

Copies a theme on OCM server. Specify the server with -s <server> or use the one specified in file.


Option Description
--help, -h Show Help
--description, -d The description of the new theme on OCM server
--server, -s The registered OCM server


Example Description
cec copy-theme Theme1 Theme2 -s SampleServer Copy theme Theme1 to Theme2 on the registered server SampleServer
cec copy-theme Theme1 Theme2 -d “copied from Theme1” -s SampleServer Copy theme Theme1 to Theme2 on the registered server SampleServer and set the description

cec control-theme

Usage: cec control-theme <action> | cec ctt <action>

Perform <action> on theme on OCM server. Specify the theme with -t <theme>. Specify the server with -s <server> or use the one specified in file. The valid actions are:


Option Description
--help, -h Show Help
--theme, -t <theme> The theme
--server, -s <server> The registered OCM server


Example Description
cec control-theme publish -t Theme1 Publish theme Theme1 on the server specified in file
cec control-theme publish -t Theme1 -s SampleServer1 Publish theme Theme1 on the registered server SampleServer1

cec share-theme

Usage: cec share-theme <name> | cec sth <name>

Shares theme with users and groups on OCM server and assign a role. Specify the server with -s <server> or use the one specified in file. The valid roles are:


Option Description
--help, -h Show Help
--users, -u The comma separated list of user names
--groups, -g The comma separated list of group names
--role, -r The role [manager
--server, -s <server> The registered OCM server


Example Description
cec share-theme Theme1 -u user1,user2 -r manager Share theme Theme1 with user user1 and user2 and assign Manager role to them
cec share-theme Theme1 -u user1,user2 -g group1,group2 -r manager Share theme Theme1 with user user1 and user2 and group group1 and group2 and assign Manager role to them
cec share-theme Theme1 -u user1,user2 -r manager -s SampleServer1 Share theme Theme1 with user user1 and user2 and assign Manager role to them on the registered server SampleServer1

cec unshare-theme

Usage: cec unshare-theme <name> | cec usth <name>

Deletes user or group access to a theme on OCM server. Specify the server with -s <server> or use the one specified in file.


Option Description
--help, -h Show Help
--users, -u The comma separated list of user names
--groups, -g The comma separated list of group names
--server, -s <server> The registered OCM server


Example Description
cec unshare-theme Theme1 -u user1,user2
cec unshare-theme Theme1 -u user1,user2 -g group1,group2
cec unshare-theme Theme1 -u user1,user2 -s SampleServer1

cec describe-theme

Usage: cec describe-theme <name> | cec dsth <name>

Lists the properties of a theme on OCM server. Theme components and the sites that use the theme will also be displayed. Specify the server with -s <server> or use the one specified in file.


Option Description
--help, -h Show Help
--server, -s <server> The registered OCM server


Example Description
cec describe-theme Theme1
cec describe-theme Theme1 -s SampleServer1

cec create-site

Usage: cec create-site <name> | cec cs <name>

Create Enterprise Site on OCM server. Specify the server with -s <server> or use the one specified in file.


Option Description
--help, -h Show Help
--template, -t <template> Template
--repository, -r <repository> Repository, required for enterprise site
--localizationPolicy, -l <localizationPolicy> Localization policy
--defaultLanguage, -d <defaultLanguage> Default language, required for enterprise site
--description, -p <description> Site description
--sitePrefix, -x <sitePrefix> Site Prefix
--update, -u Keep the existing id for assets
--reuse, -e Keep the existing id for assets and only update the assets that are older than those from the template
--suppressgovernance, -g Suppress site governance controls
--category, -c Category path of the parent category for Site security management in the format of <taxonomy>:<category>
--server, -s <server> The registered OCM server


Example Description
cec create-site Site1 -t StandardTemplate Creates a standard site
cec create-site Site1 -t Template1 -r Repository1 -l L10NPolicy1 -d en-US Creates an enterprise site with localization policy L10NPolicy1
cec create-site Site1 -t Template1 -r Repository1 -d en-US Creates an enterprise site and uses the localization policy in Template1
cec create-site Site1 -t Template1 -r Repository1 -d en-US -s SampleServer1 Creates an enterprise site on server SampleServer1
cec create-site Site1 -t Template1 -u -r Repository1 -d en-US -s SampleServer1 Creates an enterprise site on server SampleServer1 and keep the existing id for assets
cec create-site Site1 -t Template1 -e -r Repository1 -d en-US -s SampleServer1 Creates an enterprise site on server SampleServer1 and keep the existing id for assets and only update the assets that are older than those from the template
cec create-site SiteSharingRepo -t Template1 -r SharedRepo -l L10NPolicy1 -d en-US -c “Org:Department/Marketing” Create a site whose assets are categorized by a site category under the specified taxonomy and category.

cec create-site-page

Usage: cec create-site-page <name> | cec csp <name>

Create a new site page and add to site <name> on OCM server. Specify the server with -s <server> or use the one specified in file. If any component, item or content type used on the page is not available on the OCM server, the command will exit unless you specify -i to ignore the validation issue.


Option Description
--help, -h Show Help
--pagetemplate, -t The page JSON file
--pagedetails, -d The JSON file with page details such as name and pageUrl
--parent, -p The parent page Id
--sibling, -b The Id of the sibling to add after
--ignorevalidation, -i Igore any validation issue
--server, -s The registered OCM server


Example Description
cec create-site-page Site1 -t page1.json -d page1info.json -p 100 Creates a new page and add to site Site1 as a child of page 100
cec create-site-page Site1 -t page1.json -d page1info.json -p 100 -b 201 Creates a new page and add to site Site1 as a child of page 100 and after sibling page 201

cec copy-site

Usage: cec copy-site <name> | cec cps <name>

Copy Enterprise Site on OCM server. Specify the server with -s <server> or use the one specified in file. If the site uses more than one repository, only the assets from the default repository will be copied.


Option Description
--help, -h Show Help
--target, -t Target site
--repository, -r Repository, required for enterprise site
--description, -d Site description
--sitePrefix, -x Site Prefix
--server, -s The registered OCM server


Example Description
cec copy-site Site1 -t Site1Copy Copies a standard site
cec copy-site Site1 -t Site1Copy -r Repository1 Copies an enterprise site
cec copy-site Site1 -t Site1Copy -r Repository1 -x site1c Copies an enterprise site and sets the site prefix to site1c

cec update-site

Usage: cec update-site <name> | cec us <name>

Update Enterprise Site on OCM server using the content from the template or with metadata. Specify the server with -s <server> or use the one specified in file.


Option Description
--help, -h Show Help
--template, -t <template> Template
--excludecontenttemplate, -x Exclude content template
--metadata, -m JSON metadata properties to update within the site
--compilationjob, -c JSON compilation job properties to update within the site
--server, -s <server> The registered OCM server


Example Description
cec update-site Site1 -t Template1 Updates site Site1 using the content from template Template1
cec update-site Site1 -t Template1 -x Updates site Site1 using the content from template Template1 excluding the “Content Template”
cec update-site Site1 -m metadata Updates site Site1 metadata using the JSON provided
cec update-site Site1 -c ‘{“parentJobID”: “12”, “childJobID”: “123”, “compilationLogID”: “1234”}’ Updates site Site1 compilation job data using the JSON provided

cec transfer-site

Usage: cec transfer-site <name> | cec ts <name>

Transfers a site from one OCM server to another. By default all assets are transferred, optionally specify -p to transfer only published assets. Specify the source server with -s <server> and the destination server with -d <destination>. If the site contains assets from other repositories, optionally provide the repository mapping otherwise those assets will not be transferred.


Option Description
--help, -h Show Help
--server, -s The registered OCM server the site is from
--destination, -d The registered OCM server to create or update the site
--repository, -r Repository, required for creating enterprise site
--localizationPolicy, -l Localization policy, required for creating enterprise site
--sitePrefix, -f Site prefix
--publishedversion, -b Published site, theme and components
--publishedassets, -p Published assets only
--referencedassets, -n Assets added to the site’s pages only
--repositorymappings, -m The repositories for assets from other repositories
--excludecontent, -x Exclude content
--reuse, -u Only update the content that is older than the content being transferred
--excludecomponents, -e Exclude components
--excludetheme, -c Exclude theme
--excludetype, -t Exclude content types
--includestaticfiles, -i Include site static files
--suppressgovernance, -g Suppress site governance controls


Example Description
cec transfer-site Site1 -s SampleServer -d SampleServer1 -r Repository1 -l L10NPolicy1 Creates site Site1 on server SampleServer1 based on site Site1 on server SampleServer
cec transfer-site Site1 -s SampleServer -d SampleServer1 -r Repository1 -l L10NPolicy1 -p Creates site Site1 on server SampleServer1 based on site Site1 on server SampleServer with published assets
cec transfer-site Site1 -s SampleServer -d SampleServer1 -r Repository1 -l L10NPolicy1 -b Creates site Site1 on server SampleServer1 based on the published site Site1 on server SampleServer
cec transfer-site Site1 -s SampleServer -d SampleServer1 -r Repository1 -l L10NPolicy1 -n Creates site Site1 on server SampleServer1 based on site Site1 on server SampleServer with assets added to the site’s pages
cec transfer-site Site1 -s SampleServer -d SampleServer1 -r Repository1 -l L10NPolicy1 -u Creates site Site1 on server SampleServer1 based on site Site1 on server SampleServer and only update the content that is older than the content being transferred
cec transfer-site Site1 -s SampleServer -d SampleServer1 -r Repository1 -l L10NPolicy1 -x Creates site Site1 on server SampleServer1 based on site Site1 on server SampleServer without content
cec transfer-site Site1 -s SampleServer -d SampleServer1 -r Repository1 -l L10NPolicy1 -e Creates site Site1 on server SampleServer1 based on site Site1 on server SampleServer without transferring components to server SampleServer1
cec transfer-site Site1 -s SampleServer -d SampleServer1 -r Repository1 -l L10NPolicy1 -e -c Creates site Site1 on server SampleServer1 based on site Site1 on server SampleServer without transferring components and theme to server SampleServer1
cec transfer-site Site1 -s SampleServer -d SampleServer1 -r Repository1 -l L10NPolicy1 -m “Shared Images:Shared Images,Shared Video:Shared Video” Creates site Site1 on server SampleServer1 based on site Site1 on server SampleServer and transfer the assets from repository Shared Images and Shared Video
cec transfer-site Site1 -s SampleServer -d SampleServer1 -r Repository1 -l L10NPolicy1 -i Creates site Site1 on server SampleServer1 based on site Site1 on server SampleServer with static files from SampleServer
cec transfer-site Site1 -s SampleServer -d SampleServer1 Updates site Site1 on server SampleServer1 based on site Site1 on server SampleServer

cec transfer-site-content

Usage: cec transfer-site-content <name> | cec tsc <name>

Creates scripts to transfer Enterprise Site content from one OCM server to another. This command is used to transfer large number of content items and the items are transferred in batches. By default the scripts will not be executed by this command. By default all assets are transferred, optionally specify -p to transfer only published assets. Specify the source server with -s <server> and the destination server with -d <destination>. Optionally, specify -n for the number of items in each batch, defaults to 500. If the site contains assets from other repositories, optionally provide the repository mapping otherwise those assets will not be transferred.


Option Description
--help, -h Show Help
--server, -s The registered OCM server the site is from
--destination, -d The registered OCM server to transfer the content
--repository, -r The site repository
--publishedassets, -p The flag to indicate published assets only
--query, -q Query to fetch the assets
--addtositecollection, -l Add assets to the site collection
--repositorymappings, -m The repositories for assets from other repositories
--reuse, -u Only update the content that is older than the content being transferred
--number, -n The number of items in each batch, defaults to 500
--execute, -e Execute the scripts


Example Description
cec transfer-site-content Site1 -s SampleServer -d SampleServer1 -r Repository1 Generate script Site1_downloadcontent and Site1_uploadcontent
cec transfer-site-content Site1 -s SampleServer -d SampleServer1 -r Repository1 -e Generate script Site1_downloadcontent and Site1_uploadcontent and execute them
cec transfer-site-content Site1 -s SampleServer -d SampleServer1 -r Repository1 -n 200 Set batch size to 200 items
cec transfer-site-content Site1 -s SampleServer -d SampleServer1 -r Repository1 -p Only the published assets will be transferred
cec transfer-site-content Site1 -s SampleServer -d SampleServer1 -r Repository1 -q ‘type eq “BlogType”’ Only the assets matching the query and their dependencies will be transferred
cec transfer-site-content Site1 -s SampleServer -d SampleServer1 -r Repository1 -u Only import the content that is newer than the content in site repository on server SampleServer1
cec transfer-site-content Site1 -s SampleServer -d SampleServer1 -r Repository1 -l The assets from the site repository will be added to site default collection on destination server
cec transfer-site-content Site1 -s SampleServer -d SampleServer1 -r Repository1 -m “Shared Images:Shared Images,Shared Video:Shared Video”

cec transfer-site-page

Usage: cec transfer-site-page <name> | cec tsp <name>

Transfers site pages from one OCM server to another. Specify the source server with -s <server> and the destination server with -d <destination>.


Option Description
--help, -h Show Help
--server, -s The registered OCM server the site is from
--destination, -d The registered OCM server to transfer the content
--pages, -p The comma separated list of page IDs
--targetsite, -t The target site on the destination server


Example Description
cec transfer-site-page Site1 -s SampleServer -d SampleServer1 -p 100 Create or update page 100 on server SampleServer1 based on server SampleServer
cec transfer-site-page Site1 -s SampleServer -d SampleServer1 -p 100,200 Create or update page 100 and 200 on server SampleServer1 based on server SampleServer
cec transfer-site-page Site1 -s SampleServer -d SampleServer1 -p 100 -t Site2 Create or update page 100 for site Site2 on server SampleServer1 based on site Site1 on server SampleServer

cec validate-site

Usage: cec validate-site <name> | cec vs <name>

Validates site <name> on OCM server before publish or view publishing failure. Specify the server with -s <server> or use the one specified in file.


Option Description
--help, -h Show Help
--file, -f The file to save the result
--server, -s <server> The registered OCM server


Example Description
cec validate-site Site1 Validate site Site1 on the server specified in file
cec validate-site Site1 -s SampleServer1 Validate site Site1 on the registered server SampleServer1
cec validate-site Site1 -f Site1Result.json -s SampleServer1 Validate site Site1 on the registered server SampleServer1 and save result to Site1Result.json
cec validate-site Site1 -f -s SampleServer1 Validate site Site1 on the registered server SampleServer1 and save result to vs_Site1.json

cec control-site

Usage: cec control-site <action> | cec cts <action>

Perform <action> on site on OCM server. Specify the site with -s <site>. Specify the server with -r <server> or use the one specified in file. The valid actions are:

Optionally, specify to publish only the specified site settings files, the valid site settings files are:


Option Description
--help, -h Show Help
--site, -s The site
--usedcontentonly, -u Publish used content only
--compilesite, -c Compile site after publish
--staticonly, -t Only publish site static files
--staticincremental, -m Add to the already published static files
--compileonly, -p Only compile and publish the static files without publishing the site
--fullpublish, -f Do a full publish
--deletestaticfiles, -d Delete static files when the site is published and will be compiled
--settingsfiles, -i The comma separated list of site settings files
--pages, -a The comma separated list of page IDs
--expand, -b Include all the sub pages when publish specific pages
--detailpageassets, -l The detail page ID and their asset IDs
--theme, -e The new theme
--name, -n The site metadata name or custom site property name
--value, -v The site metadata value or custom site property value
--expiredate, -x The site site expiration date
--server, -r The registered OCM server


Example Description
cec control-site publish -s Site1 Publish site Site1 on the server specified in file
cec control-site publish -s Site1 -u Publish the site and all assets added to the site’s pages
cec control-site publish -s Site1 -c Compile and publish site Site1
cec control-site publish -s Site1 -t Only publish the static files of site Site1
cec control-site publish -s Site1 -p Only compile and publish the static files of site Site1
cec control-site publish -s Site1 -f Do a full publish of Site1
cec control-site publish -s Site1 -i seo Only publish Sitemap and Robots files of site Site1
cec control-site publish -s Site1 -i seo,rssFeeds Only publish Sitemap, Robots and RSS Feed files of site Site1
cec control-site publish -s Site1 -a 100,200 Only publish page 100 and 200 of site Site1
cec control-site publish -s Site1 -a 100 -b Only publish page 100 and its sub pages of site Site1
cec control-site publish -s Site1 -l 150:GUID1,GUID2 Only publish assets GUID1 and GUID2 on detail page 150 of site Site1
cec control-site publish -s Site1 -r SampleServer1 Publish site Site1 on the registered server SampleServer1
cec control-site unpublish -s Site1 -r SampleServer1 Unpublish site Site1 on the registered server SampleServer1
cec control-site bring-online -s Site1 -r SampleServer1 Bring site Site1 online on the registered server SampleServer1
cec control-site take-offline -s Site1 -r SampleServer1 Take site Site1 offline on the registered server SampleServer1
cec control-site set-theme -s Site1 -e Theme2 Change site Site1 to use theme Theme2
cec control-site set-metadata -s Site1 -n scsCompileStatus -v ‘{“jobId”:“job604911”,“status”:“COMPILED”,“progress”:100,“compiledAt”:“2022-05-05T08:33:20.203Z”}’ Update compile status for site Site1
cec control-site set-custom-property -s Site1 -n Property1 -v “Value 1” Add custom site property Property1 with value “Value 1”
cec control-site remove-custom-property -s Site1 -n Property1 Remove custom site property Property1
cec control-site expire -s Site1 -x “2023-01-01T00:00:00.000Z” Set the site expiration date

cec share-site

Usage: cec share-site <name> | cec ss <name>

Shares site with users and groups on OCM server and assign a role. Specify the server with -s <server> or use the one specified in file. The valid roles are:


Option Description
--help, -h Show Help
--users, -u The comma separated list of user names
--groups, -g The comma separated list of group names
--role, -r The role [manager
--server, -s <server> The registered OCM server


Example Description
cec share-site Site1 -u user1,user2 -r manager Share site Site1 with user user1 and user2 and assign Manager role to them
cec share-site Site1 -u user1,user2 -g group1,group2 -r manager Share site Site1 with user user1 and user2 and group group1 and group2 and assign Manager role to them
cec share-site Site1 -u user1,user2 -r manager -s SampleServer1 Share site Site1 with user user1 and user2 and assign Manager role to them on the registered server SampleServer1

cec unshare-site

Usage: cec unshare-site <name> | cec uss <name>

Deletes user or group access to a site on OCM server. Specify the server with -s <server> or use the one specified in file.


Option Description
--help, -h Show Help
--users, -u The comma separated list of user names
--groups, -g The comma separated list of group names
--server, -s <server> The registered OCM server


Example Description
cec unshare-site Site1 -u user1,user2
cec unshare-site Site1 -u user1,user2 -g group1,group2
cec unshare-site Site1 -u user1,user2 -s SampleServer1

cec delete-site

Usage: cec delete-site <name>

Deletes site on OCM server. Specify the server with -s <server> or use the one specified in file. Optionally, specify -p to permanently delete the site.


Option Description
--help, -h Show Help
--server, -s The registered OCM server
--permanent, -p Delete the site permanently


Example Description
cec delete-site BlogSite
cec delete-site BlogSite -p
cec delete-site BlogSite -s SampleServer1

cec describe-site

Usage: cec describe-site <name> | cec dss <name>

Lists the properties of a site on OCM server. Optionally, specify -f <file> to save the properties to a JSON file. Specify the server with -r <server> or use the one specified in file.


Option Description
--help, -h Show Help
--file, -f The JSON file to save the properties for site on OCM server
--server, -s <server> The registered OCM server


Example Description
cec describe-site Site1
cec describe-site Site1 -f ~/Docs/Site1.json -s SampleServer Display the properties of site Site1 on the registered server SampleServer and also save to the local file

cec describe-site-page

Usage: cec describe-site-page <name> | cec dssp <name>n Lists the properties of a site page on OCM server. Optionally, specify -f <file> to save the properties to a JSON file. Specify the server with -r <server> or use the one specified in file.


Option Description
--help, -h Show Help
--pages, -p The comma separated list of page IDs
--expand, -e Include all the sub pages
--file, -f The JSON file to save the page properties
--server, -s <server> The registered OCM server


Example Description
cec describe-site-page Site1 -p 100 Display the properties of page 100 of site Site1 on the server specified in file
cec describe-site-page Site1 -p 100 -e Display the properties of page 100 and all its sub pages of site Site1 on the server specified in file
cec describe-site Site1 -p 100,200 -s SampleServer Display the properties of page 100 and 200 of site Site1 on the registered server SampleServer
cec describe-site Site1 -p 100,200 -f ~/Docs/Site1PageInfo.json -s SampleServer Display the properties of page 100 and 200 of site Site1 on the registered server SampleServer and also save to the local file

cec get-site-security

Usage: cec get-site-security <name> | cec gss <name>

Gets site security on OCM server. Specify the server with -s <server> or use the one specified in file.


Option Description
--help, -h Show Help
--server, -s <server> The registered OCM server


Example Description
cec get-site-security Site1
cec get-site-security Site1 -s SampleServer1

cec set-site-security

Usage: cec set-site-security <name> | cec sss <name>

Makes the site publicly available to anyone, restrict the site to registered users, or restrict the site to specific users. Specify the server with -r <server> or use the one specified in file. Optionally, specify -a <access> to set who can access the site. The valid group names are:


Option Description
--help, -h Show Help
--signin, -s If require sign in to access site: yes
--access, -a The comma separated list of group names
--addusers, -u The comma separated list of users to access the site
--addgroups, -g The comma separated list of groups to access the site
--deleteusers, -d The comma separated list of users to remove access from the site
--deletegroups, -o The comma separated list of groups to remove access from the site
--server, -r The registered OCM server


Example Description
cec set-site-security Site1 -s no make the site publicly available to anyone
cec set-site-security Site1 -s no -r SampleServer1 make the site publicly available to anyone on server SampleServer1
cec set-site-security Site1 -s yes Require everyone to sign in to access this site and any authenticated user can access
cec set-site-security Site1 -s yes -a “Visitors,Service users” Require everyone to sign in to access this site and all service visitors and users can access
cec set-site-security Site1 -s yes -a “Specific users” -u user1,user2, -g group1,group2 Require everyone to sign in to access this site and only user1, user2, group1 and group2 can access
cec set-site-security Site1 -s yes -d user1 -o group1 Remove the access of user1 and group1 from the site

cec index-site

Usage: cec index-site <site> | cec is <site>

Creates content item for each page with all text on the page. If the page index content item already exists for a page, updated it with latest text on the page. Specify -c <contenttype> to set the page index content type. Optionally, specify -p to publish the page index items after creation or update. Specify the server with -s <server> or use the one specified in file.

The page index content type should have the following Text type fields:


Option Description
--help, -h Show Help
--contenttype, -c <contenttype> page index content type
--publish, -p publish page index items
--server, -s <server> The registered OCM server


Example Description
cec index-site Site1 -c PageIndex
cec index-site Site1 -c PageIndex -p
cec index-site Site1 -c PageIndex -s SampleServer1

cec create-site-map

Usage: cec create-site-map <site> | cec csm <site>

Creates a site map for site on OCM server. Specify the server with -s <server> or use the one specified in file. Optionally, specify -r to specify the format of the sitemap, defaults to XML format. Optionally, specify -p to upload the site map to OCM server after creation. Optionally, specify -c <changefreq> to define how frequently the page is likely to change. Optionally, specify -t <toppagepriority> as the priority for the top level pages. Optionally, specify -m to generate multiple sitemaps, one for each locale. Also optionally specify <file> as the file name for the site map.

The valid values for <format> are:

A site map in format xml-variants includes language and region variants.

The valid values for <changefreq> are:


Option Description
--help, -h Show Help
--url, -u Site URL
--format, -r Format of the sitemap, defaults to XML
--assettypes, -a The comma separated list of content types
--changefreq, -c How frequently the page is likely to change.
--file, -f Name of the generated site map file
--languages, -l The comma separated list of languages used to create the site map
--excludelanguages, -x The comma separated list of languages excluded in the site map
--publish, -p Upload the site map to OCM server after creation
--toppagepriority, -t Priority for the top level pages, a decimal number between 0 and 1
--newlink, -n Generate new 19.3.3 detail page link
--nodefaultlocale, -b Do not generate URL for default locale
--noDefaultDetailPageLink, -o Do not generate detail page link for items/content lists that use the default detail page
--querystrings, -q The comma separated list of query strings for page urls in format of <page name>:<query string>
--multiple, -m Generate multiple sitemaps, one for each locale, not applicable for format xml-variants
--defaultlocale, -d Include default locale in the URLs
--usedefaultsiteurl, -e Uses ‘/’ for the root page path instead of any pageUrl value
--server, -s The registered OCM server


Example Description
cec create-site-map Site1 -u
cec create-site-map Site1 -u -r text -f sitemap.txt Create a text-formatted sitemap for site Site1
cec create-site-map Site1 -u -a Create entry for all site assets of the types which are placed on site detail pages
cec create-site-map Site1 -u -a Blog,Author Create entry for all site assets of the type Blog and Author if they are placed on site detail pages
cec create-site-map Site1 -u -s SampleServer1
cec create-site-map Site1 -u -t 0.9
cec create-site-map Site1 -u -f sitemap.xml
cec create-site-map Site1 -u -p
cec create-site-map Site1 -u -c weekly -p
cec create-site-map Site1 -u -l de-DE,it-IT Generate URLs in default locale, de-DE and it-IT
cec create-site-map Site1 -u -l de-DE,it-IT -b Generate URLs in de-DE and it-IT only
cec create-site-map Site1 -u -x de-DE,it-IT Generate URLs in all locales excluding de-DE and it-IT
cec create-site-map Site1 -u -d Include the default locale in the URLs
cec create-site-map Site1 -u -m Generate multiple sitemaps, one for each locale
cec create-site-map Site1 -u -e Uses ‘/’ for the root page path instead of any pageUrl value
cec create-site-map Site1 -u -q “page1:querystring1,page2:querystring2” Append query string querystring1 to page page1 and querystring2 to page page2
cec create-site-map Site1 -u -q “allquerystring,page1:querystring1” Append query string querystring1 to page page1 and allquerystring to all other pages
cec create-site-map Site1 -u -q “allquerystring,page1:” Append query string querystring all pages except page page1

cec create-rss-feed

Usage: cec create-rss-feed <site> | cec crf <site>

Creates RSS feed for site <site> on OCM server. Specify the server with -s <server> or use the one specified in file. Optionally, specify -x <template> to specify the RSS template. Optionally, specify -p to upload the RSS feed to OCM server after creation.


Option Description
--help, -h Show Help
--url, -u <url> Site URL
--query, -q Query for content items
--limit, -l The limit of the items returned from the query
--orderby, -o The order by for the query
--language, -i The language for the query
--template, -x The RSS xml template
--javascript, -j Javascript file that contains functions to process Mustache data
--title, -t The RSS feed title
--description, -d The RSS feed description
--ttl How long the data will last in number of minutes
--file, -f Name of the generated RSS feed file
--publish, -p Upload the RSS feed to OCM server after creation
--server, -s <server> The registered OCM server
--newlink, -n Generate new 19.3.3 detail page link


Example Description
cec create-rss-feed Site1 -u -q ‘type eq “BlogType”’ -l 10 -o name:asc -t “Blog RSS”
cec create-rss-feed Site1 -u -q ‘type eq “BlogType”’ -l 10 -o name:asc -t “Blog RSS” -x ~/Files/RSSTemplate.xml
cec create-rss-feed Site1 -u -q ‘type eq “BlogType”’ -l 10 -o name:asc -t “Blog RSS” -x ~/Files/RSSTemplate.xml -i fr-FR -f rssfrFR.xml

cec create-asset-report

Usage: cec create-asset-report <site> | cec car <site>

Generates an asset usage report for site <site> on OCM server. Specify the server with -s <server> or use the one specified in file. Optionally, specify -o to save the report to a json file.


Option Description
--help, -h Show Help
--output, -o Output the report to a JSON file
--pages, -p The pages to include in the report
--server, -s <server> The registered OCM server


Example Description
cec create-asset-report Site1
cec create-asset-report Site1 -s SampleServer1
cec create-asset-report Site1 -p 100,200,300 The resport for pages only include page 100, 200 and 300
cec create-asset-report Site1 -o The report will be saved to Site1AssetUsage.json at the current local location
cec create-asset-report Site1 -o ~/Documents The report will be saved to ~/Documents/Site1AssetUsage.json
cec create-asset-report Site1 -o ~/Documents/Site1Report.json The report will be saved to ~/Documents/Site1Report.json

cec upload-static-site-files

Usage: cec upload-static-site-files <path> | cec ulss <path>

Uploads files to render statically from a site on OCM server. Specify the site <site> on the server. Specify the server with -r <server> or use the one specified in file.


Option Description
--help, -h Show Help
--site, -s The site on OCM server
--zipfile, -z Create zip for the static files and upload, defaults to
--folder, -f Copy the processed static files to the local folder without uploading
--server, -r The registered OCM server


Example Description
cec upload-static-site-files ~/Documents/localBlog -s BlogSite
cec upload-static-site-files ~/Documents/localBlog -s BlogSite -z Create zip file for the static files and upload the zip file to OCM server
cec upload-static-site-files ~/Documents/localBlog -s BlogSite -z Create zip file for the static files and upload the zip file to OCM server
cec upload-static-site-files ~/Documents/localBlog -f ~/Documents/static Save the processed static files to local folder ~/Documents/static and do not upload
cec upload-static-site-files ~/Documents/localBlog -s BlogSite -r SampleServer1

cec download-static-site-files

Usage: cec download-static-site-files <site> | cec dlss <site>

Downloads the static files from a site on OCM server. Specify the server with -s <server> or use the one specified in file. Optionally, specify -f <folder> to save the files on the local system.


Option Description
--help, -h Show Help
--folder, -f <folder> Local folder to save the static files
--server, -s <server> The registered OCM server


Example Description
cec download-static-site-files BlogSite Download the files and save to local folder src/documents/BlogSite/static
cec download-static-site-files BlogSite -f ~/Documents/BlogSite/static Download the files and save to local folder ~/Documents/BlogSite/static
cec download-static-site-files BlogSite -s SampleServer1

cec delete-static-site-files

Usage: cec delete-static-site-files <site>

Deletes the static files from a site on OCM server. Specify the server with -s <server> or use the one specified in file.


Option Description
--help, -h Show Help
--server, -s <server> The registered OCM server


Example Description
cec delete-static-site-files BlogSite
cec delete-static-site-files BlogSite -s SampleServer1

cec refresh-prerender-cache

Usage: cec refresh-prerender-cache <site> | cec rpc <site>

Refreshes pre-render cache for a site on OCM server. Specify the server with -s <server> or use the one specified in file.


Option Description
--help, -h Show Help
--server, -s <server> The registered OCM server


Example Description
cec refresh-prerender-cache BlogSite
cec refresh-prerender-cache BlogSite -s SampleServer1

cec migrate-site

Usage: cec migrate-site <site> | cec ms <site>

Migrates a site from OCI IC server to EC server. Specify the IC server with -s <server> and the EC server with -d <destination>.


Option Description
--help, -h Show Help
--server, -s The registered IC server the site is from
--destination, -d The registered EC server to create the site
--repository, -r Repository
--template, -t The site template
--name, -n Site name
--description, -p Site description
--sitePrefix, -x Site Prefix


Example Description
cec migrate-site Site1 -s ICServer -d ECServer -r Repo1 Migrates site Site1 from ICServer to ECServer
cec migrate-site Site1 -s ICServer -d ECServer -r Repo1 -n newSite Migrates site Site1 from ICServer to ECServer and rename to newSite
cec migrate-site Site1 -d ECServer -t ~/Documents/ -r Repo1 Migrates site Site1 to ECServer with template from IC server

cec export-site

Usage: cec export-site <name> | cec es <name>

Exports the site on OCM server to a folder. Specify the server with -s <server> or use the one specified in file. Specify the folder with -f <folder> and specify the job name with -j <job-name>.


Option Description
--help, -h Show Help
--folder, -f <folder>The folder to export the site to
--jobname, -j The job name
--includeunpublishedassets, -i Include unpublished content items and digital assets in the site
--download, -d The flag to indicate to download files of the exported site to local folder
--path, -p The path of the local folder for download
--server, -s registered OCM server


Example Description
cec export-site Site1 Export Site1 as Site1 to home folder on the OCM server
cec export-site Site1 -f Export -j Site1ExportJob -i Export Site1 and include unpublished assets as Site1ExportJob to Export folder on the OCM server
cec export-site Site1 -d Export Site1 as Site1 to home folder on the OCM server and download the export folder to src/siteExport/Site1
cec export-site Site1 -d -p /dev/folder Export Site1 as Site1 to home folder on the OCM server and download the export folder to /dev/folder

cec import-site

Usage: cec import-site <name> | cec ips <name>

Import site to OCM server. Specify the server with -s <server> or use the one specified in file. The valid policies for <sitepolicy> are:

The valid policies for <assetpolicy> are:


Option Description
--help, -h Show Help
--repository, -r The repository for enterprise site
--localizationPolicy, -l The localization policy for enterprise site
--sitePrefix, -x The site prefix
--jobname, -j The job name
--path, -p The path of the local folder for upload
--sitepolicy, -i The site policy [createSite
--assetpolicy, -a The asset policy [createOrUpdate
--newsite, -n The new site name to use when using duplicateSite as policies
--server, -s The registered OCM server
--folder, -f The folder to import the site from
--ignorewarnings, -g Ignore all validation warnings


Example Description
cec import-site Site1 -r repository Import site in src/siteExport/Site1 to the OCM server
cec import-site Site1 -r repository -p /dev/folder Import site in /dev/folder to the OCM server
cec import-site Site1 -j Site1ImportJob -r repository Import src/siteExport/Site1 to the OCM server as Site1ImportJob
cec import-site Site1 -i duplicateSite -n Site1Copy -r repository -x site1copy -l EnglishPolicy Import site to the OCM server by duplicating it as Site1Copy
cec import-site Site1 -a createOrUpdate -r repository Import src/siteExport/Site1 to the OCM server with createOrUpdate assets policy
cec import-site Site1 -f Site1_72D365DB55C94BF1BB023299B4AB64B0 -r repository Import from the given folder on the OCM server
cec import-site Site1 -r repository -g Import site in src/siteExport/Site1 to the OCM server and ignore all validation warnings
cec import-site Site2 Import standard site in src/siteExport/Site2 to the OCM server

cec replicate-site

Usage: cec replicate-site | cec rps

Replicates a site from one OCM server to another. Specify the source server with -s and the destination server with -d . The valid policies for are: - createOrUpdate - createOrUpdateIfOutdated


Option Description
--help, -h Show Help
--folder, -f The folder to export the site to
--jobname, -j The job name
--includeunpublishedassets, -k Include unpublished content items and digital assets in the site
--path, -p The path of the local folder for download
--repository, -r The repository for enterprise site
--localizationPolicy, -l The localization policy for enterprise site
--assetpolicy, -a The asset policy [createOrUpdate
--server, -s The registered OCM server
--destination, -d The registered OCM server to create or update the site [required]
--ignorewarnings, -g Ignore all validation warnings


Example Description
cec replicate-site Site -s srcServer -d destServer Replicate Site to the destServer OCM
cec replicate-site Site1 -s srcServer -d destServer -r repo -l langPolicy Replicate enterprise Site1 to the destServer OCM
cec replicate-site Site1 -s srcServer -d destServer -r repo -l langPolicy -k Replicate enterprise Site1 on the destServer OCM including unpublished assets
cec replicate-site Site1 -s srcServer -d destServer -r repo -l langPolicy -a createOrUpdateIfOutdated -k Update enterprise Site1 and assets on the destServer OCM including unpublished assets

cec export-repository

Usage: cec export-repository | cec er

Exports the repository on OCM server to a folder. Specify the server with -s or use the one specified in file. Specify the folder with -f and specify the job name with -j .


Option Description
--help, -h Show Help
--query, -q The query to fetch the assets
--includecustomcomponents, -v Include custom components in the repository
--includechannels, -c Include channels and localization policies in the repository
--includecollections, -l Include collections in the repository
--includetaxonomies, -x Include taxonomies in the repository
--options, -o The stringified JSON of options
--folder, -f The folder to export the repository to
--download, -d Download files of the exported repository to local folder
--path, -p The path of the local folder for download
--jobname, -j The job name
--server, -s The registered OCM server


Example Description
cec export-repository Repo1 Export Repo1 including assets and types to home folder on the OCM server
cec export-repository Repo1 -v -c -l -x Export Repo1 including assets, types, custom components, channels, collections and taxonomies to home folder on the OCM server
cec export-repository Repo1 -q ‘channels co “RCHANNEL23B5221484BB46”’ Export Repo1 including assets returned by the query specified to home folder on the OCM server
cec export-repository Repo1 -o ‘{“assetOptions”:…}’ Export Repo1 using the options specified to home folder on the OCM server
cec export-repository Repo1 -f Export -j Repo1ExportJob -a -t Export Repo1 and include assets as Repo1ExportJob to Export folder on the OCM server
cec export-repository Repo1 -d Export Repo1 to home folder on the OCM server and download the export folder to src/repositoryExport/Repo1
cec export-repository Repo1 -d -p /dev/folder Export Repo1 to home folder on the OCM server and download the export folder to /dev/folder

cec import-repository

Usage: cec import-repository | cec ir

Import repository to OCM server. Specify the server with -s or use the one specified in file. The valid policies for are: - createOrUpdate - createOrUpdateIfOutdated - duplicate


Option Description
--help, -h Show Help
--repository, -r The repository name [required]
--includecustomcomponents, -v Include custom components in the repository
--includechannels, -c Include channels and localization policies in the repository
--includechannelmappings, -b Include channel mappings in the repository
--includecollections, -l Include collections in the repository
--includecollectionmappings, -m Include collection mappings in the repository
--includetaxonomies, -x Include taxonomies in the repository
--includetaxonomymappings, -y Include taxonomy mappings in the repository
--options, -o The stringified JSON of options
--assetpolicy, -e The asset policy [createOrUpdate
--slugprefix, -u The slug prefix
--ignorewarnings, -g Ignore all validation warnings
--folder, -f The folder to import the repository from
--path, -p The path of the local folder for upload
--jobname, -j The job name
--server, -s The registered OCM server


Example Description
cec import-repository Repo1 -r Repo1 Import Repo1 including assets and types in src/repositoryExport/Repo1 to Repo1 on the OCM server
cec import-repository Repo1 -r Repo1 -v -c -b -l -m -x -y Import Repo1 including assets, types, custom components, channels, channel mappings, collections, collection mappings, taxonomies and taxonomy mappings to Repo1 on the OCM server
cec import-repository Repo1 -r Repo2 -v -e duplicate -u u2 Import Repo1 including assets, types and custom components using duplicate asset policy and slug prefix u2 to Repo2 on the OCM server
cec import-repository Repo1 -r Repo1 -p /dev/folder Import Repo1 in /dev/folder to Repo1 on the OCM server
cec import-repository Repo1 -r Repo1 -o ‘{“assetOptions”:…}’ Import Repo1 to Repo1 on the OCM server using the specified options
cec import-repository Repo1 -j Repo1ImportJob -r Repo1 Import Repo1 to the OCM server with Repo1ImportJob as job name
cec import-repository Repo1 -f Repo1_72D365DB55C94BF1BB023299 -r Repo1 Import from the given folder on the OCM server
cec import-repository Repo1 -r Repo1 -g Import Repo1 in src/repositoryExport/Repo1 to Repo1 on the OCM server and ignore all validation warnings

cec replicate-repository

Usage: cec replicate-repository | cec rpr

Replicates a repository from one OCM server to another. Specify the source server with -s and the destination server with -d . The valid policies for <assetpolicy> are: - createOrUpdate - createOrUpdateIfOutdated


Option Description
--help, -h Show Help
--includecustomcomponents, -v Include custom components in the repository
--includechannels, -c Include channels and localization policies in the repository
--includechannelmappings, -b Include channel mappings in the repository
--includecollections, -l Include collections in the repository
--includecollectionmappings, -m Include collection mappings in the repository
--includetaxonomies, -x Include taxonomies in the repository
--includetaxonomymappings, -y Include taxonomy mappings in the repository
--ignorewarnings, -g Ignore all validation warnings
--folder, -f The folder to export the repository to
--jobname, -j The job name
--path, -p The path of the local folder for download
--repository, -r The repository name [required]
--assetpolicy, -e The asset policy [createOrUpdate
--server, -s The registered OCM server
--destination, -d The registered OCM server to update the repository [required]


Example Description
cec replicate-repository Repo1 -s srcServer -d destServer -r Repo1 Replicate Repo1 to the destServer OCM with createOrUpdateIfOutdated asset policy.
cec replicate-repository Repo1 -s srcServer -d destServer -r Repo1 -x -y Replicate Repo1 including taxonomies to the destServer OCM
cec replicate-repository Repo1 -s srcServer -d destServer -r Repo1 -c -b Replicate Repo1 including channels to the destServer OCM
cec replicate-repository Repo1 -s srcServer -d destServer -r Repo1 -l -m Replicate Repo1 including collections to the destServer OCM

cec unblock-import-job

Usage: cec unblock-import-job <id> | cec uij <id>

Unblock an import job on OCM server. Specify the server with -s <server> or use the one specified in file.


Option Description
--help, -h Show Help
--server, -s The registered OCM server
--ignorewarnings, -g Ignore all validation warnings


Example Description
cec unblock-import-job 9F88FB74733E42889BF61CFCDA6D7E39 Unblock the specified import job on the server specified in file
cec unblock-import-job 9F88FB74733E42889BF61CFCDA6D7E39 -g -s SampleServer1 Unblock the specified import job on the registered server SampleServer1 and ignore all validation warnings

cec retry-import-job

Usage: cec retry-import-job <id> | cec rij <id>

Retry an import job on OCM server. Specify the server with -s <server> or use the one specified in file.


Option Description
--help, -h Show Help
--server, -s <server> The registered OCM server


Example Description
cec retry-import-job 9F88FB74733E42889BF61CFCDA6D7E39 Retry the specified import job on the server specified in file

cec cancel-export-job

Usage: cec cancel-export-job <id> | cec cej <id>

Cancel of an export job on OCM server. Specify the server with -s <server> or use the one specified in file.


Option Description
--help, -h Show Help
--server, -s <server> The registered OCM server


Example Description
cec cancel-export-job 9F88FB74733E42889BF61CFCDA6D7E39 Cancel the specified export job on the server specified in file
cec cancel-export-job 9F88FB74733E42889BF61CFCDA6D7E39 -s SampleServer1 Cancel the specified export job on the registered server SampleServer1

cec cancel-import-job

Usage: cec cancel-import-job <id> | cec cij <id>

Cancel an import job on OCM server. Specify the server with -s <server> or use the one specified in file.


Option Description
--help, -h Show Help
--server, -s <server> The registered OCM server


Example Description
cec cancel-import-job 9F88FB74733E42889BF61CFCDA6D7E39 Cancel the specified import job on the server specified in file
cec cancel-import-job 9F88FB74733E42889BF61CFCDA6D7E39 -s SampleServer1 Cancel the specified import job on the registered server SampleServer1

cec delete-export-job

Usage: cec delete-export-job <id>

Delete of an export job on OCM server. Specify the server with -s <server> or use the one specified in file.


Option Description
--help, -h Show Help
--server, -s <server> The registered OCM server


Example Description
cec delete-export-job 9F88FB74733E42889BF61CFCDA6D7E39 Delete the specified export job on the server specified in file
cec delete-export-job 9F88FB74733E42889BF61CFCDA6D7E39 -s SampleServer1 Delete the specified export job on the registered server SampleServer1

cec delete-import-job

Usage: cec delete-import-job <id>

Delete an import job on OCM server. Specify the server with -s <server> or use the one specified in file.


Option Description
--help, -h Show Help
--server, -s <server> The registered OCM server


Example Description
cec delete-import-job 9F88FB74733E42889BF61CFCDA6D7E39 Delete the specified import job on the server specified in file
cec delete-import-job 9F88FB74733E42889BF61CFCDA6D7E39 -s SampleServer1 Delete the specified import job on the registered server SampleServer1

cec list-export-jobs

Usage: cec list-export-jobs | cec lej

Lists export jobs from OCM server.


Option Description
--help, -h Show Help
--server, -s <server> The registered OCM server


Example Description
cec list-export-jobs -s List export jobs on the server specified in file
cec list-export-jobs -s SampleServer1 Lists export jobs on the registered server SampleServer1

cec describe-export-job

Usage: cec describe-export-job <id> | cec dsej <id>

Lists the properties of an export job on OCM server. Specify the server with -s <server> or use the one specified in file.


Option Description
--help, -h Show Help
--server, -s The registered OCM server
--download, -d The flag to indicate to download files of the exported site to local folder


Example Description
cec describe-export-job 9F88FB74733E42889BF61CFCDA6D7E39 Describe the specified export job on the server specified in file
cec describe-export-job 9F88FB74733E42889BF61CFCDA6D7E39 -s SampleServer1 Describe the specified export job on the registered server SampleServer1
cec describe-export-job 9F88FB74733E42889BF61CFCDA6D7E39 -d -s SampleServer1 Describe the specified export job on the registered server SampleServer1 and download the export folder.

cec list-import-jobs

Usage: cec list-import-jobs | cec lij

Lists import jobs from OCM server.


Option Description
--help, -h Show Help
--server, -s <server> The registered OCM server


Example Description
cec list-import-jobs -s Lists import jobs on the server specified in file
cec list-import-jobs -s SampleServer1 Lists import jobs on the registered server SampleServer1

cec describe-import-job

Usage: cec describe-import-job <id> | cec dsij <id>

Lists the properties of an import job on OCM server. Specify the server with -s <server> or use the one specified in file.


Option Description
--help, -h Show Help
--server, -s The registered OCM server
--download, -d The flag to indicate to download the import report to local folder


Example Description
cec describe-import-job AC7139BB9EE84592AC36746E934B3319 Describe the specified import job on the server specified in file
cec describe-import-job AC7139BB9EE84592AC36746E934B3319 -s SampleServer1 Describe the specified import job on the registered server SampleServer1
cec describe-import-job AC7139BB9EE84592AC36746E934B3319 -d -s SampleServer1 Describe the specified import job on the registered server SampleServer1 and download the import report.

cec download-content

Usage: cec download-content | cec dlc

Downloads content from OCM server. By default all assets are downloaded, optionally specify -p to download only published assets. Specify the server with -s <server> or use the one specified in file.


Option Description
--help, -h Show Help
--publishedassets, -p Published assets only
--approvedassets, -v Previously approved assets only
--collection, -c Collection name
--repository, -r Repository name, required when <collection> is specified
--query, -q Query to fetch the assets
--assets, -a The comma separated list of asset GUIDS
--assetsfile, -f The file with an array of asset GUIDS
--name, -n The name for this download, default to the channel or repository name
--server, -s The registered OCM server


Example Description
cec download-content Site1Channel Download all assets in channel Site1Channel and save to local folder src/content/Site1Channel
cec download-content Site1Channel -n Site1Assets Download all assets in channel Site1Channel and save to local folder src/content/Site1Assets
cec download-content Site1Channel -p Download published assets in channel Site1Channel
cec download-content Site1Channel -s SampleServer1 Download all assets in channel Site1Channel on server SampleServer1
cec download-content Site1Channel -q ‘fields.category eq “RECIPE”’ Download assets from the channel Site1Channel, matching the query, plus any dependencies
cec download-content Site1Channel -r Repo1 -c Collection1 Download assets from the repository Repo1, collection Collection1 and channel Site1Channel
cec download-content Site1Channel -r Repo1 -c Collection1 -q ‘fields.category eq “RECIPE”’ Download assets from repository Repo1, collection Collection1 and channel Site1Channel, matching the query, plus any dependencies
cec download-content -a GUID1,GUID2 -n items Download asset GUID1 and GUID2 and all their dependencies
cec download-content -r Repo1 Download assets from the repository Repo1
cec download-content -r Repo1 -v Download approved assets from the repository Repo1

Please specify the channel, repository, query or assets

cec upload-content

Usage: cec upload-content <name> | cec ulc <name>

Uploads local content from channel <name>, template <name> or local file <name> to repository <repository> on OCM server. Specify -c <channel> to add the template content to channel. Optionally, specify -l <collection> to add the content to collection. Specify the server with -s <server> or use the one specified in file.


Option Description
--help, -h Show Help
--repository, -r The repository for the types and items
--template, -t Flag to indicate the content is from template
--file, -f Flag to indicate the content is from file
--channel, -c The channel to add the content
--collection, -l The collection to add the content
--server, -s The registered OCM server
--update, -u Update any existing content instead of creating new items
--reuse, -e Only update the existing content that is older than the content being imported
--publish, -b Publish content after import
--types, -p Upload content types and taxonomies only


Example Description
cec upload-content Site1Channel -r Repo1 Upload content to repository Repo1, creating new items, and add to channel Site1Channel
cec upload-content Site1Channel -r Repo1 -b Publish the content after import
cec upload-content Site1Channel -r Repo1 -u Upload content to repository Repo1, updating existing content to create new versions, and add to channel Site1Channel
cec upload-content Site1Channel -r Repo1 -e Upload content to repository Repo1, does not update existing content if the content in Repo1 is newer than content being imported, and add to channel Site1Channel
cec upload-content Site1Channel -r Repo1 -l Site1Collection Upload content to repository Repo1 and add to collection Site1Collection and channel Site1Channel
cec upload-content Site1Channel -r Repo1 -p Upload content types from content SiteChannel to the server
cec upload-content Site1Channel -r Repo1 -s SampleServer1 Upload content to repository Repo1 on server SampleServer1 and add to channel Site1Channel
cec upload-content Template1 -t -r Repo1 -c channel1 Upload content from template Template1 to repository Repo1 and add to channel channel1
cec upload-content ~/Downloads/ -f -r Repo1 -c channel1 Upload content from file ~/Downloads/ to repository Repo1 and add to channel channel1

cec control-content

Usage: cec control-content <action> | cec ctct <action>

Performs action <action> on channel items on OCM server. Specify the channel with -c <channel>. Specify the server with -s <server> or use the one specified in file. The valid actions are:

To publish large number of assets, specify <batchsize> to generate script to publish the assets in batches. By default the script will not be executed by this command, specify <execute> to execute the script after it is generated.


Option Description
--help, -h Show Help
--channel, -c Channel
--repository, -r Repository, required when <action> is add
--collection, -l Collection
--query, -q Query to fetch the assets
--assets, -a The comma separated list of asset GUIDS
--assetsfile, -f The file with an array of asset GUIDS
--batchsize, -b The number of assets in each batch to publish in batches
--execute, -e Execute the publish script when publish in batches
--server, -s The registered OCM server
--date, -d Date to publish items
--name, -n Name of the scheduled publishing job to create


Example Description
cec control-content publish -c Channel1 Publish all items in channel Channel1 on the server specified in file
cec control-content publish -c Channel1 -a GUID1,GUID2 Publish asset GUID1 and GUID2 in channel Channel1
cec control-content publish -c Channel1 -q ‘createdDate ge “2023-01-01” and createdDate lt “2024-01-01”’ Publish asset created in 2023 in channel Channel1
cec control-content publish -c Channel1 -b 400 Create script to publish all items in channel Channel1 in batches, each batch has 400 assets
cec control-content publish -c Channel1 -b 400 -e Create script to publish all items in channel Channel1 in batches and execute the script
cec control-content publish -c Channel1 -s SampleServer1 Publish all items in channel Channel1 on the registered server SampleServer1
cec control-content unpublish -c Channel1 -s SampleServer1 Unpublish all items in channel Channel1 on the registered server SampleServer1
cec control-content add -c Channel1 -r Repo1 -s SampleServer1 Add all items in repository Repo1 to channel Channel1 on the registered server SampleServer1
cec control-content add -c Channel1 -r Repo1 -q ‘type eq “BlogType”’ -s SampleServer1 Add all items in repository Repo1, matching the query to channel Channel1 on the registered server SampleServer1
cec control-content add -c Channel1 -r Repo1 -q ‘channels co “CHANNELF43508F995FE582EC219EFEF03076128932B9A3F1DF6”’ -s SampleServer1 Add all items in repository Repo1 and Channel2 to channel Channel1 on the registered server SampleServer1
cec control-content add -c Channel1 -r Repo1 -a GUID1,GUID2 -s SampleServer1 Add asset GUID1 and GUID2 in repository Repo1 to channel Channel1
cec control-content remove -c Channel1 -s SampleServer1 Remove all items in channel Channel1 on the registered server SampleServer1
cec control-content add -l Collection1 -r Repo1 -s SampleServer1 Add all items in repository Repo1 to collection Collection1 on the registered server SampleServer1
cec control-content remove -l Collection -s SampleServer1 Remove all items in collection Collection1 on the registered server SampleServer1
cec control-content publish -c C1 -r R1 -s SampleServer1 -d “2021/9/21 0:30:00 PST” -n Name Create a publishing job called Name to publish all items in channel C1 on the specified date. Requires server version: 21.2.1
cec control-content set-translated -a GUID1,GUID2 -s SampleServer1 Set translatable item GUID1 and GUID2 as translated
cec control-content archive -c Channel1 -s SampleServer1 Archive all items in channel Channel1

cec transfer-content

Usage: cec transfer-content <repository> | cec tc <repository>

Creates scripts to transfer content from one OCM server to another. This command is used to transfer large number of content items and the items are transferred in batches. By default the scripts will not be executed by this command. By default all assets are transferred, optionally specify -p to transfer only published assets. Specify the source server with -s <server> and the destination server with -d <destination>. Optionally, specify -n for the number of items in each batch, defaults to 200.


Option Description
--help, -h Show Help
--server, -s The registered OCM server the content is from
--destination, -d The registered OCM server to transfer the content
--channel, -c The channel
--publishedassets, -p The flag to indicate published assets only
--query, -q Query to fetch the assets
--reuse, -u Only update the content that is older than the content being transferred
--number, -n The number of items in each batch, defaults to 200
--execute, -e Execute the scripts


Example Description
cec transfer-content Repository1 -s SampleServer -d SampleServer1 Generate script Repository1_downloadcontent and Repository1_uploadcontent
cec transfer-content Repository1 -s SampleServer -d SampleServer1 -e Generate script Repository1_downloadcontent and Repository1_uploadcontent and execute them
cec transfer-content Repository1 -s SampleServer -d SampleServer1 -n 1000 Set the number of items in each batch to 1000
cec transfer-content Repository1 -s SampleServer -d SampleServer1 -c Channel1 Transfer the items added to channel Channel1 in repository Repository1
cec transfer-content Repository1 -s SampleServer -d SampleServer1 -c Channel1 -p Transfer the items published to channel Channel1 in repository Repository1
cec transfer-content Repository1 -s SampleServer -d SampleServer1 -q ‘type eq “BlogType”’ Transfer the items in repository Repository1, matching the query
cec transfer-content Repository1 -s SampleServer -d SampleServer1 -u Only import the content that is newer than the content in Repository1 on server SampleServer1

cec delete-assets

Usage: cec delete-assets

Deletes assets on OCM server. Optionally, specify -c <channel>, -r <repository>, -l <collection>, -a <assets> or -q <query> to specify the assets. Specify the server with -s <server> or use the one specified in file.


Option Description
--help, -h Show Help
--channel, -c Channel name
--collection, -l Collection name
--repository, -r Repository name, required when <collection> is specified
--query, -q Query to fetch the assets
--assets, -a The comma separated list of asset GUIDS
--server, -s The registered OCM server


Example Description
cec delete-assets -r Repo1 Delete all assets from repository Repo1
cec delete-assets -c Channel1 Delete all assets from channel Channel1
cec delete-assets -r Repo1 -c Channel1 Delete all items from repository Repo1 and channel Channel1
cec delete-assets -r Repo1 -l Collection1 Delete all assets from collection Collection1 and repository Repo1
cec delete-assets -q ‘fields.category eq “RECIPE”’ Deletes all assets matching the query
cec delete-assets -a GUID1,GUID2 Delete the two assets

Please specify the channel, repository, query or assets

cec validate-assets

Usage: cec validate-assets <channel> | cec va <channel>

Validates assets on OCM server before publish or view publishing failure. Specify the server with -s <server> or use the one specified in file.


Option Description
--help, -h Show Help
--query, -q Query to fetch the assets
--assets, -a The comma separated list of asset GUIDS
--file, -f The file to save the result
--server, -s <server> The registered OCM server


Example Description
cec validate-assets Channel1 Validate assets in channel Channel1
cec validate-assets Channel1 -f Validate assets in channel Channel1 and save result to va_Channel1.json
cec validate-assets Channel1 -f Channel1Result.json Validate assets in channel Channel1 and save result to Channel1Result.json
cec validate-assets Channel1 -q ‘fields.category eq “RECIPE”’ Validate assets in channel Channel1, matching the query
cec validate-assets Channel1 -a GUID1,GUID2 Validate asset GUID1 and GUID2 in channel Channel1

cec list-assets

Usage: cec list-assets | cec la

Lists assets on OCM server. Optionally, specify -c <channel>, -r <repository>, -l <collection> or -q <query> to query assets. Specify the server with -s <server> or use the one specified in file. Optionally, specify -p to select to show the properties of assets. The supported properties are:

Optionally, specify -v to validate the existence of each item and other resources. The supported resources are:

If the text length of an asset’s field value exceeds textlength, the asset will be listed in the validation result.


Option Description
--help, -h Show Help
--channel, -c Channel name
--collection, -l Collection name
--repository, -r Repository name, required when <collection> is specified
--query, -q Query to fetch the assets
--orderby, -o The order of query items
--search, -e The search query expression, that matches values of the items across all fields.
--searchoperator, -t The search query operator [or
--rankby, -k The ranking policy API name
--validate, -v Validate the existence of each item.
--length, -g The text length the asset fields do not exceed.
--properties, -p The comma separated list of asset properties to show
--file, -f Save the result to a JSON file
--server, -s The registered OCM server


Example Description
cec list-assets List all assets
cec list-assets -p type,id,name,slug,language List all assets with property type, id, name, slug and language
cec list-assets -s SampleServer1 List all assets on registered server SampleServer1
cec list-assets -r Repo1 List all assets from repository Repo1
cec list-assets -r Repo1 -o “name:asc” List all assets from repository Repo1 and order them by name
cec list-assets -c Channel1 List all assets from channel Channel1
cec list-assets -c Channel1 -p repository,id,name -o repositoryId List all assets from channel Channel1 with repository name, asset id and name
cec list-assets -r Repo1 -l Collection1 List all assets from collection Collection1 and repository Repo1
cec list-assets -q ‘fields.category eq “RECIPE”’ List all assets matching the query
cec list-assets -q ‘fields.category eq “RECIPE”’ -k ranking1 List all assets matching the query and order them by relevance
cec list-assets -r Repo1 -e coffee,tea List all assets from repository Repo1 where the values coffee or tea matches to asset name, description or any user-defined fields.
cec list-assets -r Repo1 -e coffee,tea -t and List all assets from repository Repo1 where the values coffee and tea matches to asset name, description or any user-defined fields.
cec list-assets -c Channel1 -v Query all items from channel Channel1 and validate their existence
cec list-assets -r Repo1 -v reference List all assets in repository Repo1 and validate their reference items are correctly recorded
cec list-assets -r Repo1 -q ‘typeCategory eq “DigitalAssetType”’ -v nativefile List all digital assets in repository Repo1 and validate their asset native files

cec list-asset-ids

Usage: cec list-asset-ids <repository> | cec lai <repository>

List Ids of assets in a repository on OCM server. Specify the server with -s <server> or use the one specified in file.


Option Description
--help, -h Show Help
--channel, -c The Channel name
--publishedassets, -p Published assets only
--file, -f The file to save the Ids
--server, -s The registered OCM server


Example Description
cec list-asset-ids Repo1 List Ids for all assets in repository Repo1
cec list-asset-ids Repo1 -f Repo1_asset_ids List Ids for all assets in repository Repo1 and also save to local file Repo1_asset_ids
cec list-asset-ids Repo1 -c Channel1 List Ids for all assets in repository Repo1 and channel channel1
cec list-asset-ids Repo1 -c Channel1 -p List Ids for all published assets in repository Repo1 and channel channel1

cec describe-asset

Usage: cec describe-asset <id> | cec dsa <id>

Lists the properties of an asset on OCM server. Specify the server with -s <server> or use the one specified in file.


Option Description
--help, -h Show Help
--server, -s <server> The registered OCM server


Example Description
cec describe-asset CORECE3370197DB34D77A2D5D4DC0118B9C8 -s SampleServer1

cec create-digital-asset

Usage: cec create-digital-asset | cec cda

Creates digital asset on OCM server. Specify the server with -s <server> or use the one specified in file. Specify the asset attributes in JSON file, e.g.

{ . - “imagetitle”: “Logo”, . - “copyright”: “Copyright © 1995, 2021, Company and/or its affiliates” }


Option Description
--help, -h Show Help
--from, -f The digital asset source file
--type, -t The digital asset type
--repository, -r The repository to add the asset
--documents, -d The source is from Documents
--slug, -l The slug for the asset when create a single asset
--language, -g The language for the asset. Only applicable for Custom Digital Asset type
--nontranslatable, -n Create non-translatable asset
--attributes, -a The JSON file of asset attributes
--server, -s The registered OCM server


Example Description
cec create-digital-asset -f ~/Documents/logo.jpg -t Image -r Repo1 Create asset of type Image
cec create-digital-asset -f ~/Documents/logo.jpg -t Image -r Repo1 -l company-logo Create asset of type Image and set slug to company-logo
cec create-digital-asset -f “/Documents/demo.mp4,/Documents/demo2.mp4” -t Video -r Repo1 Create two assets of type Video
cec create-digital-asset -f ~/Documents/logo.jpg -t MyImage -r Repo1 -a ~/Documents/logoattrs.json Create asset of type MyImage with attributes
cec create-digital-asset -f ~/Documents/logo.jpg -t MyImage -r Repo1 -l company-logo -a ~/Documents/logoattrs.json Create asset of type MyImage with slug and attributes
cec create-digital-asset -f ~/Documents/logo.jpg -t MyImage -r Repo1 -g fr-FR Create asset of type MyImage in language fr-FR
cec create-digital-asset -f ~/Documents/logo.jpg -t MyImage -r Repo1 -n Create non-translatable asset of type MyImage
cec create-digital-asset -f ~/Documents/images -t Image -r Repo1 Create assets for all images files from folder ~/Documents/images
cec create-digital-asset -f Doc/images/logo.jpg -d -t Image -r Repo1 Create asset of type Image from file Doc/images/logo.jpg on OCM server

cec update-digital-asset

Usage: cec update-digital-asset <id> | cec uda <id>

Uploads a new version or updates attributes for a digital asset on OCM server. Specify the server with -s <server> or use the one specified in file. Specify the asset attributes in JSON file, e.g.

{ . - “imagetitle”: “Logo2”, . - “copyright”: “Copyright © 1995, 2021, Company and/or its affiliates” }


Option Description
--help, -h Show Help
--from, -f The digital asset source file for the new version
--slug, -l The slug for the asset
--language, -g The language for the asset. Only applicable for Custom Digital Asset type
--attributes, -a The JSON file of asset attributes
--server, -s The registered OCM server


Example Description
cec update-digital-asset CORED129ACD36FCD42B1B38D22EEA5065F38 -l company-logo Update asset slug
cec update-digital-asset CORED129ACD36FCD42B1B38D22EEA5065F38 -g fr-FR Update asset language
cec update-digital-asset CORED129ACD36FCD42B1B38D22EEA5065F38 -f ~/Documents/logo2.jpg Upload a new version
cec update-digital-asset CORED129ACD36FCD42B1B38D22EEA5065F38 -f ~/Documents/logo2.jpg -l company-logo -a ~/Documents/logoattrs2.json Upload a new version and update slug and attributes

cec copy-assets

Usage: cec copy-assets <repository> | cec ca <repository>

Copies assets to another repository on OCM server. Specify the server with -s <server> or use the one specified in file.


Option Description
--help, -h Show Help
--collection, -l Collection name
--channel, -c Channel name
--query, -q Query to fetch the assets
--assets, -a The comma separated list of asset GUIDS
--target, -t The target repository
--server, -s The registered OCM server


Example Description
cec copy-assets Repo1 -t Repo2 Copy all assets in repository Repo1 to Repo2
cec copy-assets Repo1 -t Repo2 -s SampleServer1 Copy all assets in repository Repo1 to Repo2 on server SampleServer1
cec copy-assets Repo1 -a GUID1,GUID2 -t Repo2 Copy asset GUID1 and GUID2 and all their dependencies in Repo1 to Repo2
cec copy-assets Repo1 -q ‘fields.category eq “RECIPE”’ -t Repo2 Copy assets from repository Repo1, matching the query, plus any dependencies to Repo2
cec copy-assets Repo1 -c Channel1 -t Repo2 Copy assets from the repository Repo1 and channel Channel1 to Repo2
cec copy-assets Repo1 -l Collection1 -t Repo2 Copy assets from the repository Repo1 and collection Collection1 to Repo2
cec copy-assets Repo1 -c Channel1 -q ‘fields.category eq “RECIPE”’ -t Repo2 Copy assets from repository Repo1, channel Channel1, matching the query, plus any dependencies to Repo2

cec create-asset-usage-report

Usage: cec create-asset-usage-report <assets> | cec caur <assets>

Generates an asset usage report for assets on OCM server. Optionally, specify -o to save the report to a json file. Specify the server with -s <server> or use the one specified in file.


Option Description
--help, -h Show Help
--output, -o Output the report to a JSON file
--server, -s <server> The registered OCM server


Example Description
cec create-asset-usage-report GUID1
cec create-asset-usage-report GUID1 -s SampleServer1
cec create-asset-usage-report GUID1 -o The report will be saved to GUID1AssetUsage.json
cec create-asset-usage-report GUID1,GUID2 -o The report will be saved to GUID1_GUID2AssetUsage.json
cec create-asset-usage-report GUID1,GUID2 -o ItemReport.json The report will be saved to ItemReport.json

cec migrate-content

Usage: cec migrate-content <name> | cec mc <name>

Migrates content from OCI IC server to EC server. Specify the IC server with -s <server> and the EC server with -d <destination>.


Option Description
--help, -h Show Help
--server, -s The registered IC server the content is from
--destination, -d The registered EC server to upload the content
--repository, -r The repository for the types and items
--channel, -c The channel to add the content
--collection, -l The collection to add the content


Example Description
cec migrate-content collection1 -s ICServer -d ECServer -r Repo1 Migrates content from collection collection1 on ICServer to repository Repo1 on ECServer
cec migrate-content collection1 -s ICServer -d ECServer -r Repo1 -l newCollection Migrates content from collection collection1 on ICServer to repository Repo1 and collection newCollection on ECServer
cec migrate-content collection1 -s ICServer -d ECServer -r Repo1 -l newCollection -c channel1 Migrates content from collection collection1 on ICServer to repository Repo1, collection newCollection and channel channel1 on ECServer

cec compile-content

Usage: cec compile-content | cec cmpc

Compiles all the content items within the publishing job or list of assets and places the compiled renditions under the “dist” folder. Specify -s <server> to make content queries against this server.

Optionally, specify -a <assets> comma separated lists of assets.

Optionally, specify -t <contentType> compile all published assets of this content type.

Optionally, specify -i <repositoryId> Id of the repository for content type queries.

Optionally, specify -d <debug> to start the compilation with –inspect-brk flag.

Optionally, specify -v <verbose> to display all warning messages during compilation.


Option Description
--help, -h Show Help
--server, -s The registered OCM server.
--assets, -a The comma separated list of asset GUIDS.
--contenttype, -t Compile all the published assets of this content type.
--repositoryId, -i Id of the repository for content type queries.
--renditionJobId, -r Server invoked rendition job id for a publishing job.
--debug, -d Start the compiler with “–inspect-brk” option to debug compilation.
--verbose, -v Run in verbose mode to display all warning messages during compilation.


Example Description
cec compile-content publishingJobId -s SampleServer1 Compiles the content items in the specified publishing job retrieving content from the server.
cec compile-content publishingJobId -s SampleServer1 -d Waits for the debugger to be attached.
cec compile-content -a GUID1,GUID2 -s SampleServer1 Compiles the assets by retrieving content from the specified server.
cec compile-content -t Blog -i REPOGUID -s SampleServer1 Compiles the published assets of this content type from the specified server.

cec upload-compiled-content

Usage: cec upload-compiled-content <path> | cec ulcc <path>

Uploads the compiled content to OCM server. Specify the server with -r <server> or use the one specified in file.


Option Description
--help, -h Show Help
--server, -s <server> The registered OCM server


Example Description
cec upload-compiled-content dist/
cec upload-compiled-content dist/ -s SampleServer1

cec describe-local-content

Usage: cec describe-local-content <name> | cec dslc <name>

Lists local content resources.


Option Description
--help, -h Show Help
--template, -t The content is from site template
--file, -f The content is from file


Example Description
cec describe-local-content Site1Channel List content resources from src/content/Site1Channel/
cec describe-local-content Template1 -t List content resources from src/templates/Template1/
cec describe-local-content ~/Downloads/ -f List content resources in the file

cec create-repository

Usage: cec create-repository <name> | cec cr <name>

Creates a repository on OCM server. Specify the server with -s <server> or use the one specified in file. Optionally, specify -d <description> to set the description. Optionally, specify -t <contenttypes> to set the content types. Optionally, specify -c <channels> to set the publishing channels. Optionally, specify -l <defaultlanguage> to set the default language. Optionally, specify -p <type> to set the repository type. The valid repository types are:


Option Description
--help, -h Show Help
--description, -d The description for the repository
--type, -p The repository type [asset
--contenttypes, -t The comma separated list of content types for the repository
--channels, -c The comma separated list of publishing channels to use in this repository
--defaultlanguage, -l The default language
--server, -s The registered OCM server


Example Description
cec create-repository Repo1
cec create-repository BusinessRepo -p business
cec create-repository Repo1 -d “Blog Repository” -t BlogType,AuthorType -c channel1,channel2 -l en-US -s SampleServer1

cec control-repository

Usage: cec control-repository <action> | cec ctr <action>

Performs action <action> on repositories on OCM server. Specify the server with -s <server> or use the one specified in file. The valid actions are:


Option Description
--help, -h Show Help
--repository, -r The comma separated list of content repositories
--contenttypes, -t The comma separated list of content types
--channels, -c The comma separated list of publishing channels
--taxonomies, -x The comma separated list of promoted taxonomies
--languages, -l The comma separated list of languages
--translationconnectors, -n The comma separated list of translation connectors
--editorialroles, -e The comma separated list of editorial roles
--server, -s The registered OCM server


Example Description
cec control-repository add-type -r Repo1 -t Blog,Author
cec control-repository add-type -r Repo1,Repo2 -t Blog,Author
cec control-repository add-type -r Repo1 -t Blog,Author -s SampleServer1
cec control-repository remove-type -r Repo1 -t Blog,Author
cec control-repository add-channel -r Repo1 -c channel1,channel2
cec control-repository remove-channel -r Repo1 -c channel1,channel2
cec control-repository add-taxonomy -r Repo1 -x Taxonomy1,Taxonomy2
cec control-repository remove-taxonomy -r Repo1 -x Taxonomy1,Taxonomy2
cec control-repository add-language -r Repo1 -l fr-FR,de-DE
cec control-repository remove-language -r Repo1 -l fr-FR,de-DE
cec control-repository add-translation-connector -r Repo1 -n “Lingotek,My Lingotek Connector”
cec control-repository remove-translation-connector -r Repo1 -n “Lingotek,My Lingotek Connector”
cec control-repository add-role -r Repo1 -e EditorialRole1,EditorialRole2
cec control-repository remove-role -r Repo1 -e EditorialRole1,EditorialRole2
cec control-repository enable-not-ready -r Repo1 Allow assets for which required fields contain defaults or missing values to be created in and added to this repository

cec share-repository

Usage: cec share-repository <name> | cec sr <name>

Shares repository with users and groups on OCM server and assign a role. Specify the server with -s <server> or use the one specified in file. Optionally, specify -t to also share the content types in the repository with the users. Optionally, specify -y <typerole> to share the types with different role. The valid roles for a repository are:

or an editorial role. The valid roles for a type are:


Option Description
--help, -h Show Help
--users, -u The comma separated list of user names
--groups, -g The comma separated list of group names
--role, -r The role [manager
--types, -t Share types in the repository
--typerole, -y The role [manager] to assign to the users or groups for types
--server, -s <server> The registered OCM server


Example Description
cec share-repository Repo1 -u user1,user2 -r manager Share repository Repo1 with user user1 and user2 and assign Manager role to them
cec share-repository Repo1 -u user1,user2 -g group1,group2 -r manager Share repository Repo1 with user user1 and user2 and group group1 and group2 and assign Manager role to them
cec share-repository Repo1 -u user1,user2 -r manager -s SampleServer1 Share repository Repo1 with user user1 and user2 and assign Manager role to them on the registered server SampleServer1
cec share-repository Repo1 -u user1,user2 -r manager -t Share repository Repo1 and all the types in Repo1 with user user1 and user2 and assign Manager role to them
cec share-repository Repo1 -u user1,user2 -r manager -t -y manager Share repository Repo1 with user user1 and user2 and assign Manager role to them, share all types in

cec unshare-repository

Usage: cec unshare-repository <name> | cec usr <name>

Deletes user or group access to a repository on OCM server. Specify the server with -s <server> or use the one specified in file. Optionally, specify -t to also delete the user or group access to the content types in the repository.


Option Description
--help, -h Show Help
--users, -u The comma separated list of user names
--groups, -g The comma separated list of group names
--types, -t Remove the user or group access to types in the repository
--server, -s <server> The registered OCM server


Example Description
cec unshare-repository Repo1 -u user1,user2
cec unshare-repository Repo1 -u user1,user2 -g group1,group2
cec unshare-repository Repo1 -u user1,user2 -s SampleServer1
cec unshare-repository Repo1 -u user1,user2 -t

cec describe-repository

Usage: cec describe-repository <name> | cec dsr <name>

Lists the properties of a repository on OCM server. Optionally, specify -f <file> to save the properties to a JSON file. Specify the server with -s <server> or use the one specified in file.


Option Description
--help, -h Show Help
--file, -f The JSON file to save the properties
--server, -s <server> The registered OCM server


Example Description
cec describe-repository Repo1 -s SampleServer1
cec describe-repository Repo1 -f ~/Docs/Repo1.json -s SampleServer1

cec create-collection

Usage: cec create-collection <name> | cec ccol <name>

Creates a collection on OCM server. Specify the server with -s <server> or use the one specified in file. Optionally, specify -c <channels> to set the default channels for the collection.


Option Description
--help, -h Show Help
--repository, -r The repository
--channels, -c The comma separated list of channels
--server, -s The registered OCM server


Example Description
cec create-collection collection1 -r Repo1 Create collection collection1 in repository Repository1
cec create-collection collection1 -r Repo1 -s SampleServer1 On registered server SampleServer1, create collection collection1 in repository Repository1
cec create-collection collection1 -r Repo1 -c channel1,channel2 Create collection collection1 in repository Repository1 and set channel channel1 and channel2 as the default channels

cec control-collection

Usage: cec control-collection <action> | cec ctcl <action>

Performs action on collections on OCM server. Specify the server with -s <server> or use the one specified in file. The valid actions are:

The valid roles for a collection are:


Option Description
--help, -h Show Help
--repository, -r The repository of the collections
--collections, -l The comma separated list of collections
--channels, -c The comma separated list of channels
--users, -u The comma separated list of user names
--groups, -g The comma separated list of group names
--role, -o The role [manager
--server, -s The registered OCM server


Example Description
cec control-collection add-channel -r Repo1 -l Collection1 -c channel1,channel2 -s SampleServer1
cec control-collection remove-channel -r Repo1 -l Collection1 -c channel1,channel2 -s SampleServer1
cec control-collection share -r Repo1 -l Collection1 -u user1,user2 -g group1,group2 -o manager -s SampleServer1
cec control-collection unshare -r Repo1 -l Collection1 -u user1,user2 -g group1,group2 -s SampleServer1

cec describe-collection

Usage: cec describe-collection <name> | cec dscl <name>

Lists the properties of a collection on OCM server. Specify the server with -s / or use the one specified in file.


Option Description
--help, -h Show Help
--repository, -r The repository of the collection [required]
--server, -s The registered OCM server


Example Description
cec describe-collection Collection1 -r Repo1
cec describe-collection Collection1 -r Repo1 -s SampleServer1

cec create-channel

Usage: cec create-channel <name> | cec cch <name>

Creates a channel on OCM server. Specify the server with -s <server> or use the one specified in file. Optionally, specify -t <type> to set the channel type [public | secure], defaults to public. Optionally, specify -p <publishpolicy> to set the publish policy [anythingPublished | onlyApproved], defaults to anythingPublished. Optionally, specify -l <localizationpolicy> to set the localization policy.


Option Description
--help, -h Show Help
--description, -d The description for the channel
--type, -t The channel type [public
--publishpolicy, -p The publish policy [anythingPublished
--localizationpolicy, -l The localization policy for the channel
--server, -s The registered OCM server


Example Description
cec create-channel channel1 Create public channel channel1 and everything can be published
cec create-channel channel1 -s SampleServer1 On registered server SampleServer1, reate public channel channel1 and everything can be published
cec create-channel channel1 -l en-fr Create public channel channel1 with localization policy en-fr and everything can be published
cec create-channel channel1 -t secure -p onlyApproved Create secure channel channel1 and only approved items can be published

cec share-channel

Usage: cec share-channel <name> | cec sch <name>

Shares channel with users and groups on OCM server and assign a role. Specify the server with -s <server> or use the one specified in file. The valid roles are:


Option Description
--help, -h Show Help
--users, -u The comma separated list of user names
--groups, -g The comma separated list of group names
--role, -r The role [manager
--server, -s <server> The registered OCM server


Example Description
cec share-channel Channel1 -u user1,user2 -r manager Share channel Channel1 with user user1 and user2 and assign Manager role to them
cec share-channel Channel1 -u user1,user2 -g group1,group2 -r manager Share channel Channel1 with user user1 and user2 and group group1 and group2 and assign Manager role to them
cec share-channel Channel1 -u user1,user2 -r manager -s SampleServer1 Share channel Channel1 with user user1 and user2 and assign Manager role to them on the registered server SampleServer1

cec unshare-channel

Usage: cec unshare-channel <name> | cec usch <name>

Deletes user or group access to a channel on OCM server. Specify the server with -s <server> or use the one specified in file.


Option Description
--help, -h Show Help
--users, -u The comma separated list of user names
--groups, -g The comma separated list of group names
--server, -s <server> The registered OCM server


Example Description
cec unshare-channel Channel1 -u user1,user2
cec unshare-channel Channel1 -u user1,user2 -g group1,group2
cec unshare-channel Channel1 -u user1,user2 -s SampleServer1

cec describe-channel

Usage: cec describe-channel <name> | cec dsch <name>

Lists the properties of a channel on OCM server. Optionally, specify -f <file> to save the properties to a JSON file. Specify the server with -s <server> or use the one specified in file.


Option Description
--help, -h Show Help
--file, -f The JSON file to save the properties
--server, -s <server> The registered OCM server


Example Description
cec describe-channel Channel1 -s SampleServer1
cec describe-channel Channel1 -f ~/Docs/Channel1.json -s SampleServer1

cec create-localization-policy

Usage: cec create-localization-policy <name> | cec clp <name>

Creates a localization policy on OCM server. Specify the server with -s <server> or use the one specified in file. Specify -r <requiredlanguages> to set the required languages. Specify -l <defaultlanguage> to set the default language. Optionally, specify -o <optionallanguages> to set the optional languages. Optionally, specify -d <description> to set the description.


Option Description
--help, -h Show Help
--requiredlanguages, -r The comma separated list of required languages for the localization policy
--defaultlanguage, -l The default language
--optionallanguages, -o The comma separated list of optional languages for the localization policy
--description, -d The description for the repository
--server, -s The registered OCM server


Example Description
cec create-localization-policy en-us -r en-US -l en-US
cec create-localization-policy en-fr -r en-US,fr-FR -l en-US
cec create-localization-policy multi -r en-US,fr-FR -l en-US -o zh-CN -d “Policy for Blog” -s SampleServer1

cec describe-localization-policy

Usage: cec describe-localization-policy | cec dslp

Lists the properties of a localization policy on OCM server. Specify the server with -s or use the one specified in file.


Option Description
--help, -h Show Help
--server, -s <server> The registered OCM server


Example Description
cec describe-localization-policy en-us
cec describe-localization-policy multi -s SampleServer1

cec download-localization-policy

Usage: cec download-localization-policy <name> | cec dllp <name>

Downloads localization policies from OCM server. Specify the server with -s <server> or use the one specified in file.


Option Description
--help, -h Show Help
--server, -s <server> The registered OCM server


Example Description
cec download-localization-policy multi Download localization policy multi and save to local folder src/localizationPolicies/multi
cec download-localization-policy multi,en-fr Download localization policy multi and en-fr and save to local folder
cec download-localization-policy multi -s SampleServer1

cec upload-localization-policy

Usage: cec upload-localization-policy <name> | cec ullp <name>

Uploads localization policies from OCM server. Specify the server with -s <server> or use the one specified in file.


Option Description
--help, -h Show Help
--file, -f Flag to indicate the localization policy is from file
--customlanguagecodes, -c The custom language codes file
--server, -s The registered OCM server


Example Description
cec upload-localization-policy multi
cec upload-localization-policy multi,en-fr -s SampleServer1
cec upload-localization-policy ~/Downloads/localizationPolicy.json -f
cec upload-localization-policy ~/Downloads/localizationPolicy.json -f -c ~/Downloads/Customlangauges.json

cec list-server-content-types

Usage: cec list-server-content-types | cec lsct

Lists all content types from server. Optionally, specify -v to validate custom field editors.


Option Description
--help, -h Show Help
--validate, -v Validate custom field editors in types
--server, -s The registered OCM server


Example Description
cec list-server-content-types
cec list-server-content-types -s SampleServer1

cec share-type

Usage: cec share-type <name> | cec st <name>

Shares type with users and groups on OCM server and assign a role. Specify the server with -s <server> or use the one specified in file. The valid roles are:


Option Description
--help, -h Show Help
--users, -u The comma separated list of user names
--groups, -g The comma separated list of group names
--role, -r The role [manager] to assign to the users or groups
--server, -s <server> The registered OCM server


Example Description
cec share-type BlogType -u user1,user2 -r manager Share type BlogType with user user1 and user2 and assign Manager role to them
cec share-type BlogType -u user1,user2 -g group1,group2 -r manager Share type BlogType with user user1 and user2 and group group1 and group2 and assign Manager role to them
cec share-type BlogType -u user1,user2 -r manager -s SampleServer1 Share type BlogType with user user1 and user2 and assign Manager role to them on the registered server SampleServer1

cec unshare-type

Usage: cec unshare-type <name> | cec ust <name>

Deletes user or group access to a type on OCM server. Specify the server with -s <server> or use the one specified in file.


Option Description
--help, -h Show Help
--users, -u The comma separated list of user names
--groups, -g The comma separated list of group names
--server, -s <server> The registered OCM server


Example Description
cec unshare-type BlogType -u user1,user2
cec unshare-type BlogType -u user1,user2 -g group1,group2
cec unshare-type BlogType -u user1,user2 -s SampleServer1

cec download-type

Usage: cec download-type <name> | cec dltp <name>

Downloads types from OCM server. By default, the content field editors, content forms and content layouts for the types will also be downloaded. Specify the server with -s <server> or use the one specified in file.


Option Description
--help, -h Show Help
--excludecomponents, -x Exclude content field editors, content forms and content layouts
--server, -s <server> The registered OCM server


Example Description
cec download-type BlogType Download content type BlogType and save to local folder src/types/BlogType
cec download-type BlogType,BlogAuthor Download content type BlogType and BlogAuthor and save to local folder
cec download-type BlogType -x Do not download the content field editors, content forms and content layouts
cec download-type BlogType -s SampleServer1

cec upload-type

Usage: cec upload-type <name> | cec ultp <name>

Uploads types to OCM server. By default, the content field editors, content forms and content layouts for the types will also be uploaded. Specify the server with -s <server> or use the one specified in file.


Option Description
--help, -h Show Help
--file, -f Flag to indicate the type is from file
--excludecomponents, -x Exclude content field editors, content forms and content layouts
--server, -s <server> The registered OCM server


Example Description
cec upload-type BlogType
cec upload-type BlogType -x Do not upload the content field editors, content forms and content layouts
cec upload-type BlogType -s SampleServer1
cec upload-type BlogAuthor,BlogType Place the referenced types first
cec upload-type ~/Downloads/BlogType.json -f -s SampleServer1

cec copy-type

Usage: cec copy-type <source> [<destination>] | cec cptp <source> [<destination>]

Copies a type on OCM server. Specify the server with -s <server> or use the one specified in file.


Option Description
--help, -h Show Help
--displayname, -p The display name of the new type
--description, -d The description of the new type
--server, -s The registered OCM server


Example Description
cec copy-type BlogType BlogType2 -s SampleServer Copy type BlogType to BlogType2 on the registered server SampleServer
cec copy-type BlogType BlogType2 -p “Blog Type” -d “Copied from BlogType” -s SampleServer Copy type BlogType to BlogType2 on the registered server SampleServer and set the display name and description

cec update-type

Usage: cec update-type <action> | cec utp <action>

Performs action <action> on a type in a local template or on OCM server. Specify the server with -s <server> or use the one specified in file. The valid actions are:


Option Description
--help, -h Show Help
--objectname, -o the content form
--contenttype, -c the content type
--template, -t The template the content type is from
--contenttemplate, -t Flag to indicate the template is a content template
--server, -s The registered OCM server


Example Description
cec update-type add-content-form -o form1 -c BlogPost -t BlogTemplate Associate content form form1 with content type BlogPost from local template at src/templates/BlogTemplate
cec update-type add-content-form -o form1 -c BlogPost -t BlogTemplateContent -n Associate content form form1 with content type BlogPost from local template at src/content/BlogTemplateContent
cec update-type add-content-form -o form1 -c BlogPost -s SampleServer1 Associate content form form1 with content type BlogPost on the registered server SampleServer1
cec update-type add-content-form -o form1 -c BlogPost -s Associate content form form1 with content type BlogPost on the server specified in file
cec update-type remove-content-form -o form1 -c BlogPost -t BlogTemplate Change not to use form1 when create or edit items of type BlogPost from local template at src/templates/BlogTemplate
cec update-type remove-content-form -o form1 -c BlogPost -t BlogTemplateContent -n Change not to use form1 when create or edit items of type BlogPost from local template at src/content/BlogTemplateContent
cec update-type remove-content-form -o form1 -c BlogPost -s SampleServer1 Change not to use form1 when create or edit items of type BlogPost on the registered server SampleServer1

cec describe-type

Usage: cec describe-type <name> | cec dstp <name>

Lists the properties of an asset type on OCM server. Specify the server with -s <server> or use the one specified in file.


Option Description
--help, -h Show Help
--server, -s <server> The registered OCM server


Example Description
cec describe-type BlogType -s SampleServer1

cec describe-workflow

Usage: cec describe-workflow <name> | cec dswf <name>

Lists the properties of a content workflow on OCM server. Optionally, specify -f <file> to save the properties to a JSON file. Specify the server with -s <server> or use the one specified in file.


Option Description
--help, -h Show Help
--file, -f The JSON file to save the properties
--server, -s <server> The registered OCM server


Example Description
cec describe-workflow OneStepReview -s SampleServer1
cec describe-workflow OneStepReview -f ~/Docs/OneStepReview.json -s SampleServer1

cec create-contentlayout

Usage: cec create-contentlayout <name> | cec ccl <name>

Creates a content layout based on a content type from a local template or from OCM server. By default, an “overview” content layout is created. Optionally, specify -s <style> to create in a different style.

Valid values for <style> are:


Option Description
--help, -h Show Help
--contenttype, -c <contenttype> Content layout is based on
--template, -t <template> Content type is from
--server, -r The registered OCM server
--style, -s <style> Content layout style: detail
--addcustomsettings, -a Add support for custom settings when used in Sites


Example Description
cec create-contentlayout Blog-Post-Overview-Layout -c Blog-Post -t BlogTemplate
cec create-contentlayout Blog-Post-Detail-Layout -c Blog-Post -t BlogTemplate -s detail
cec create-contentlayout Blog-Post-Overview-Layout -c Blog-Post -t BlogTemplate -a Add custom settings when used in Sites
cec create-contentlayout Blog-Post-Overview-Layout -c Blog-Post -r Use content type Blog-Post from the server specified in file
cec create-contentlayout Blog-Post-Overview-Layout -c Blog-Post -r SampleServer1 -s detail Use content type Blog-Post from the registered server SampleServer1

cec add-contentlayout-mapping

Usage: cec add-contentlayout-mapping <contentlayout> | cec aclm <contentlayout>

Creates content type and content layout mapping. By default, the mapping is set for “Default”. Optionally, specify -s <layoutstyle> to name the mapping. By default, the mapping is set for desktop. Optionally, specify -m to set the mapping for mobile.


Option Description
--help, -h Show Help
--contenttype, -c <contenttype> Content layout is based on
--template, -t <template> The mapping is for
--layoutstyle, -s <style> Content layout style
--mobile, -m mobile mapping
--server, -r <server> The registered OCM server


Example Description
cec add-contentlayout-mapping Blog-Post-Detail-Layout -c Blog-Post -t BlogTemplate
cec add-contentlayout-mapping Blog-Post-Detail-Layout -c Blog-Post -t BlogTemplate -m
cec add-contentlayout-mapping Blog-Post-Detail-Layout -c Blog-Post -t BlogTemplate -s Details
cec add-contentlayout-mapping Blog-Post-Overview-Layout -c Blog-Post -t BlogTemplate -s “Content List Default”
cec add-contentlayout-mapping Blog-Post-Overview-Layout -c Blog-Post -t BlogTemplate -s Overview
cec add-contentlayout-mapping Blog-Post-Overview-Layout -c Blog-Post -r SampleServer1 Set “Content Item Default” to Blog-Post-Overview-Layout for content type Blog-Post on server SampleServer1

cec remove-contentlayout-mapping

Usage: cec remove-contentlayout-mapping <contentlayout> | cec rclm <contentlayout>

Removes a content layout mapping. By default, all mappings for the content layout are removed. Optionally, specify -s <layoutstyle> to name the mapping and -m to indicate the mobile mapping.


Option Description
--help, -h Show Help
--contenttype, -c Content type, required when <server> is specified
--template, -t <template> The mapping is from
--layoutstyle, -s <style> Content layout style
--mobile, -m mobile mapping
--server, -r <server> The registered OCM server


Example Description
cec remove-contentlayout-mapping Blog-Post-Detail-Layout -t BlogTemplate
cec remove-contentlayout-mapping Blog-Post-Detail-Layout -t BlogTemplate -m
cec remove-contentlayout-mapping Blog-Post-Detail-Layout -c Blog-Post -r SampleServer1
cec remove-contentlayout-mapping Blog-Post-Detail-Layout -c Blog-Post -s Details -r SampleServer1

cec add-field-editor

Usage: cec add-field-editor <name> | cec afe <name>

Adds a field editor to a field in a content type.


Option Description
--help, -h Show Help
--template, -t The template the content type is from
--contenttype, -c The content type
--field, -f The field the field editor is for
--contenttemplate, -n Flag to indicate the template is a content template


Example Description
cec add-field-editor editor1 -t BlogTemplate -c BlogPost -f summary Use editor1 as the appearance for field summary in content type BlogPost from local template at src/templates/BlogTemplate
cec add-field-editor editor1 -t BlogTemplateContent -n -c BlogPost -f summary Use editor1 as the appearance for field summary in content type BlogPost from local template at src/content/BlogTemplateContent

cec remove-field-editor

Usage: cec remove-field-editor <name> | cec rfe <name>

Removes a field editor from a field in a content type.


Option Description
--help, -h Show Help
--template, -t The template the content type is from
--contenttype, -c The content type
--field, -f The field the field editor is for
--contenttemplate, -n Flag to indicate the template is a content template


Example Description
cec remove-field-editor editor1 -t BlogTemplate -c BlogPost -f summary Remove editor1 as the appearance for field summary in content type BlogPost from local template at src/templates/BlogTemplate
cec remove-field-editor editor1 -t BlogTemplateContent -n -c BlogPost -f summary Remove editor1 as the appearance for field summary in content type BlogPost from local template at src/content/BlogTemplateContent

cec download-recommendation

Usage: cec download-recommendation <name> | cec dlr <name>

Downloads a recommendation from the Content Management server. Specify the server with -s <server> or use the one specified in file. Optionally, specify repository with -r <repository>. Optionally, specify -p to download the published version.


Option Description
--help, -h Show Help
--repository, -r The repository
--published, -p The flag to indicate published version
--channel, -c Channel name, required when <published> is set
--server, -s <server> The registered OCM server


Example Description
cec download-recommendation Recommendation1 Downloads Recommendation1
cec download-recommendation Recommendation1 -p -c Channel1 Downloads Recommendation1 published to channel Channel1
cec download-recommendation Recommendation1 -s SampleServer1
cec download-recommendation Recommendation1 -r Repo1

cec upload-recommendation

Usage: cec upload-recommendation <name> | cec ulr <name>

Uploads a recommendation to repository <repository> on OCM server. Specify the server with -s <server> or use the one specified in file.


Option Description
--help, -h Show Help
--repository, -r The repository
--server, -s <server> The registered OCM server


Example Description
cec upload-recommendation Recommendation1 -r Repo1
cec upload-recommendation Recommendation1 -r Repo1 -s SampleServer1

cec control-recommendation

Usage: cec control-recommendation <action> | cec ctre <action>

Perform action on recommendations on OCM server. Specify the server with -s <server> or use the one specified in file. The valid actions are:


Option Description
--help, -h Show Help
--repository, -r The repository
--recommendations, -m The comma separated list of recommendations
--channels, -c The comma separated list of channels
--server, -s The registered OCM server


Example Description
cec control-recommendation add-channel -r Repo1 -m Recommendation1 -c channel1,channel2 -s SampleServer1 Add channel channel1 and channel2 to Recommendation1
cec control-recommendation remove-channel -r Repo1 -m Recommendation1 -c channel1,channel2 -s SampleServer1 Remove channel channel1 and channel2 from Recommendation1
cec control-recommendation publish -r Repo1 -m Recommendation1 -s SampleServer1 Publish Recommendation1 to all channels added to Recommendation1
cec control-recommendation publish -r Repo1 -m Recommendation1 -c channel1,channel2 -s SampleServer1 Publish Recommendation1 to channel channel1 and channel2
cec control-recommendation unpublish -r Repo1 -m Recommendation1 -s SampleServer1 Unpublish Recommendation1 from all channels added to Recommendation1
cec control-recommendation unpublish -r Repo1 -m Recommendation1 -c channel1,channel2 -s SampleServer1 Unpublish Recommendation1 from channel channel1,channel2

cec download-taxonomy

Usage: cec download-taxonomy <name> | cec dltx <name>

Downloads a taxonomy from OCM server. Optionally, specify the taxonomy id with -i <id> if another taxonomy has the same name. Specify the server with -s <server> or use the one specified in file. Specify the status of the taxonomy with -t and the valid values are:


Option Description
--help, -h Show Help
--status, -t The taxonomy status [promoted
--id, -i Taxonomy Id
--server, -s <server> The registered OCM server


Example Description
cec download-taxonomy Taxonomy1 -t promoted
cec download-taxonomy Taxonomy1 -i 6A6DC736572C468B90F2A1C17B7CE5E4 -t promoted
cec download-taxonomy Taxonomy1 -t published -s SampleServer1

cec transfer-category-property

Usage: cec transfer-category-property <name> | cec tcp <name>

Transfers category properties of a taxonomy from one OCM server to another. Optionally, specify the taxonomy id with -i <id> if another taxonomy has the same name. The taxonomy on the two servers should be in sync before use this command. And only the following properties will be updated on the destination server


Option Description
--help, -h Show Help
--server, -s The registered OCM server the category properties are from
--destination, -d The registered OCM server to transfer the category properties
--id, -i Taxonomy Id


Example Description
cec transfer-category-property Taxonomy1 -s SampleServer -d SampleServer1 The promoted taxonomy categories will be transferred
cec transfer-category-property Taxonomy1 -i 6A6DC736572C468B90F2A1C17B7CE5E4 -s SampleServer -d SampleServer

cec upload-taxonomy

Usage: cec upload-taxonomy <taxonomy> | cec ultx <taxonomy>

Uploads a taxonomy to OCM server. Specify -c <createnew> to create new taxonomy when one already exists. Specify the server with -s <server> or use the one specified in file.


Option Description
--help, -h Show Help
--createnew, -c To create new a taxonomy
--name, -n The name of the new taxonomy
--abbreviation, -a The abbreviation of the new taxonomy
--description, -d The description of the new taxonomy
--file, -f Flag to indicate the taxonomy is from file
--server, -s The registered OCM server


Example Description
cec upload-taxonomy Taxonomy1 Create a new taxonomy or a draft of existing taxonomy on upload
cec upload-taxonomy Taxonomy1 -s SampleServer1 Create a new taxonomy or a draft of existing taxonomy on upload on the registered server SampleServer1
cec upload-taxonomy Taxonomy1 -c Create a new taxonomy on upload
cec upload-taxonomy Taxonomy1 -c -n Taxonomy1_2 -a t12 -d “Taxonomy1 copy” Create a new taxonomy on upload with given name, abbreviation and description
cec upload-taxonomy ~/Documents/6A6DC736572C468B90F2A1C17B7CE5E4.json -f Create a new taxonomy or a draft of existing taxonomy on upload the JSON file

cec control-taxonomy

Usage: cec control-taxonomy <action> | cec cttx <action>

Perform <action> on taxonomy on OCM server. Specify the taxonomy with -n <name> or -i <id>. Specify the server with -s <server> or use the one specified in file. The valid actions are:


Option Description
--help, -h Show Help
--name, -n Taxonomy name
--id, -i Taxonomy Id
--publishable, -p Allow publishing of this taxonomy, defaults to true
--channels, -c List of channels to publish or unpublish, required when <action> is publish or unpublish
--server, -s The registered OCM server


Example Description
cec control-taxonomy promote -n Taxonomy1 Promote taxonomy Taxonomy1 and allow publishing
cec control-taxonomy promote -i 6A6DC736572C468B90F2A1C17B7CE5E4 -p false Promote the taxonomy and not allow publishing
cec control-taxonomy publish -n Taxonomy1 -c Channel1,Channel2
cec control-taxonomy unpublish -n Taxonomy1 -c Channel1
cec control-taxonomy publish -n Taxonomy1 -c Channel1 -s SampleServer1

cec update-taxonomy

Usage: cec update-taxonomy <name> | cec utx <name>

Update taxonomy on OCM server.


Option Description
--help, -h Show Help
--sitesecurity, -m Enable for Site security management use
--publishable, -p Enable for publishing
--server, -s The registered OCM server


Example Description
cec update-taxonomy Taxonomy1 -m Enable Taxonomy1 taxonomy for Site security management use
cec update-taxonomy Taxonomy1 -m false Disable Taxonomy1 taxonomy for Site security management use
cec update-taxonomy Taxonomy1 -p Enable Taxonomy1 taxonomy for publishing
cec update-taxonomy Taxonomy1 -p false Disable Taxonomy1 taxonomy for publishing

cec describe-taxonomy

Usage: cec describe-taxonomy <name> | cec dstx <name>

Lists the properties of a taxonomy on OCM server. Specify the taxonomy with -t <taxonomy>. Optionally, specify the taxonomy id with -i <id> if another taxonomy has the same name. Optionally, specify -f <file> to save the properties to a JSON file. Specify the server with -s <server> or use the one specified in file.


Option Description
--help, -h Show Help
--id, -i Taxonomy Id
--file, -f The JSON file to save the properties
--server, -s <server> The registered OCM server


Example Description
cec describe-taxonomy Taxonomy1 -s SampleServer1
cec describe-taxonomy Taxonomy1 -i 6A6DC736572C468B90F2A1C17B7CE5E4 -s SampleServer1
cec describe-taxonomy Taxonomy1 -f ~/Docs/Taxonomy1.json -s SampleServer1

cec describe-category

Usage: cec describe-category <apiname> | cec dsct <apiname>

Lists the properties of a taxonomy’s category on OCM server. Optionally, specify -f <file> to save the properties to a JSON file. Specify the server with -s <server> or use the one specified in file.


Option Description
--help, -h Show Help
--taxonomy, -t Taxonomy name
--id, -i Taxonomy Id
--file, -f The JSON file to save the properties
--server, -s The registered OCM server


Example Description
cec describe-category ta1-c -t Taxonomy1 -s SampleServer1
cec describe-category ta1-c -t Taxonomy1 -i 6A6DC736572C468B90F2A1C17B7CE5E4 -s SampleServer1
cec describe-category ta1-c -t Taxonomy1 -f ~/Docs/Taxonomy1.json -s SampleServer1

cec share-taxonomy

Usage: cec share-taxonomy <name> | cec stx <name>

Shares taxonomy with users and groups on OCM server and assign a role. Optionally, specify the taxonomy id with -i <id> if another taxonomy has the same name. Specify the server with -s <server> or use the one specified in file. The valid roles are:


Option Description
--help, -h Show Help
--users, -u The comma separated list of user names
--groups, -g The comma separated list of group names
--role, -r The role [manager
--id, -i Taxonomy Id
--server, -s <server> The registered OCM server


Example Description
cec share-taxonomy Taxonomy1 -u user1,user2 -r manager -s SampleServer1 Grant user user1 and user2 Manager role to taxonomy Taxonomy1
cec share-taxonomy Taxonomy1 -i 6A6DC736572C468B90F2A1C17B7CE5E4 -u user1,user2 -r manager -s SampleServer1
cec share-taxonomy Taxonomy1 -u user1,user2 -g group1,group2 -r editor Grant user user1 and user2 and group group1 and group2 Editor role

cec unshare-taxonomy

Usage: cec unshare-taxonomy <name> | cec ustx <name>

Deletes user or group access to a taxonomy on OCM server. Optionally, specify the taxonomy id with -i <id> if another taxonomy has the same name. Specify the server with -s <server> or use the one specified in file.


Option Description
--help, -h Show Help
--users, -u The comma separated list of user names
--groups, -g The comma separated list of group names
--id, -i Taxonomy Id
--server, -s <server> The registered OCM server


Example Description
cec unshare-taxonomy Taxonomy1 -u user1,user2 -s SampleServer1
cec unshare-taxonomy Taxonomy1 -i 6A6DC736572C468B90F2A1C17B7CE5E4 -u user1,user2 -s SampleServer1
cec unshare-taxonomy Taxonomy1 -u user1,user2 -g group1,group2

cec list-editorial-permission

Usage: cec list-editorial-permission <name> | cec lep <name>

Lists repository members Editorial Permissions on assets on OCM server. Specify the server with -s <server> or use the one specified in file.


Option Description
--help, -h Show Help
--server, -s <server> The registered OCM server


Example Description
cec list-editorial-permission Repo1
cec list-editorial-permission Repo1 -s SampleServer

cec set-editorial-permission

Usage: cec set-editorial-permission <name> | cec sep <name>

Grants repository members Editorial Permissions on assets on OCM server. Specify the server with -s <server> or use the one specified in file. The valid permission for assets are:

The valid permissions for taxonomies are:


Option Description
--help, -h Show Help
--users, -u The comma separated list of user names
--groups, -g The comma separated list of group names
--assettypes, -a The comma separated list of asset types
--assetpermission, -p Asset permission [none
--categories, -c The comma separated list of categories in format of <taxonomy>:<category>
--categorypermission, -t Category permission [none
--server, -s The registered OCM server


Example Description
cec set-editorial-permission Repo1 -u user1 -a -p view -c -t view Initial grant for user1 to set “Any” content type rule and “Any” taxonomy category rule
cec set-editorial-permission Repo1 -u user1,user2 -a Article -p update User user1 and user2 can view and edit existing assets of “Article” type
cec set-editorial-permission Repo1 -u user1,user2 -a -p none User user1 and user2 cannot see assets of any type
cec set-editorial-permission Repo1 -u user1,user2 -a Article -p none User user1 and user2 cannot see assets of “Article” type
cec set-editorial-permission Repo1 -u user1,user2 -a Article -p Remove type Article from user user1 and user2
cec set-editorial-permission Repo1 -u user1,user2 -g group1,goup2 -a Article -p update User user1 and user2, group group1 and group2 can view and edit existing assets of “Article” type
cec set-editorial-permission Repo1 -u user1,user2 -c -t categorize User user1 and user2 can see and add assets to any category
cec set-editorial-permission Repo1 -u user1,user2 -c -t none User user1 and user2 cannot see any categorized assets
cec set-editorial-permission Repo1 -u user1,user2 -c “Region:Asia” -t categorize User user1 and user2 User can see and add assets to Asia category and its children in taxonomy Region
cec set-editorial-permission Repo1 -u user1,user2 -c “Region:Asia/East” -t categorize User user1 and user2 User can see and add assets to Asia’s child category East and its children in taxonomy Region
cec set-editorial-permission Repo1 -u user1,user2 -c “Region:Asia” -t Remove category Region
cec set-editorial-permission Repo1 -u user1 -c “Region:Asia/West” -t createSite User user1 can create sites using West category as the parent category for site content

cec list-editorial-roles

Usage: cec list-editorial-roles | cec ler

Lists Editorial Roles on OCM server. Specify the server with -s <server> or use the one specified in file.


Option Description
--help, -h Show Help
--name, -n The editorial role name
--server, -s <server> The registered OCM server


Example Description
cec list-editorial-roles List all editorial roles
cec list-editorial-roles -n Role1 List editorial role Role1
cec list-editorial-roles -s SampleServer

cec create-editorial-role

Usage: cec create-editorial-role <name> | cec cer <name>

Creates an editorial role on OCM server. Specify the server with -s <server> or use the one specified in file. Optionally, specify -d <description> to set the description.


Option Description
--help, -h Show Help
--description, -d The description for the editorial role
--server, -s The registered OCM server


Example Description
cec create-editorial-role Role1
cec create-editorial-role Role1 -d “Editorial role for blogs”

cec set-editorial-role

Usage: cec set-editorial-role <name> | cec ser <name>

Sets Editorial Permissions for editorial role on OCM server. Specify the server with -s <server> or use the one specified in file. The valid permission for assets are:

The valid permissions for taxonomies are:


Option Description
--help, -h Show Help
--assettypes, -a The comma separated list of asset types
--assetpermission, -p Asset permission [none
--categories, -c The comma separated list of categories in format of <taxonomy>:<category>
--categorypermission, -t Category permission [none
--server, -s The registered OCM server


Example Description
cec set-editorial-role Role1 -a Article -p update Role1 can view and edit existing assets of “Article” type
cec set-editorial-role Role1 -a -p none Role1 cannot see assets of any type
cec set-editorial-role Role1 -a Article -p none Role1 cannot see assets of “Article” type
cec set-editorial-role Role1 -a Article -p Remove type Article from Role1
cec set-editorial-role Role1 -a Article -p update Role1 can view and edit existing assets of “Article” type
cec set-editorial-role Role1 -c -t categorize Role1 can see and add assets to any category
cec set-editorial-role Role1 -c -t none Role1 cannot see any categorized assets
cec set-editorial-role Role1 -c “Region:Asia” -t categorize Role1 can see and add assets to Asia category and its children in taxonomy Region
cec set-editorial-role Role1 -c “Region:Asia/East” -t categorize Role1 can see and add assets to Asia’s child category East and its children in taxonomy Region
cec set-editorial-role Role1 -c “Region:Asia” -t Remove category Region
cec set-editorial-role Repo1 -c “Region:Asia/West” -t createSite Role1 can create sites using West category as the parent category for site content

cec delete-editorial-role

Usage: cec delete-editorial-role <name>

Deletes an editorial role on OCM server. Specify the server with -s <server> or use the one specified in file.


Option Description
--help, -h Show Help
--server, -s <server> The registered OCM server


Example Description
cec delete-editorial-role Role1
cec delete-editorial-role Role1 -s SampleServer

cec transfer-editorial-role

Usage: cec transfer-editorial-role <name> | cec ter <name>

Transfers editorial roles from one OCM server to another. Specify the source server with -s <server> and the destination server with -d <destination>.


Option Description
--help, -h Show Help
--server, -s The registered OCM server the site is from
--destination, -d The registered OCM server to transfer the content


Example Description
cec transfer-editorial-role Role1 -s SampleServer -d SampleServer1 Create or update Role1 on server SampleServer1 based on server SampleServer
cec transfer-editorial-role Role1,Role2 -s SampleServer -d SampleServer1 Create or update Role1 and Role2 on server SampleServer1 based on server SampleServer

cec list-translation-jobs

Usage: cec list-translation-jobs | cec ltj

Lists translation jobs from local or from OCM server. Optionally specify the job type with -t <type>. The valid values for <type> are:

Optionally specify the job status with -a <status>. The valid values for <status> are:

Optionally specify -o <orderby> to sort the results. The valid values for <orderby> are:


Option Description
--help, -h Show Help
--type, -t The type of translation jobs [assets
--status, -a The status of translation jobs [READY
--repository, -r The repository of the asset translation jobs
--namefilter, -n The specified string to filter the results
--orderby, -o The order to sort the translation jobs on OCM server
--server, -s <server>


Example Description
cec list-translation-jobs Lists local translation jobs
cec list-translation-jobs -s Lists translation jobs on the server specified in file
cec list-translation-jobs -s SampleServer1 Lists translation jobs on the registered server SampleServer1
cec list-translation-jobs -a INPROGRESS -s SampleServer1 Lists in progress translation jobs on the registered server SampleServer1
cec list-translation-jobs -t assets -s SampleServer1 Lists asset translation jobs on the registered server SampleServer1
cec list-translation-jobs -t assets -r Repo1 -s SampleServer1 Lists asset translation jobs of repository Repo1 on the registered server SampleServer1
cec list-translation-jobs -t assets -n Blog -s SampleServer1 Lists asset translation jobs whose name contains Blog on the registered server SampleServer1
cec list-translation-jobs -t assets -o updatedDate -s SampleServer1 Lists asset translation jobs on the registered server SampleServer1, newly updated first

cec describe-translation-job

Usage: cec describe-translation-job | cec dstj

Lists the properties of a translation job on OCM server. Specify the server with -r or use the one specified in file.


Option Description
--help, -h Show Help
--server, -s The registered OCM server


Example Description
cec describe-translation-job job1
cec describe-translation-job job1 -s SampleServer1

cec create-translation-job

Usage: cec create-translation-job <name> | cec ctj <name>

Creates a translation job <name> for a site or assets on OCM server. Specify the server with -r <server> or use the one specified in file. Specify -l <languages> to set the target languages, use “all” to select all languages from the translation policy. Optionally, specify -c <connector> to set the translation connector. Optionally, specify -t <type> to set the content type when create translation job for a site. The valid values for <type> are:


Option Description
--help, -h Show Help
--site, -s The site
--repository, -p The repository
--collection, -o The collection
--query, -q Query to fetch the assets
--assets, -a The comma separated list of asset GUIDS
--sourcelanguage, -n Source language. For use with assets job only.
--languages, -l The comma separated list of languages used to create the translation job
--skipdependencies, -x Do not translate asset dependencies
--connector, -c The translation connector
--type, -t The type of translation job contents
--server, -r The registered OCM server


Example Description
cec create-translation-job job1 -s Site1 -l all
cec create-translation-job job1 -s Site1 -l all -r SampleServer1
cec create-translation-job job1 -s Site1 -l de-DE,it-IT
cec create-translation-job job1 -s Site1 -l de-DE,it-IT, -t siteItems
cec create-translation-job job1 -s Site1 -l de-DE,it-IT -c Lingotek
cec create-translation-job job1 -p Repo1 l all -r SampleServer1 Translate all assets in repository Repo1
cec create-translation-job job1 -p Repo1 -o collection1 -l all -r SampleServer1 Translate all assets in repository Repo1 and collection collection1
cec create-translation-job job1 -p Repo1 -a GUID1,GUID2 -l all -r SampleServer1 Translate asset GUID1, GUID2, and all their dependencies
cec create-translation-job job1 -p Repo1 -q ‘type eq “BlogType”’ -l all -c Lingotek -r SampleServer1 Translate all assets of type “BlogType” in repository Repo1 without their dependencies
cec create-translation-job job1 -p Repo1 -q ‘language eq “en”’ -n en -l de-DE -c Lingotek -r SampleServer1 Translate all assets in language “en” in repository Repo1

cec download-translation-job

Usage: cec download-translation-job <name> | cec dtj <name>

Downloads translation job <name> from OCM server. Specify the server with -s <server> or use the one specified in file.


Option Description
--help, -h Show Help
--server, -s <server> The registered OCM server


Example Description
cec download-translation-job Site1Job
cec download-translation-job Site1Job -s SampleServer1
cec download-translation-job AssetsJob -s SampleServer1

cec submit-translation-job

Usage: cec submit-translation-job <name> | cec stj <name>

Submits translation job <name> to translation connection <connection>.


Option Description
--help, -h Show Help
--connection, -c <connection> Connection


Example Description
cec submit-translation-job Site1Job1 -c connector1-auto
cec submit-translation-job AssetsJob1 -c connector1-auto

cec refresh-translation-job

Usage: cec refresh-translation-job <name> | cec rtj <name>

Refreshes translation job <name> from translation connection.


Option Description
--help, -h Show Help
--server, -s <server> The registered OCM server


Example Description
cec refresh-translation-job Site1Job1
cec refresh-translation-job Site1Job1 -s SampleServer1 Refresh translation job Site1Job1 on the registered server SampleServer1
cec refresh-translation-job AssetsJob1 -s SampleServer1 Refresh translation job AssetsJob1 on the registered server SampleServer1

cec ingest-translation-job

Usage: cec ingest-translation-job <name> | cec itj <name>

Gets translated job <name> from translation connection and ingest.


Option Description
--help, -h Show Help
--server, -s <server> The registered OCM server


Example Description
cec ingest-translation-job Site1Job1 Ingest local translation job
cec ingest-translation-job Site1Job1 -s SampleServer Ingest translation job Site1Job1 on the registered server SampleServer
cec ingest-translation-job AssetsJob1 Ingest local translation job
cec ingest-translation-job AssetsJob1 -s SampleServer Ingest translation job AssetsJob1 on the registered server SampleServer

cec upload-translation-job

Usage: cec upload-translation-job <name> | cec utj <name>

Uploads translation <name> to OCM server, validate and then ingest the translations. Optionally, specify -v to validate only. Optionally, specify -f <folder> to set the folder to upload the translation zip file. Specify the server with -s <server> or use the one specified in file.


Option Description
--help, -h Show Help
--folder, -f <folder> Folder to upload the translation zip file
--validateonly, -v Validate translation job without import.
--server, -s The registered OCM server


Example Description
cec upload-translation-job Site1Job File will be uploaded to the Home folder.
cec upload-translation-job Site1Job -s SampleServer1 File will be uploaded to the Home folder on registered server SampleServer1
cec upload-translation-job Site1Job -f Import/TranslationJobs File will be uploaded to folder Import/TranslationJobs.
cec upload-translation-job Site1Job -v Validate the translation job without import.
cec upload-translation-job AssetsJob -f -s SampleServer1 Import/TranslationJobs File will be uploaded to folder Import/TranslationJobs.
cec upload-translation-job AssetsJob -v -s SampleServer1 Validate the translation job without import.

cec create-translation-connector

Usage: cec create-translation-connector <name> | cec ctc <name>

Creates the translation connector <name>. By default, it creates a mockTranslationConnector. Optionally, specify -f <source> to create from a different source.

Valid values for <source> are:


Option Description
--help, -h Show Help
--from, -f <source> to create from


Example Description
cec create-translation-connector connector1

cec start-translation-connector

Usage: cec start-translation-connector <name> | cec stc <name>

Starts translation connector <name>. Optionally, specify -p <port> to set the port, default port is 8084.


Option Description
--help, -h Show Help
--port, -p Set <port>. Defaults to 8084.
--debug, -d Start the translation connector server with “–inspect” option


Example Description
cec start-translation-connector connector1
cec start-translation-connector connector1 -p 7777
cec start-translation-connector connector1 -d Start the translation connector server with “–inspect” option to allow debugger to be attached.

cec register-translation-connector

Usage: cec register-translation-connector <name> | cec rtc <name>

Registers a translation connector. Specify -c <connector> for the connector. Specify -s <server> for the connector server URL. Specify -u <user> and -p <password> for connecting to the server. Specify -f <fields> for custom fields.


Option Description
--help, -h Show Help
--connector, -c <connector> Connector name
--server, -s <server> Server URL
--user, -u <user> User name
--password, -p <password> password
--fields, -f <fields> translation connector custom fields


Example Description
cec register-translation-connector connector1-auto -c connector1 -s http://localhost:8084/connector/rest/api -u admin -p SamplePass1 -f “BearerToken:Bearer token1,WorkflowId:machine-workflow-id,AdditionalData:{}”

cec describe-background-job

Usage: cec describe-background-job <id> | cec dsbj <id>

Lists the properties of a background job on OCM server. Specify the server with -r <server> or use the one specified in file.


Option Description
--help, -h Show Help
--wait, -w Wait for the job to finish if the job is still in progress
--server, -s <server> The registered OCM server


Example Description
cec describe-background-job 1481789277262
cec describe-background-job 1481789277262 -w
cec describe-background-job 2FB9BA33E626D2A20B4C2D07BD1D819C1657137578159 -s SampleServer1

cec list-scheduled-jobs

Usage: cec list-scheduled-jobs | cec lsj

List scheduled publish jobs on OCM server.


Option Description
--help, -h Show Help
--repository, -r The repository
--server, -s The registered OCM server


Example Description
cec list-scheduled-jobs List all scheduled publish jobs
cec list-scheduled-jobs -r Repo1 List scheduled publish jobs belonging to repository Repo1

cec describe-scheduled-job

Usage: cec describe-scheduled-job <id> | cec dssj <id>

Lists the properties of a scheduled publish job on OCM server. Specify the server with -s <server> or use the one specified in file.


Option Description
--help, -h Show Help
--server, -s <server> The registered OCM server


Example Description
cec describe-scheduled-job 798661A68AD04F798EB3E200F611F260
cec describe-scheduled-job 798661A68AD04F798EB3E200F611F260 -s SampleServer1

cec list-publishing-jobs

Usage: cec list-publishing-jobs | cec lpj

List publishing jobs on OCM server. Specify the job type with -t <type>. The valid types are:


Option Description
--help, -h Show Help
--type, -t The job type
--repository, -r The repository
--name, -n The name of site, component or theme
--server, -s The registered OCM server


Example Description
cec list-publishing-jobs -t site List all site publishing jobs
cec list-publishing-jobs -t site -n Site1 List all publishing jobs of site Site1
cec list-publishing-jobs -t asset -r Repo1 List asset publishing jobs belonging to repository Repo1

cec download-job-log

Usage: cec download-job-log <id> | cec dljl <id>

Downloads publishing job log from OCM server. Specify the server with -s <server> or use the one specified in file.


Option Description
--help, -h Show Help
--server, -s <server> The registered OCM server


Example Description
cec download-job-log OP5155F7815D9D4852B87E56887123304A
cec download-job-log OP5155F7815D9D4852B87E56887123304A -s SampleServer1

cec create-group

Usage: cec create-group <name> | cec cg <name>

Creates an OCM group on OCM server. Specify the server with -s <server>. Set the group type with -t <type>. The valid group types are:


Option Description
--help, -h Show Help
--type, -t The group type [PUBLIC_OPEN
--server, -s <server> The registered OCM server


Example Description
cec create-group Group1 Create group Group1, people can add themselves to the group and share content with the group
cec create-group Group1 -t PUBLIC_CLOSED Create group Group1, only group managers can add members but people can share content with the group
cec create-group Group1 -t PRIVATE_CLOSED Create group Group1, only group managers can add members and only members can share content with the group
cec create-group Group1 -s SampleServer

cec delete-group

Usage: cec delete-group <name>

Deletes an OCM group on OCM server. Specify the server with -s <server>.


Option Description
--help, -h Show Help
--server, -s <server> The registered OCM server


Example Description
cec delete-group Group1
cec delete-group Group1 -s SampleServer

cec add-member-to-group

Usage: cec add-member-to-group <name> | cec amtg <name>

Adds users and groups to an OCM group and assign a role on OCM server. Specify the server with -s <server>. The valid roles are:


Option Description
--help, -h Show Help
--users, -u The comma separated list of user names
--groups, -g The comma separated list of group names
--role, -r The role [MANAGER
--server, -s <server> The registered OCM server


Example Description
cec add-member-to-group Group1 -u user1,user2 -g Group2,Group3 -r MEMBER
cec add-member-to-group Group1 -u user1,user2 -g Group2,Group3 -r MEMBER -s SampleServer

cec remove-member-from-group

Usage: cec remove-member-from-group <name> | cec rmfg <name>

Removes users and groups from an OCM group on OCM server. Specify the server with -s <server>.


Option Description
--help, -h Show Help
--members, -m The comma separated list of user and group names
--server, -s The registered OCM server


Example Description
cec remove-member-from-group Group1 -m user1,user2,Group2,Group3
cec remove-member-from-group Group1 -m user1,user2,Group2,Group3 -s SampleServer

cec list-groups

Usage: cec list-groups | cec lg

Lists groups on OCM server. Specify the server with -s or use the one specified in file.


Option Description
--help, -h Show Help
--server, -s The registered OCM server


Example Description
cec list-groups
cec list-groups -s SampleServer

cec list-users

Usage: cec list-users | cec lu

Lists users on OCM server. Specify the server with -s or use the one specified in file.


Option Description
--help, -h Show Help
--group, -g The group
--server, -s The registered OCM server


Example Description
cec list-users List all users
cec list-users -g Group1 List all direct and indirect users of group Group1
cec list-users -s SampleServer

cec set-logger-level

Usage: cec set-logger-level <level> | cec sll <level>

Set the logger level for commands. The valid levels are:

The default level is info


Option Description
--help, -h Show Help


Example Description
cec sll error Only the errors will be displayed
cec sll debug The request options will be displayed

cec create-encryption-key

Usage: cec create-encryption-key <file> | cec cek <file>

Create an encryption key to encrypt/decrypt password for servers and save to <file>. Use NodeJS 10.12.0 or later.


Option Description
--help, -h Show Help


Example Description
cec create-encryption-key ~/.ceckey Create encryption key and save to file ~/.ceckey

cec register-server

Usage: cec register-server <name> | cec rs <name>

Registers a OCM server. Specify -e <endpoint> for the server URL. Specify -u <user> and -p <password> for connecting to the server. Optionally, specify -k <key> to encrypt the password. Optionally, specify -t <type> to set the server type. The valid values for <type> are:

and the default value is pod_ec.

For pod_ec server, optionlly specify <domainurl>, <clientid>, <clientsecret> and <scope> for headless commands.


Option Description
--help, -h Show Help
--endpoint, -e Server endpoint
--user, -u User name
--password, -p Password
--key, -k The key file used to encrypt the password
--type, -t Server type
--domainurl, -d Oracle Identity Domain URL
--clientid, -c Client ID
--clientsecret, -s Client secret
--scope, -o Scope
--gettoken, -g Obtain the OAuth token from the server and store in server JSON file
--timeout, -m Timeout in millisecond when try to login to the server. Defaults to 30000ms.


Example Description
cec register-server server1 -e -u user1 -p SamplePass1 -d -c clientid -s clientsecret -o https://primary-audience-and-scope The server is a tenant on Oracle Public cloud
cec register-server server1 -e -u user1 -p SamplePass1 The server is a tenant on Oracle Public cloud
cec register-server server1 -e -u user1 -p SamplePass1 -m 60000 The server is a tenant on Oracle Public cloud
cec register-server server1 -e -u user1 -p SamplePass1 -t dev_ec The server is a standalone development instance
cec register-server server1 -e -u user1 -p SamplePass1 -k ~/.ceckey The password will be encrypted
cec register-server server1 -e -u user1 -p SamplePass1 -g Obtain the OAuth token from the server and store in server JSON file, user name and password will not be stored
cec register-server server1 -e -g Enter the user and password on the login window to obtain the OAuth token from the server and store in server JSON file, user name and password will not be stored

cec config-properties

Usage: cec config-properties <name> <value> | cec cp <name> <value>

Configs properties for OCM server in file. The valid property names are:

The valid values for env are:

and the default value is pod_ec.


Option Description
--help, -h Show Help


Example Description
cec config-properties url
cec config-properties key ~/.ceckey The key file created by cec create-encryption-key
cec config-properties username user1
cec config-properties password SamplePass1 The password will be encrypted if a key is already configured
cec config-properties env dev_ec The server is a standalone development instance

cec set-oauth-token

Usage: cec set-oauth-token <token> | cec sot <token>

Set OAuth token for a registered server or the one specified in file.


Option Description
--help, -h Show Help
--server, -s <server> The registered OCM server


Example Description
cec set-oauth-token token1 -s SampleServer1 Set OAuth token for server SampleServer1, all CLI commands using SampleServer1 will be headless
cec set-oauth-token token1 Set OAuth token for the server specified in file

cec refresh-oauth-token

Usage: cec refresh-oauth-token | cec rot

Gets a fresh token from OCM server and save for a registered server or the one specified in file.


Option Description
--help, -h Show Help
--server, -s <server> The registered OCM server


Example Description
cec refresh-oauth-token -s SampleServer1
cec refresh-oauth-token Get a fresh OAuth token for the server specified in file

cec list

Usage: cec list | cec l

Lists local or server resources such as components and templates. Specify the server with -s <server> or use the one specified in file. Optionally, specify -t <types> to list specific types of resources on the OCM server.

Valid values for <types> on the server are:


Option Description
--help, -h Show Help
--types, -t <types> The comma separated list of resource types
--server, -s <server> The registered OCM server


Example Description
cec list List all local resources
cec list -s List resources on the server specified in file
cec list -t components,channels -s List components and channels on the server specified in file
cec list -t components,channels -s SampleServer1 List components and channels on the registered server SampleServer1
cec list -t backgroundjobs -s SampleServer1 List uncompleted background jobs for sites, themes and templates on the registered server SampleServer1

cec list-activities

Usage: cec list-activities | cec lac

Lists activities on OCM server. Specify the server with -s <server> or use the one specified in file. Specify -t <type> to specify the resource type. The valid values for <type> are:

Optionally, specify -c <category> to specify the activity category. The valid asset activity categories are:

The valid site activity categories are:

The valid channel activity categories are:

The valid repository activity categories are:


Option Description
--help, -h Show Help
--type, -t The resource type [asset
--category, -c The activity category
--name, -n The name of the source
--before, -b The date when the activities created on or before
--after, -a The date when the activities created on or after
--server, -s The registered OCM server


Example Description
cec list-activities -t site List activities for all sites on the server specified in file
cec list-activities -t site -s SampleServer1 List activities for all sites on the registered server SampleServer1
cec list-activities -t site -n BlogSite List all activities for site BlgoSite
cec list-activities -t site -n BlogSite -c publishing List the publishing activities for site BlgoSite
cec list-activities -t site -a 2023-01-01 List all site activities created in 2023
cec list-activities -t site -a 2022-01-01 -b 2022-12-31 List all site activities created in 2022
cec list-activities -t asset -c lifecycle -a 2023-01-01 -b 2023-01-02 List all asset lifecycle activities created on Jan. 1, 2023
cec list-activities -t asset -n Asset1 List all asset activities created for the asset with name Asset1
cec list-activities -t taxonomy -n Taxonomy1 List all activities for taxonomy Taxonomy1

cec execute-get

Usage: cec execute-get <endpoint> | cec exeg <endpoint>

Makes an HTTP GET request to a REST API endpoint on OCM server. Specify the server with -s <server>.


Option Description
--help, -h Show Help
--file, -f The file to save the result
--server, -s <server> The registered OCM server


Example Description
cec exeg “/sites/management/api/v1/sites?links=none” -f allsites.json -s SampleServer The result will be written to file allsites.json
cec exeg “/sites/management/api/v1/sites?links=none” -s SampleServer The result will be displayed
cec exeg “/content/management/api/v1.1/channels?links=none” -f allchannels.json -s SampleServer
cec exeg “/documents/api/1.2/folders/self/items” -f homefolderitems.json -s SampleServer

cec execute-post

Usage: cec execute-post <endpoint> | cec exeo <endpoint>

Makes an HTTP POST request to a REST API endpoint on OCM server. Specify the server with -s <server>.


Option Description
--help, -h Show Help
--body, -b The JSON file or stringified JSON for the request payload
--file, -f The file to save the result
--async, -a Send asynchronous request
--server, -s <server> The registered OCM server


Example Description
cec exeo “/content/management/api/v1.1/channels” -b channel.json -f result.json -s SampleServer Create a channel and save the result to result.json
cec exeo “/content/management/api/v1.1/channels” -b ‘{“name”:“Channel1”}’ -s SampleServer Create a channel with name Channel1
cec exeo “/sites/management/api/v1/components/name:Comp1/export” -s SampleServer Export component Comp1
cec exeo “/sites/management/api/v1/components/name:Comp1/hardDelete” -s SampleServer Permanently delete component Comp1
cec exeo “/sites/management/api/v1/templates/name:BlogTemplate/export” -a -s SampleServer Export template BlogTemplate asynchronously
cec exeo “/documents/api/1.2/files/fileGUID/copy” -b ~/Downloads/copyfile.json -s SampleServer

cec execute-put

Usage: cec execute-put <endpoint> | cec exeu <endpoint>

Makes an HTTP PUT request to a REST API endpoint on OCM server. Specify the server with -s <server>.


Option Description
--help, -h Show Help
--body, -b The JSON file or stringified JSON for the request payload
--file, -f The file to save the result
--server, -s <server> The registered OCM server


Example Description
cec exeu “/content/management/api/v1.1/channels/{id}/channelSecret” -f result.json Refresh secret for a channel
cec exeu “/content/management/api/v1.1/localizationPolicies/{id}” -b policy.json -f result.json -s SampleServer Update a localization policy and save the result to result.json
cec exeu “/documents/api/1.2/files/{fileId}” -b file.json -f result.json -s SampleServer Change the name of a file
cec exeu “/documents/api/1.2/folders/{folderId}” -b ‘{“name”:“Folder1”,“description”:“Folder1 desc”}’ Change the name and description of a folder

cec execute-patch

Usage: cec execute-patch <endpoint> | cec exea <endpoint>

Makes an HTTP PATCH request to a REST API endpoint on OCM server. Specify the server with -s <server>.


Option Description
--help, -h Show Help
--body, -b The JSON file or stringified JSON for the request payload
--file, -f The file to save the result
--server, -s <server> The registered OCM server


Example Description
cec exea “/sites/management/api/v1/components/name:Comp1” -b comp.json -f result.json Update fields of a component
cec exea “/sites/management/api/v1/components/name:Comp1” -b ‘{“description”:“Comp1 desc”}’ Update component’s description
cec exea “/sites/management/api/v1/sites/name:Site1” -b site.json -f result.json Update fields of a site such as name (rename)

cec execute-delete

Usage: cec execute-delete <endpoint> | cec exed <endpoint>

Makes an HTTP DELETE request to a REST API endpoint on OCM server. Specify the server with -s <server>.


Option Description
--help, -h Show Help
--server, -s <server> The registered OCM server


Example Description
cec exed “/sites/management/api/v1/components/name:Comp1” -s SampleServer Soft delete component Comp1
cec exed “/sites/management/api/v1/themes/name:Theme1” -s SampleServer Soft delete theme Theme1
cec exed “/content/management/api/v1.1/channels/{id}” -s SampleServer Delete a channel
cec exed “/content/management/api/v1.1/items/{id}” -s SampleServer Delete an item
cec exed “/system/api/v1/webhooks/{id}” -s SampleServer Delete a webhook

cec install

Usage: cec install | cec i

Creates an initial source tree in the current directory.

With cec install, your source can be in a separate directory to the cec command install files, and you no longer need your source to be within a sites-toolkit directory.

The file can be used to specify server settings. It will be picked up from the source directory, or can be specified with environment variable CEC_PROPERTIES

Use cec develop to start a dev/test server for your source. Different ports can be used for the server, to enable multiple source trees to exist.


Option Description
--help, -h Show Help


Example Description
cec install

cec develop

Usage: cec develop | cec d

Starts a test server in the current folder. Specify the server with -s <server> or use the one specified in file. Optionally, specify -p <port> to set the port, default port is 8085.


Option Description
--help, -h Show Help
--port, -p Set <port>. Defaults to 8085.
--server, -s <server> The registered OCM server
--debug, -d Start the server with “–inspect”


Example Description
cec develop
cec develop -p 7878
cec develop -p 7878 -s SampleServer1

cec sync-server

Usage: cec sync-server | cec scs

Starts a sync server in the current folder to sync changes notified by web hook from <server> to <destination> server. Specify the source server with -s <server> and the destination server with -d <destination>. Optionally, specify -p <port> to set the port, default port is 8086. To run the sync server over HTTPS, specify the key file with -k <key> and the certificate file with -c <certificate>. Set authorization option with -a and the valid values are:

All webhook events are saved in file event.json, when the sync server is started, by default the events that were processed 7 days ago will be deleted. Use -n to set the number of days to keep the processed events.


Option Description
--help, -h Show Help
--server, -s The registered OCM server for sync source
--destination, -d The registered OCM server for sync destination
--authorization, -a The authorization method [none
--username, -u The username used to authenticate the web hook event when <authorization> is basic
--password, -w The password used to authenticate the web hook event when <authorization> is basic
--values, -v The comma separated list of name-value pairs used to authenticate the web hook event when <authorization> is header
--port, -p Set port. Defaults to 8086.
--key, -k The key file for HTTPS
--certificate, -c The certificate file for HTTPS
--updateitemonly, -y Content Item Updated event updates the item without updating its references
--days, -n Number of days to keep processed events


Example Description
cec sync-server -s SampleServer -d SampleServer1 -u admin -w SamplePass1 Use Basic authorization
cec sync-server -s SampleServer -d SampleServer1 -u admin -w SamplePass1 -p 7878 Use Basic authorization and port set to 7878
cec sync-server -s SampleServer -d SampleServer1 Use Basic authorization and the username and password will be prompted to enter
cec sync-server -s SampleServer -d SampleServer1 -u admin Use Basic authorization and the password will be prompted to enter
cec sync-server -s SampleServer -d SampleServer1 -a header -v key1:value1,key2:value2 Use Header authorization
cec sync-server -s SampleServer -d SampleServer1 -a none No authorization
cec sync-server -s SampleServer -d SampleServer1 -k ~/keys/key.pem -c ~/keys/cert.pem The sync server will start over HTTPS
cec sync-server -s SampleServer -d SampleServer1 -u admin -w SamplePass1 -n 0 When start the sync server, delete all processed events from file events.json

cec webhook-server

Usage: cec webhook-server | cec whs

Starts a server in the current folder to handle events notified by web hook from <server>. Optionally, specify -p <port> to set the port, default port is 8087. The supported event types are:


Option Description
--help, -h Show Help
--type, -t The webhook server type [seo]
--contenttype, -c The content type
--detailpage, -d The full url of the site detail page for this type
--server, -s The registered OCM server
--port, -p Set port. Defaults to 8087.


Example Description
cec webhook-server -t seo -s SampleServer -c Blog -d “/site/blogsite/detailpage”
cec webhook-server -t seo -s SampleServer -c Blog,Author -d “/site/blogsite/blogdetail,/site/blogsite/authordetail”
cec webhook-server -t seo -s SampleServer -c Blog -d “/site/blogsite/detailpage” -p 7878 Missing required arguments: type, contenttype, detailpage, server