Add Default Common Page Properties

You can define common page properties along with the site properties at the site level. Common page properties are available on all pages by default. Additional custom page properties specific to a particular page can also be added in the page settings properties tab.

To add default page properties common to all pages:

  1. Open a site for editing.

  2. Click Settings icon in the sidebar and then click Properties Properties.

  3. Click the Page Properties tab.
  4. Click Add.
  5. Enter a name and value for the page property. You can add up to 50 custom properties. There is a 64 character limit on the name field and a 300 character limit to the value field.
  6. Click the X next to a name/value pair to delete it.
  7. When you are finished adding or removing your page properties, click Close.


    Changes are not merged with existing page properties when you commit changes in an update. Committing changes to page properties overwrites any existing page properties in the base site.