Compare Local Components to Remote Components

Local components and remote components are implemented differently.

The following table lists differences in how components can be implemented. It may help you determine whether you want to use a local component or a remote component rendered in an inline frame.

Local Component Implementation Remote Component Implementation

Integrates complex content-centric user interface into Oracle Content Management

Integrates application logic into Oracle Content Management

Executes JavaScript to render content in the page

Uses the <iframe> HTML tag to render content in the page

Uses any JavaScript technology stack

Can use any technology, not just JavaScript

Leverages the Oracle Content Management JavaScript stack and can re-use Oracle Content Management components

Doesn’t integrate with the Oracle Content Management JavaScript stack

Adds assets dependencies from /assets documents stored in the Oracle Content Management server

Requires HTTPS URLs and corresponding certificates for all asset access

Is hosted with a template and published independently of a theme by Oracle Content Management

Requires a hosted middle-tier server for the URL endpoints

Because code executes within the page, if the component code breaks, it may break the page

The page renders independently to the content of inline frames, so the page won’t break if the component fails

May slow down the rendering of the page if the component is slow to render

The page loads independently to inline frame content, so the page will load as fast as it can and then load the content of any inline frame


While the rendering of local components and remote components differ, the Settings panel implementation in Site Builder is the same. The Settings panel for both types of components is rendered using inline frames, and it uses the same JavaScript SDK to allow for both cross-boundary and cross-domain communication.