Create a Content Layout with Developer Cloud Service

You can create a content layout for a content type in your Developer Cloud Service project with the cec create-contentlayout command.

To create a content layout in your Developer Cloud Service project:

  1. In a terminal window, go to the cec-components directory.

  2. Enter cec create-contentlayout to see options and examples for the command:

    Usage: cec create-contentlayout <name>
    Creates a content layout based on a content type from a local template or from CEC server. 
    By default, an "overview" content layout is created. Optionally specify -s <style> 
    to create in a different style.
    Valid values for <style> are:
      --contenttype, -c  <contenttype> Content layout is based on         [required]
      --template, -t       <template> Content type is from
      --server, -r         flag to indicate the content type is from server
      --style, -s          <style> Content layout style
      --addcustomsettings, -a  Add support for custom settings when used in Sites
      --help, -h           Show help                                         [boolean]
      cec create-contentlayout Blog-Post-Overview-Layout -c Blog-Post -t BlogTemplate
      cec create-contentlayout Blog-Post-Detail-Layout -c Blog-Post -t BlogTemplate -s detail
      cec create-contentlayout Blog-Post-Overview-Layout -c Blog-Post -t BlogTemplate -a
      cec create-contentlayout Blog-Post-Overview-Layout -c Blog-Post -r
      cec create-contentlayout Blog-Post-Overview-Layout -c Blog-Post -r -s detail
  3. Enter the following command to see what content types are available on your server:

    cec list-server-content-types
  4. As shown in the "Usage", you can either create a content layout for the content type in the Oracle Content Management server or for the content type in the templates under cec-components/src/main/templates. For example, the following command creates the content layout for the type in the server:

    cec create-contentlayout Blog-Post-Overview-Layout -c Blog-Post -r

You can edit the following files to modify the content layout:

If you created a layout that allows for custom settings (using the option -a when creating the layout), an additional file named settings.html is also created which provides a default rendering of a single content item so it can be displayed.