Create the Sample Blog Template

The BlogTemplate sample demonstrates content layout features.

You can create the template in Developer Cloud Service, examine the content layouts in the template, and test the search capabilities:

  1. Create a template of the type BlogTemplate:

    cec create-template MyBlogTemplate -f BlogTemplate

    A new template, MyBlogTemplate, will be created by copying BlogTemplate.

  2. Open http://localhost:8085/, and then click Templates, then MyBlogTemplate.

  3. You see a list of Blog posts. Click on one of them. It takes you to the Details page, which uses three different Content Layouts to render. 

  4. Click More articles from this author. It takes you to a search page.

  5. Click an author name. That content layout raises a trigger and shows the articles on the right side.

  6. Go to the Home page again and test the search.