Enable Cobrowse Integration

The Cobrowse feature is a collaboration tool used with the Oracle Cobrowse Cloud Service.

Integration with Cobrowse Cloud Service must first be added as an accepted integration by the service administrator. See Integrate with Oracle Cobrowse Cloud Service in Integrating and Extending Oracle Content Management.

After Oracle Cobrowse Cloud Service integration is enabled, the feature can be configured for the site and then added to specific site pages for use.

To enable cobrowsing on a site:

  1. Open a site for editing.

  2. Click Settings icon in the sidebar and then click the more Settings icon.

  3. In the Cobrowse section, select Enable use of Oracle Cobrowse on this site.

  4. Enter the launcher script for the site. An Oracle Cobrowse Cloud Service administrator can access the Cobrowse administration console to obtain the appropriate launcher Javascript snippet. There are two different types of launchers.
    • Launch Point 1: a cobrowse button is automatically added on a page.

    • Launch Point 2: allows you to customize the button and the interface that is added on a page.

  5. Click Close.

After Cobrowse is enabled for the site, you can add it to a page or customize how it is used on a page. See Using Cobrowse on a Page for details.

Use Cobrowse with Secure Sites and Site Builder Testing

Cobrowse has two modes: Instant (ICB) and Advanced (ACB). An extra configuration is needed to use Cobrowsing in ICB mode for a secured site or to preview a site still in development. This configuration is done in the Cobrowse Administration Console. See Log in to the Agent Console in Using Standalone Cobrowse.

In the Custom Functions field, add a function to allow agents to see password-protected resources on a published secure site:

function () {
return { 
passwordProtectedPatterns: [  

To use this function for both published secure sites and to view/preview a site in development, add additional code:

function () {
return { 
passwordProtectedPatterns: [  

Configuring protected resources is a new Cobrowse feature. It uses the same wildcard URL patterns as Cobrowse Page Masking. For more details, see Configure page masking in the Cobrowse Deployment and Use Guide.