Import a Site Template

You can export a site template to modify it offline and then import it either as a new site template or to replace the existing site template. You can also export a site template to move it to another Oracle Content Management instance and import it there.

When you export a site template, you essentially copy the site template to a folder in the Oracle Content Management as a single .zip file. You can download the site template package directly from the folder to unpack and work with the individual files. When you are done working with the site template files, create a .zip file that contains the site template package and import it into Oracle Content Management and overwrite the original site template or create a new one.

To import a site template package:

  1. In the Oracle Content Management side navigation, click Developer
    The Developer page is displayed.
  2. Click View all Templates.
    A list of existing site templates is displayed.
  3. Click Create and choose Import a template package.
  4. If you have uploaded the site template package, navigate to the folder that contains the site template package. To open a folder, click the folder icon or the folder name.
    If you have not yet uploaded the site template package:
    1. Navigate to the folder where you want to upload the site template package or create a folder by clicking New, providing a name and an optional description, and clicking Create.
    2. Click Upload.
    3. Locate and select the site template package, then click Open.
      A progress bar shows the file name and the upload status.
  5. Select a site template package by clicking the checkbox next to the file name and click OK.
    If there are no conflicts between the contents of the imported site template and any existing site templates, themes, or custom components, new Oracle Content Management folders are created for the site template, its associated theme, and any custom components.
  6. If the site template, theme, or custom component names or IDs exist, you are prompted to resolve the conflicts.
    Depending on the nature of the conflict, you are given the option to create a new site template, theme, or custom component, or in some cases, you can overwrite the existing site template, theme or custom component with the imported version.