Introduction and Prerequisites for Component Development with Knockout

This tutorial presents steps and verification procedures to create a sample component using JavaScript objects, which leverage the standard Knockout JS ViewModel and Template functionality.

You should be able to take the code referenced in these steps (provided in files that are seeded when you create a component) and update only the .html template and JavaScript viewModel with your own code.


While Oracle Content Management does not dictate the JavaScript technology you use to create components, typically the factory JavaScript function is the same for each implementation of a component in whichever JavaScript framework is chosen.


This tutorial only focuses on the implementation of a component. For a more general information about components, see Develop Components.

To complete the steps in this tutorial, you must meet the following requirements:
  • You must have access to an Oracle Content Management instance with permissions to create sites and components.

  • The Oracle Content Management instance server has been synced to your local computer using the Oracle Content Management desktop or using a custom component. See Develop Custom Components with Developer Cloud Service.

In addition, you should be familiar with these JavaScript concepts and frameworks:
  • JavaScript browser debugging

  • JavaScript Closure

  • JavaScript Asynchronous Module Definition (AMD) development

  • RequireJS and KnockoutJS frameworks

Continue to Step 1: Create a Component.