Sites Rendering API

The Sites Rendering API for Oracle Content Management (SCSRenderAPI) is a window-global object present on all Oracle Content Management web pages. It is primarily responsible for rendering the slots and components of the page, and it provides an interface for JavaScript code present on theme layouts. If you’re working on themes or components as a developer, you may find these events and functions.The runtime SCSRenderAPI renders the view and preview display modes, while the design time SCSRenderAPI renders the navigation, edit, and annotation display modes.

In runtime, the Sites Rendering API has three general purposes:
  • Populate the slots on the page with components and content.
  • Satisfy informational requests made by JavaScript code found on the page layout.
  • Raise events during the lifecycle of the page-rendering process.
In design time, the Sites Rendering API has four general purposes:
  • Populate the slots on the page with components and content.
  • Satisfy informational requests made by JavaScript code found on the page layout.
  • Raise events during the lifecycle of the page-rendering and editing process.
  • Interact with Site Builder to allow page editing and annotation.
The Sites Rendering API is loaded in Oracle Content Management web pages by placing the following script tag on theme layouts:
<script data-main="/_sitescloud/renderer/renderer.js" src="/_sitescloud/renderer/require.js"></script>

This is normally placed at the bottom of layouts. (Note that the URLs in this tag will automatically be adjusted for the appropriate environment: design time or runtime.) The SCSRenderAPI object loads asynchronously; custom JavaScript code can listen for the availability of the Sites Rendering API by handling the scsrenderstart event.