Understand Site Templates

A site template has everything you need to get started with your site, including the site code framework, a default site with sample pages and content, a theme with styling, resources such as images, and even custom components.

Default Templates

Oracle Content Management provides a number of site templates that you can use to create sites. Just select a template, name the site, and you can start adding content right away. These site templates are typically installed by a service administrator when the service is initialized.

Site Template Description
Blank Site Template The Blank template is a single page with header, body, and footer slots, allowing you complete freedom to use your own design.

New Product Launch

The New Product Launch template has a right justified horizontal menu and layouts for case studies, details on features, pricing, your company, and contact information. The home page has a rotating banner image plus text.

Products and Services Overview

The Products and Services Overview template has layouts for case studies, details about the product offering, your company, privacy policy and more. The home page has a rotating banner image plus text. The template is fully responsive.

Starter Site Template

Use the Starter template to create your own ready-made site solutions. The starter template provides a simple, yet fully functional example that you can explore and expand with components and interactions. It includes the site code framework, a default site with sample pages and content, a theme with styling, resources such as images, and a custom component with trigger and action functionality. The sample pages include information about creating site templates with links to resources providing more detailed information.


This template is responsive and features a custom JavaScript menu component within the group. It features custom component groups that offer a number of standard components. It also shows the logged in user.


This template is responsive and features a custom JavaScript menu component within the group. It features custom component groups that offer a number of standard components.


This template is a site that features a single, long page. It is responsive and features a custom JavaScript menu that navigates to locations on the page rather than to separate pages.

JET Starter Site Template

Oracle JET (JavaScript Extension Toolkit) is a modular, open source toolkit using a collection of open source JavaScript libraries. See Oracle Jet for complete details.

You can also create a template from an existing site, or you can export an existing template, modify it offline, and import it as a new template. Your organization may have site templates for you to use.

How Templates Work

When you create a site, the template is used as follows:

  • If site governance is enabled, sites might require approval before they're created. See Understand Site Governance.
  • The default site in the template is copied to the new site to provide a starting point for your pages.

  • All necessary support files are copied to the new site.

  • If the template theme doesn’t exist in the themes folder, the theme is copied to the themes folder. The site references the theme from its location in the themes folder. If the theme exists, the new site simply references the existing theme.

  • If there are custom components that don’t exist in the components folder, they’re copied to the components folder. The site references the components from their locations in the components folder. If any of the components exist, the new site references the existing components.

Create Custom Site templates

If you’re a web developer, a template collects all the pieces you need to construct a website in one package including the site, layout, navigation, sample content, and so on. You can add components and interactions to the site to provide ready-made site solutions that meet your business needs.

A site template is represented by a folder structure that you can work with like other folders. Some elements of the site template, such as the theme and custom components, are referenced from their associated locations in Oracle Content Management. For example, a site template references the associated theme from the list of available themes like a site references a theme.

If you create a site template from an existing site, the new site template uses a copy of the site as its default site. The site template references the theme used by the site and any custom components used in the site pages. The theme and custom components aren’t copied to the site template, but are referenced in the same way they are by the site.


The site template reflects the site used at the time the site template is created. Further changes to the site that was used to create the site template aren’t reflected in the site stored with the site template.

You can create content site templates which can be used to share content models, which includes content layouts, content items, and digital assets that are needed to support a content model (such as sample content). Content site templates should be created from sites with published content items and digital assets. Note that content types are not created when a site template is imported from a package with content. They are created when a site is created from the content template. Therefore, content types are not owned by the user who imports the site template. Instead, content types are owned by the user who creates a first site from that site template. That user can then share the site template with other users as needed. This feature may not be available depending on the Content Management Cloud subscription type and start date of your service.

When you export a site template, all elements of the site template, including a copy of the theme and any components, are collected in a site template package that you can download and work with offline.

If you import a site template you modified offline, and if the site template, theme, or custom component names or IDs already exist, you’re prompted to resolve the conflicts. You may be given the option to create a new site template, theme, or custom component, or in some cases, you can overwrite the existing site template, theme or custom component with the imported version. See Develop Site Templates.

You can also import a site template to a specific repository. When you do, you are given the choice to update or duplicate existing assets. See Import Templates into a Specific Repository.

Share Site Templates

When you create a site template, whether by importing, copying, or creating from a site, the site template can’t be used by anyone else until you share it.


This is also true for the site templates provided with Oracle Content Management and installed by an administrator. If you don’t see any site templates, contact your administrator. They may not have been shared with you.

When you share a site template with a user for the first time, the associated theme and any associated custom components are automatically shared with the user and given the downloader role to ensure that they’re available if the user creates a site from the site template. Subsequent changes in the site template to the role for that user do not update the sharing information for the associated theme or custom components.

If site governance is enabled, you make site templates available through site template policies. See Understand Site Governance and Change Site Template Policies.