Create a Site

You can use the create-site command and its options to create a site.

Run the command cecss create-site -h to see the usage and examples:

Usage: cec create-site <name>

Creates the Site <name> for the content from local or from OCE server. By 
default, it creates a StarterSite. Optionally specify -f <source> to create 
from different source.

  --from, -f      <source> Source to create from
  --content, -c   <content> The absolute path of the local OCE template zip 
  --server, -s    flag to indicate to use the content types from server
  --navtypes, -n  <navtypes> The comma separated list of content types from 
server to be used as site navigation
  --types, -t     <types> The comma separated list of content types on the 
server, if not specified, all content types will be used
  --help, -h      Show help                                                                                                                                                

  cecss create-site NewSite -c
  cecss create-site NewsSite -c ~/Downloads/
  cecss create-site NewsSite -f ~/Downloads/ -c 
  cecss create-site BlogSite -s -n Blog
  cecss create-site BlogSite -s -n Blog -t Blog,Author

Content Type Restriction

If the name of a content type contains the character "-" or starts with a digital character, the generated React component for this type won't compile, and thus the site won't be runnable. Do not use a content type whose name violates the restrictions.

Create a Site with Local Content

The local content can be the zip file of an exported Oracle Content Management template or a zip file of exported channel content. For each content type in the zip file, a React component will be generated and the type will also be used for site navigation.

cecss create-site NewsSite -c ~/Downloads/

The site created will be placed in a folder with the same name as the site.

Create a Site with Oracle Content Management Server Content

To create a site with content types from an Oracle Content Management server, you need to configure the Oracle Content Management server first. At least one content type should be specified to use for site navigation.

  • Create a site for all content types on the Oracle Content Management server, specifying which types to use in the navigation:

    cecss create-site serverSite -s -n Article
    cecss create-site serverSite -s -n Article,Author
  • Create a site with certain content types on the Oracle Content Management server. The content types used for navigation will be included automatically.

    cecss create-site serverSite -s -n Article,Author -t Employee