Run a Site with Oracle Content Management Server Content

For a site created with content types from an Oracle Content Management server, it’s required to set up the site to use the Oracle Content Management server to get the content. Also, a site created from a local content zip file can be changed to run with content from an Oracle Content Management server in the same way.

For each created site, an empty .cec_properties file is generated in the site directory:

# To show the content on Oracle Content Management server, cec_url and cec_channel_token must 
be set.
# If the channel is secure, cec_username and cec_password are also required.
# Only published items will be displayed.
# If the Oracle Content Management instance is a development env, set cec_env to dev_ec.

Edit the file and set the url and channel token, and username, password if needed.

You can get the channel token from the Oracle Content Management server or use the CLI:

cecss list-server-channels