Starter Site Runtime

When a site is running in development mode, two servers are running. One is a node Express server with Webpack middleware that helps with live and hot reloading. The other is a node Express server that handles content query.

In production mode, there is only one server running. All the client-side code will be bundled into static files using Webpack, and it will be served by the node Express server.

Details about the starter site runtime follow.

Description of starter_site_runtime.png follows
Description of the illustration starter_site_runtime.png

In the starter site runtime:

  • .babelrc is the Babel config. Babel is used to compile and also to convert JSX to JavaScript.

  • package.json contains the site's metadata.

  • server.js is the entry point to the node Express server, which handles content query.

  • webpack-server.js is the entry point to the node Express server with Webpack middleware, which handles live and hot reloading.

  • webpack.config.js is the Webpack configuration for development mode.

  • webpack.config-prd.js is the Webpack configuration for production mode.