View Ranking Policy Properties

The ranking policy properties show information such as when the policy was last updated, promoted, and published; and the API information. You can also view or edit the ranking policy name and description.

To view the properties, open the ranking policy, then click the additional properties pane.

Property information is divided into tabs:

  • General
    • Name and description—You can edit this information.
    • Date and time the ranking policy was last updated and by whom.
    • If the ranking policy has been promoted, you see the last version that was promoted.
    • If the ranking policy has been published, you see that last version that was published and the channels to which it was published.
  • API
    • API name and ID—To copy the API name or ID to the clipboard, click Copy icon next to it.
    • Management URL—To copy the management URL to the clipboard, click Copy icon next to it.

You can also view any publishing channels to which the ranking policy is associated by selecting Channels in the panel drop-down menu.