View Recommendations

To view a list of available recommendations, click Recommendations in the side menu and select the repository for the recommendations you want to view.

To see the list of rules and audience attributes of a specific recommendation or test a recommendation, right-click or select it, then choose View in the right-click menu or click View icon in the actions bar.

Click on the tab of the information you want to view.

  • General — shows the details of a recommendation, such as name, API name, associated content type, channels, and any fallback assets.
  • Rules — lists the rules defined for the recommendation used to find recommended assets.
  • Test — allows you to apply values for the audience attributes and test to see what recommendations are made. Until values are applied, designated fallback assets are displayed.


When testing assets, set the asset status to Published and select a channel, which is useful to see what will be displayed when the recommendation is used, or set the asset status to Management for all channels, to see what assets are available in a repository that meet the rules of the recommendation.