Icon Quick Reference

Several different icons are used in the web browser and in the desktop app.

Web Browser, Desktop and Mobile Icons

Here’s a quick look at the icons you might see on your home page in your web browser, in the desktop app, or on a mobile device:

Icon Meaning

the open and close icon

Click to minimize or maximize the left navigation panel.

folder with no Shared icon

A folder that hasn’t been shared with anyone.

folder with Shared icon

A folder that was shared with you or that you shared with others.

the download icon

Click or tap to download the item and store it for use on your local computer.

the share icon

Click or tap to open the sharing dialog, where you can create a link for a file or folder, or you can add members to a folder.

the favorite icon

Click or tap to mark something as a favorite.

the Conversation icon

Shows that a conversation has been started about a file or folder. A conversation is a place where you can share comments with people about a particular item. Click or tap to open the conversation.

the Reserved icon

Shows that an item has been reserved by someone and can’t be used.

the more menu icon

Click to see menu options that might not fit on the menu bar.

the open conversation pane icon

Click to open the conversation pane to start a conversation or view a conversation that’s already started, as well as access a drop-down menu to view custom properties and API information.

the manage properties icon

Click to manage custom properties of a file or folder.

the change view menu

Click to change how you view the items on the page, such as in a list or a grid.

Desktop Icons

Here’s a look at additional icons you might see when using the desktop app:

Icon Meaning

the desktop app icon

The desktop app icon, which appears in your system tray (Windows) or menu bar extras area (Mac).

sync is current icon

The icon that is superimposed on your files and folders, showing that they’ve been synchronized successfully.

sync in progress icon

The icon superimposed on files and folders, showing that synchronization is in progress.

the problems detected icon

Indicates there may be a synchronization problem with a file.

the information icon

Indicates that additional information is available for a file.

Digital Asset Icons

When using digital assets, the status of an asset is indicated by a circle at the bottom of the asset tile. The different statuses are:

  • blue circle with white up caret Published

  • green circle with white center dot Approved

  • red circle with white X Rejected

  • gray circle with middle vertical white line Draft

  • circle completely filled with gray Translated

  • yellow circle with a middle horizontal white line In Review

Microsoft Radial Menu

Microsoft Office 2010 or later versions features a quick-access radial menu.

When using Microsoft Office 2010 or later versions, the quick-access radial menu is installed automatically when you install the desktop app. This menu appears whenever you have the app active and you work with a Microsoft Office file that’s being synced. Click on any location on the menu to quickly access Oracle Content features directly from the file. You can view the properties of a file, work with reservations or share the file, view conversations associated with the file, or open the file in Oracle Content in your web browser.

image of radial menu