Delete File



Delete the specified file.


Supported Media Types
  • application/json
  • application/xml
Path Parameters
Type: string
Required: true

Globally unique identifier (GUID) for the file.

Query Parameters
Type: string

Specify the version number of the file to delete. If the version is not specified, the latest version is used.

Header Parameters
Type: string

Applink access token authorizing the current user to access the parent folder or this file. This parameter is mandatory if appLinkID is used. It can be used as accessToken or AccessToken.

Type: string

Applink ID authorizing the current user to access the parent folder or this file. Any time the parameter appLinkID is used, a parameter accessToken must be provided as well. To work, this applink must have at least the contributor role granted. It can be used as appLinkID or AppLinkID.

Type: string

Access code needed to use protected public links. It needs to be sent as part of a Cookie header in the following format: dAccessCode-<linkID>=<passcodeValue>

Type: string

Public link ID of a public link authorizing the current user to access this file. To work, this public link must have the contributor role granted. It can be used as linkID or LinkID.


Supported Media Types
  • application/json
  • application/xml
200 Response

The request was fulfilled.

The response body includes information about the deleted file.
Root Schema : FileDeleteResponse
The response body includes information about the deleted file.
Example application/json

400 Response

Request parameters are not formatted correctly.

403 Response

Forbidden if the user does not have read permission.

404 Response

File ID is not found.


The following example deletes version 2 of the specified file.

DELETE .../files/D34A657B8723A96097F80926T0000000000100000001

Request Header


Request Body

    "version": "2"

HTTP Status Code


JSON Response

    "errorCode": "0",
    "idList": "D34A657B8723A96097F80926T0000000000100000001",
    "type": "file"

Example 2

The following example deletes version 2 of the specified file. The example uses a public link ID because this file is under a folder structure not owned by or shared with the current user.

DELETE .../files/D34A657B8723A96097F80926T0000000000100000001

Request Header

LinkID: LF8D36FAFAB4388BECEAC4AEB5D17B95F47087F4E518

Request Body

    "version": "2"

HTTP Status Code


JSON Response

    "errorCode": "0",
    "idList": "D34A657B8723A96097F80926T0000000000100000001",
    "type": "file"

Example 3

The following example deletes version 2 of the specified file. The example uses a public link ID protected by an access code because this file is under a folder structure not owned by or shared with the current user. An access code (test12345) is submitted as part of a Cookie in the request header.

DELETE .../files/D34A657B8723A96097F80926T0000000000100000001

Request Header

LinkID: LF8D36FAFAB4388BECEAC4AEB5D17B95F47087F4E518
Cookie: dAccessCode-LF8D36FAFAB4388BECEAC4AEB5D17B95F47087F4E518=test12345

Request Body

    "version": "2"

HTTP Status Code


JSON Response

    "errorCode": "0",
    "idList": "D34A657B8723A96097F80926T0000000000100000001",
    "type": "file"

Example 4

The following example requests deletion of version 2 of the specified file. Because this file is under a folder structure not owned by or shared with the current user, an access denied error message is returned.

DELETE .../files/D34A657B8723A96097F80926T0000000000100000001

Request Header


Request Body

    "version": "2"

HTTP Status Code


JSON Response

    "errorCode": "-20",
    "errorKey": "!csFldUnableToDeleteItems!csCloudItemInsufficientPrivileges,User BB,fFileGUID:DBFC40982617C949CA373B08B5D17B95F47087F4E518,FLD_MOVE_TO_TRASH",
    "errorMessage": "Unable to delete items. User 'User BB' has insufficient privilege to access fFileGUID:D34A657B8723A96097F80926T0000000000100000001 with service FLD_MOVE_TO_TRASH.",
    "errorType": "file",
    "idList": "D34A657B8723A96097F80926T0000000000100000001",
    "title": "Unable to delete items. User 'User BB' has insufficient privilege to access fFileGUID:D34A657B8723A96097F80926T0000000000100000001 with service FLD_MOVE_TO_TRASH.",
    "type": "",
    "version": "2"

Example 5

The following example requests deletion of version 2 of the specified file. This file is under a folder structure not owned by or shared with the current user, and only a public link protected by an access code is available. An error is returned because the access code was not submitted as part of the request.

DELETE .../files/D34A657B8723A96097F80926T0000000000100000001

Request Header

LinkID: LF8D36FAFAB4388BECEAC4AEB5D17B95F47087F4E518

Request Body

    "version": "2"

HTTP Status Code


JSON Response

    "errorCode": "-18",
    "errorKey": "!csFldUnableToDeleteItems!csAccessCodeRequiredForLinkAccess",
    "errorMessage": "Unable to delete items. The access code must be provided to access the link.",
    "errorType": "file",
    "idList": "D34A657B8723A96097F80926T0000000000100000001",
    "title": "Unable to delete items. The access code must be provided to access the link.",
    "type": "",
    "version": "2"

Example 6

The following example deletes all versions of the specified file. The example uses an applink because this file is under a folder structure not owned by or shared with the current user. The applink ID and access token are submitted in the request header.

DELETE .../files/DED694950C14AFF280419F9AB5D17B95F47087F4E518

Request Header

appLinkID: LF5Bxj4TPo_p4n4qWn0tbKTicR2cTUJKv7X_ng9E7ry93rRuDokPqS1d6-wKwhb_wtcGYFDsI_cNMxeKQ-HR-FXQhiVoGRTYM_MPZY8qpICfYU94mmnMjM_cvsRhKMzc0NJgvwEJfqqDwPsAVrhc8cmg==
accessToken: 352FpiMmW66PeYI1Gh5b83I9CXRwZhLfYAu4TXdqpzD8uNKUBMZVVJ3ZvivUW8kQ

Request Body


HTTP Status Code


JSON Response

    "errorCode": "0",
    "idList": "DED694950C14AFF280419F9AB5D17B95F47087F4E518",
    "type": "file"