Get Folder Tags



Get tags assigned to a particular folder.


Supported Media Types
  • application/json
  • application/xml
Path Parameters
Type: string
Required: true

Globally unique identifier (GUID) for the folder. If the referenced folder is the user's home folder, the value for folderId is self.

Query Parameters
Type: string

Specify if just directly assigned tags should be retrieved (1) or if all inherited tags should be included as well (0).

Header Parameters
Type: string

Applink access token authorizing the current user to access this folder. This parameter is mandatory if appLinkID is used. It can be used as accessToken or AccessToken.

Type: string

Applink ID authorizing the current user to access this folder. Any time the parameter appLinkID is used, a parameter accessToken must be provided as well. It can be used as appLinkID or AppLinkID.

Type: string

Access code needed to use protected public links. It needs to be sent as part of a Cookie header in the following format: dAccessCode-<linkID>=<passcodeValue>

Type: string

Public link ID of a public link authorizing the current user to access this folder. It can be used as linkID or LinkID.


Supported Media Types
  • application/json
  • application/xml
200 Response

The request was fulfilled.

The response body includes information about folder tags.
Root Schema : FolderGetTagsResponse
The response body includes information about folder tags.
Example application/json

400 Response

Request parameters are not formatted correctly.

403 Response

Forbidden if the user does not have read permission.

404 Response

Folder ID is not found.


The following example returns all tags associated with the specified folder. By default, all inherited tags will be retrieved with all tags directly assigned to this folder. In this example, the tags todo and pending are directly assigned to this folder, and the tags personal and work are assigned to its parent folder.

GET .../folders/FD3947BCFB3D3517CC7E6312B5D17B95F47087F4E518/tags

Request Header


Request Body


HTTP Status Code


JSON Response

    "errorCode": "0",
    "idList": "FD3947BCFB3D3517CC7E6312B5D17B95F47087F4E518",
    "tags": "todo,pending,personal,work",
    "type": "folder"

Example 2

The following example returns all tags directly associated with the specified folder. You can change this behavior by using the query parameter directAssigned to retrieve only directly assigned tags (1) or to retrieve inherited tags as well (0). In this example, the tags todo and pending are directly assigned to this folder.

GET .../folders/FD3947BCFB3D3517CC7E6312B5D17B95F47087F4E518/tags?directAssigned=1

Request Header


Request Body


HTTP Status Code


JSON Response

    "errorCode": "0",
    "idList": "FD3947BCFB3D3517CC7E6312B5D17B95F47087F4E518",
    "tags": "todo,pending",
    "type": "folder"

Example 3

The following example returns all tags associated with the specified folder. The example uses an applink ID because this folder is under a folder structure not owned by or shared with the current user. The applink ID and access token are submitted in the request header.

GET .../folders/FAD7A87F0613A0CBDD4DA521B5D17B95F47087F4E518/tags

Request Header

appLinkID: LF5Bxj4TPo_p4n4qWn0tbKTicR2cTUJKv7X_ng9E7ry93rRuDokPqS1d6-wKwhb_wtcGYFDsI_cNMxeKQ-HR-FXQhiVoGRTYM_MPZY8qpICfYU94mmnMjM_cvsRhKMzc0NJgvwEJfqqDwPsAVrhc8cmg==
accessToken: 352FpiMmW66PeYI1Gh5b83I9CXRwZhLfYAu4TXdqpzD8uNKUBMZVVJ3ZvivUW8kQ

Request Body


HTTP Status Code


JSON Response

    "errorCode": "0",
    "idList": "FAD7A87F0613A0CBDD4DA521B5D17B95F47087F4E518",
    "tags": "myTag,appLinkTag",
    "type": "folder"