All REST Endpoints

The resources used to preview an item (includes Content Item, Digital asset/Custom Digital Asset and Multi Lingual Assets)
Preview an item
Method: get
Path: /content/preview/api/v1.1/items/{id}
Preview taxonomies and categories of an item
Method: get
Path: /content/preview/api/v1.1/items/{id}/taxonomies
Item variations
The resources used to preview item variations.
Preview a specific item variation by variation type and value
Method: get
Path: /content/preview/api/v1.1/items/{id}/variations/{variationType}/{varValue}
Preview item variations
Method: get
Path: /content/preview/api/v1.1/items/{id}/variations
Preview item variations by variation type
Method: get
Path: /content/preview/api/v1.1/items/{id}/variations/{variationType}
The resources used to search across the preview of items.
Preview items using search
Method: get
Path: /content/preview/api/v1.1/items
Items by slug
The resources used to preview an item (includes Content Item, Digital asset/Custom Digital Asset and Multi Lingual Assets) by slug
Preview a specific item variation by variation type and value by slug
Method: get
Path: /content/preview/api/v1.1/items/.by.slug/{slug}/variations/{variationType}/{varValue}
Preview an item by slug
Method: get
Path: /content/preview/api/v1.1/items/.by.slug/{slug}
Preview item variations by slug
Method: get
Path: /content/preview/api/v1.1/items/.by.slug/{slug}/variations
Preview item variations by variation type by slug
Method: get
Path: /content/preview/api/v1.1/items/.by.slug/{slug}/variations/{variationType}
Preview taxonomies and categories of an item by slug
Method: get
Path: /content/preview/api/v1.1/items/.by.slug/{slug}/taxonomies
The resources used to preview recommendation results.
Preview the results from the recommendation by apiName.
Method: post
Path: /content/preview/api/v1.1/personalization/recommendationResults/{apiName}
Preview the results from the recommendation by id.
Method: post
Path: /content/preview/api/v1.1/personalization/recommendationResults/{id}
The resources used to preview digital asset renditions and native files (includes Custom and Multi Lingual digital assets).
Preview a specific rendition of the digital asset
Method: get
Path: /content/preview/api/v1.1/assets/{id}/{rendition}
Preview a specific rendition of the digital asset using filename
Method: get
Path: /content/preview/api/v1.1/assets/{id}/{rendition}/{filename}
Preview digital asset's native file
Method: get
Path: /content/preview/api/v1.1/assets/{id}/native
Preview digital asset's native file using filename
Method: get
Path: /content/preview/api/v1.1/assets/{id}/native/{filename}
Renditions by slug
The resources used to preview digital asset renditions and native files by slug (includes Custom and Multi Lingual digital assets).
Preview a specific rendition of the digital asset by slug
Method: get
Path: /content/preview/api/v1.1/assets/.by.slug/{slug}/{rendition}
Preview a specific rendition of the digital asset by slug using filename
Method: get
Path: /content/preview/api/v1.1/assets/.by.slug/{slug}/{rendition}/{filename}
Preview a specific rendition of the digital asset by slug using filename by Vanity URL
Method: get
Path: /content/preview/assets/{slug}/{rendition}/{filename}
Preview a specific rendition of the digital asset by slug using Vanity URL
Method: get
Path: /content/preview/assets/{slug}/{rendition}
Preview digital asset's native file by slug
Method: get
Path: /content/preview/api/v1.1/assets/.by.slug/{slug}/native
Preview digital asset's native file by slug using filename
Method: get
Path: /content/preview/api/v1.1/assets/.by.slug/{slug}/native/{filename}
Preview digital asset's native file by slug using filename by Vanity URL
Method: get
Path: /content/preview/assets/{slug}/native/{filename}
Preview digital asset's native file by slug using Vanity URL
Method: get
Path: /content/preview/assets/{slug}/native
The resources used to preview taxonomies and their respective categories.
List categories
Method: get
Path: /content/preview/api/v1.1/taxonomies/{id}/categories
List taxonomies
Method: get
Path: /content/preview/api/v1.1/taxonomies
Preview a category
Method: get
Path: /content/preview/api/v1.1/taxonomies/{id}/categories/{categoryId}
Preview of a taxonomy
Method: get
Path: /content/preview/api/v1.1/taxonomies/{id}
Version Catalog
Version resources in the preview API.
Get available versions of the Content Preview API
Method: get
Path: /content/preview/api
Get v1.1 API information
Method: get
Path: /content/preview/api/v1.1