Get a filtered list of all conversations.




Supported Media Types
Body ()
Specify a filter to query.
Root Schema : XV1ConversationFilterInfo
Type: object
V1 Conversation Filter Information.
Show Source
Nested Schema : limitToGadgetIDs
Type: array
Limit to conversations with the specified type Gadget IDs. Should not be specified along with limitToGadgetID, limitToGadgetGroup or limitToGadgetExternalID.
Show Source
  • An object's unique identifier from a long integer representation.
Nested Schema : XV1ConversationSortField
Type: object
Show Source
    V1 Conversation Sort Fields.
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Supported Media Types

200 Response

Successful operation.
Body ()
Root Schema : XV1ConversationListInfo
Type: object
V1 Conversation List Information DTO.
Show Source
Nested Schema : items
Type: array
The conversations being returned.
Show Source
Nested Schema : XV1ConversationInfo
Type: object
V1 Conversation Information DTO.
Show Source
Nested Schema : XV1HierarchicalMembersInfo
Type: object
V1 Hierarchical Members Information DTO.
Show Source
Nested Schema : secondaryExternalIDs
Type: array
The secondary external IDs for this conversation.
Show Source
Nested Schema : XV1ConversationState
Type: object
Show Source
    V1 Conversation States.
Nested Schema : XV1WallPostControlEnum
Type: object
Show Source
    V1 Wall Posting Control Enum.
Nested Schema : XV1FolderIDListInfo
Type: object
List of folder IDs.
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Nested Schema : XV1IgnoredMemberListInfo
Type: object
List of ignored members.
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Nested Schema : XV1IgnoredUserListInfo
Type: object
List of ignored users.
Show Source
Nested Schema : XV1HierarchicalMembersOperationType
Type: object
Show Source
    V1 Users and Groups API Operation Types on Hierarchical Members.
Nested Schema : ids
Type: array
List of folder IDs.
Show Source
Nested Schema : groups
Type: array
List of users.
Show Source
Nested Schema : users
Type: array
List of users.
Show Source
Nested Schema : users
Type: array
List of users.
Show Source
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The following example shows how to get a filtered list of all conversations by submitting a GET request on the REST resource using cURL.

curl -X GET -c mycookies.jar -b mycookies.jar -H 'X-Waggle-RandomID:22a8a2ca707602ae2da3512e0ca28a06' -H 'Content-Type: application/json'

The following example includes a query filter parameter.

curl -X GET -c mycookies.jar -b mycookies.jar -H 'X-Waggle-RandomID:22a8a2ca707602ae2da3512e0ca28a06' -H 'Content-Type: application/json' '{"excludeClosed":true,"excludeFullyRead":true}'

Example of Response Body

The following shows an example of the response JSON document.

  "hasMore" : false,
  "items" : 
    "id": "45029",
    "name": "text",
    "objectType": "waggle/conversation",
    "createdByID": "24114",
    "createdByUserName": "",
    "createdByUserDisplayName": "Rosanna Channing",
    "createdDate": "Thu, 03 Sep 2015 14:39:22 GMT",
    "modifiedByID": "24114",
    "modifiedByUserName": "",
    "modifiedByUserDisplayName": "Rosanna Channing",
    "modifiedDate": "Thu, 03 Sep 2015 14:39:22 GMT",
    "isRemoved": "false",
    "latitude": "11",
    "longitude": "11",
    "altitude": "1",
    "externalID": "text",
    ["a text",    ]
    "isScoping": "false",
    "isScopingSame": "false",
    "isScoped": "false",
    "state": "OPEN_ACTIVE",
    "isDiscoverable": "false",
    "wallPostControl": "ANYONE_CAN_POST",
    "hasMembersLocked": "false",
    "isDisallowGuests": "false",
    "isDisallowOutsiders": "false",
    "nOutsiders": "0",
    "isExtendedAccessControl": "false",
    "folderID": "45034",
    "role": "HOST",
    "isMuted": "false",
    "isNew": "false",
    "nChats": "7",
    "nMarkableChats": "5",
    "nUnread": "0",
    "nFollowups": "0",
    "id": "689280",
    "name": "A Warm Welcome to the Team",
    "objectType": "waggle/conversation",
    "createdByID": "24114",
    "createdByUserName": "",
    "createdByUserDisplayName": "Rosanna Channing",
    "createdDate": "Thu, 22 Oct 2015 22:40:49 GMT",
    "modifiedByID": "24114",
    "modifiedByUserName": "",
    "modifiedByUserDisplayName": "Rosanna Channing",
    "modifiedDate": "Thu, 22 Oct 2015 22:40:49 GMT",
    "isRemoved": "false",
    "isScoping": "false",
    "isScopingSame": "false",
    "isScoped": "false",
    "state": "OPEN_ACTIVE",
    "isDiscoverable": "true",
    "wallPostControl": "ANYONE_CAN_POST",
    "hasMembersLocked": "false",
    "isDisallowGuests": "false",
    "isDisallowOutsiders": "false",
    "nOutsiders": "0",
    "isExtendedAccessControl": "false",
    "folderID": "689285",
    "role": "HOST",
    "isMuted": "false",
    "isNew": "false",
    "nChats": "8",
    "nMarkableChats": "5",
    "nUnread": "1",
    "nFollowups": "0",
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