Update the specified hierarchical members.




Supported Media Types
Path Parameters
Body ()
The request body defines the details of the request.
Root Schema : XV1HierarchicalMembersUpdateInfo
Type: object
V1 Collaboration API Hierarchical Members update DTO.
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Nested Schema : addedMemberGroups
Type: array
List of added groups. Can be empty. This can specify the group externalID, name or objectID.
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  • List of added groups. Can be empty. This can specify the group externalID, name or objectID.
Nested Schema : addedMemberUserNames
Type: array
List of added users. Can be empty.
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Nested Schema : childFolderIDs
Type: array
List of child folder IDs. Can be empty. Use this to build up parent-child relationships within the member hierarchy.
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  • List of child folder IDs. Can be empty. Use this to build up parent-child relationships within the member hierarchy.
Nested Schema : childUpdateInfos
Type: array
List of child XV1HierarchicalMembersUpdateInfos.
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Nested Schema : XV1HierarchicalMembersOperationType
Type: object
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    V1 Users and Groups API Operation Types on Hierarchical Members.
Nested Schema : removedMemberGroups
Type: array
List of removed groups. Can be empty. This can specify the group externalID, name or objectID.
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  • List of removed groups. Can be empty. This can specify the group externalID, name or objectID.
Nested Schema : removedMemberUserNames
Type: array
List of removed users. Can be empty.
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Supported Media Types

200 Response

Successful operation.
Body ()
Root Schema : XV1HierarchicalMembersInfo
Type: object
V1 Hierarchical Members Information DTO.
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Nested Schema : XV1FolderIDListInfo
Type: object
List of folder IDs.
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Nested Schema : XV1IgnoredMemberListInfo
Type: object
List of ignored members.
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Nested Schema : XV1IgnoredUserListInfo
Type: object
List of ignored users.
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Nested Schema : XV1HierarchicalMembersOperationType
Type: object
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    V1 Users and Groups API Operation Types on Hierarchical Members.
Nested Schema : ids
Type: array
List of folder IDs.
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Nested Schema : groups
Type: array
List of users.
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Nested Schema : users
Type: array
List of users.
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Nested Schema : users
Type: array
List of users.
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