Service Call URI and Version History

A service call includes an HTTPS method, such as POST, GET, PUT, or DELETE, and a resource identified by a Uniform Resource Identifier (URI).

The URI is in this format:



HTTPS is supported. HTTP is not supported.

The REST API identifies its version by including a version number in the URI in the form of /x.y/ folders, where x is incremented for subtractive changes or modifications to existing functionality and y is incremented when new features are added. For example:

The Catalog Resource lists the currently supported API versions for the instance.

To use a particular implementation of the API, you must reference that version in the URI.

Version 1.0

Version 1.0 provides basic folder, file, resource, and version identification services and their methods.

Version 1.1

Version 1.1 adds the following major services and their methods:

  • Metadata Collection Resource

    A metadata collection is a simple way of managing custom metadata fields that you can then use to store and retrieve metadata values for individual folders and files.

  • Users Resource

    Service requests and responses that referenced the simple user string in version 1.0 now reference the user object.

    These search requests were added:

    • User email search

    • Fulltext search for a folder in the user's home directory

    • Fulltext search for a file in the user's home directory

  • Applinks Resource

  • Publiclinks Resource

  • Shares Resource

The Files Resource service includes these additional calls:

  • Reserve File (POST)

  • Unreserve File (POST)

  • Get File Thumbnail (GET)

  • Get File Rendition Page Count (GET)

  • Generate File Renditions (POST)

  • Get File Page Rendition (GET)

The Files Resource also supports additional mimeType, reservedBy, and reservationTime elements.

Requests were added to the Metadata Collection Resource for these tasks:

  • Enable or disable a metadata collection

  • Enable or disable fields in a metadata collection

  • Get a metadata collection definition

  • Get user metadata

  • Get share metadata

  • Get application links metadata

  • Get public links metadata

  • Get assigned metadata collections to a file showing enabled or disabled field status

  • Get assigned metadata collections to a folder showing enabled or disabled field status

  • Delete a metadata collection

The Folders Resource includes additional createdby and modifiedby elements in responses.

The Applinks Resource supports an additional userLocale element.

The Upload File Version (POST) method no longer requires the use of parentID in the multipart request.

An errorKey field was added to responses.

The catalog category was renamed metadata-catalog. The catalog name will continue to be supported as an alias for metadata-catalog.

Version 1.1 of the REST API for Content Management provides a Web Application Definition Language (WADL) definition file. Oracle JDeveloper uses this file to interface with the API.

The REST API for Content Management 1.1 is the legacy version of the REST API for Documents.

Version 1.2

Version 1.2 includes all the functionality of Version 1.1 and adds the following major services and their methods:

  • Sites Resource, for creating a site from an existing site.

  • Templates Resource, for creating a site from a template.

    The Version 1.2 is the ongoing version of the REST API for Documents.