Extract ZIP File into a Folder



Requests that a ZIP file be extracted to a folder.


Supported Media Types
Path Parameters
  • Globally unique identifier (GUID) of the ZIP file to be extracted into a folder

Body ()
The request body defines details of how the files will be extracted from the ZIP file.
Root Schema : FileExtractZipBody
Type: object
The request body defines how the files in the zip are extracted.
Show Source
  • Specify the globally unique identifier (GUID) of the destination folder to extract files. By default the zip contents will be extracted to the same folder as the zip file.
  • Specify how name conflicts between the zip contents and existing files are handled during zip extraction, the default is ResolveDuplicates:
    • ResolveDuplicates the extraction will resolve the conflicting name to append a number new file name.
    • ReviseDuplicates the extraction will create a new revision of the conflicting document.
    • SkipDuplicates the extraction will skip the conflicting file name
Example Request (application/json)
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Supported Media Types

200 Response

The response body contains information about the extraction job.

Body ()
Root Schema : FileExtractZipResponse
Type: object
The response body includes information about the zip extraction job.
Show Source
Example Response (application/json)

400 Response

The request is invalid as described by the error returned.

403 Response

Forbidden if the user does not have read permission.

404 Response

File ID is not found.

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After uploading a zip containing 3 images, the following example will create an extraction job to extract the images into the same folder as the uploaded zip.

POST .../files/DC765D5CD846E67B395AE676435D1DBF0C5B3FCDE317/_extract

Request Header


Request Body


HTTP Status Code


JSON Response

    "Location": "{OCEHost}/documents/api/1.2/files/DC765D5CD846E67B395AE676435D1DBF0C5B3FCDE317/_extract/ZX-E83150A29A911D33321FE8A9A6C5814F1643066913096",
    "destinationID": "F80BA045E86F1651028073CA910CABD1145F5DE8845B",
    "errorCode": "0",
    "id": "DC765D5CD846E67B395AE676435D1DBF0C5B3FCDE317",
    "jobId": "ZX-E83150A29A911D33321FE8A9A6C5814F1643066913096",
    "type": "file"

Example 2

After uploading a zip containing 3 images and creating a folder to extract to, the following example will create an extraction job to extract the images into the specified folder.

POST .../files/DC765D5CD846E67B395AE676435D1DBF0C5B3FCDE317/_extract

Request Header


Request Body

    "destinationID": "F1DDD707F795A50AADBCCCAB5EB016D8E77A30902D7D"

HTTP Status Code


JSON Response

    "Location": "{OCEHost}/documents/api/1.2/files/DC765D5CD846E67B395AE676435D1DBF0C5B3FCDE317/_extract/ZX-1032527C9CEAC3CFB0BD3BA8C45BD3EA1643125120730",
    "destinationID": "F1DDD707F795A50AADBCCCAB5EB016D8E77A30902D7D",
    "errorCode": "0",
    "id": "DC765D5CD846E67B395AE676435D1DBF0C5B3FCDE317",
    "jobId": "ZX-1032527C9CEAC3CFB0BD3BA8C45BD3EA1643125120730",
    "type": "file"

Example 3

After uploading a zip containing 3 images and creating a folder to extract to, the following example will create an extraction job to extract the images into the specified folder and create new versions of existing files.

POST .../files/DC765D5CD846E67B395AE676435D1DBF0C5B3FCDE317/_extract

Request Header


Request Body

    "destinationID": "F1DDD707F795A50AADBCCCAB5EB016D8E77A30902D7D",
    "duplicateResolution": "ReviseDuplicates"

HTTP Status Code


JSON Response

    "Location": "{OCEHost}/documents/api/1.2/files/DC765D5CD846E67B395AE676435D1DBF0C5B3FCDE317/_extract/ZX-D51C9BDBAED077E16488336117420E231643125878509",
    "destinationID": "F1DDD707F795A50AADBCCCAB5EB016D8E77A30902D7D",
    "errorCode": "0",
    "id": "DC765D5CD846E67B395AE676435D1DBF0C5B3FCDE317",
    "jobId": "ZX-D51C9BDBAED077E16488336117420E231643125878509",
    "type": "file"

Example 4

This example will fail because the specified folder does not exist.

POST .../files/DC765D5CD846E67B395AE676435D1DBF0C5B3FCDE317/_extract

Request Header


Request Body

    "destinationID": "F1DDD707F795A50AADBCCCAB5EB016D8E77A30902D8D",
    "duplicateResolution": "ReviseDuplicates"

HTTP Status Code


JSON Response

    "destinationID": "F1DDD707F795A50AADBCCCAB5EB016D8E77A30902D8D",
    "errorCode": "-16",
    "errorKey": "!csBulkExtractionUnableToInitJob!csFldDoesNotExist,F1DDD707F795A50AADBCCCAB5EB016D8E77A30902D8D",
    "errorMessage": "Unable to initialize extraction job. 'F1DDD707F795A50AADBCCCAB5EB016D8E77A30902D8D' does not exist.",
    "errorType": "file",
    "id": "DC765D5CD846E67B395AE676435D1DBF0C5B3FCDE317",
    "title": "Unable to initialize extraction job. 'F1DDD707F795A50AADBCCCAB5EB016D8E77A30902D8D' does not exist.",
    "type": "https://www.w3.org/Protocols/rfc2616/rfc2616-sec10.html"
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