Get Folder



Get folder information for the specified folder.


Supported Media Types
Path Parameters
  • Globally unique identifier (GUID) for the folder. If the referenced folder is the user's home folder, the value for folderId is self.

Header Parameters
  • Applink access token authorizing the current user to access this folder. This parameter is mandatory if appLinkID is used. It can be used as accessToken or AccessToken.

  • Applink ID authorizing the current user to access this folder. Any time the parameter appLinkID is used, a parameter accessToken must be provided as well. It can be used as appLinkID or AppLinkID.

  • Access code needed to use protected public links. It needs to be sent as part of a Cookie header in the following format: dAccessCode-<linkID>=<passcodeValue>

  • Public link ID of a public link authorizing the current user to access this folder. It can be used as linkID or LinkID.

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Supported Media Types

200 Response

The response body contains information about the specific folder.

Body ()
Root Schema : FolderResponseWithConversation
Type: object
The response body includes information about the folder.
Show Source
Match All
Show Source
Nested Schema : FolderDefinitionWithConversation
Type: object
Folder metadata information.
Show Source
Nested Schema : User
Type: object
User information
Show Source
Example Response (application/json)
        "displayName":"User AA",
        "displayName":"User AA",
        "displayName":"User AA",
Example Response (parentID)
Example Response (size)
Example Response (type)

403 Response

Forbidden if the user does not have read permission.

404 Response

Folder ID is not found.

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The following example returns folder-definition information for the specified folder.

GET .../folders/FF4729683CD68C1AFB1AE87DT0000000000100000001

Request Header


Request Body


HTTP Status Code


JSON Response

    "childItemsCount": "2",
    "createdBy": {
        "displayName": "User AA",
        "loginName": "userAALoginName",
        "id": "U0EAA20910FAF3052ACB79E4T00000000001",
        "type": "user"
    "createdTime": "2014-02-21T20:52:37Z",
    "errorCode": "0",
    "id": "FF4729683CD68C1AFB1AE87DT0000000000100000001",
    "modifiedBy": {
        "displayName": "User AA",
        "loginName": "userAALoginName",
        "id": "U0EAA20910FAF3052ACB79E4T00000000001",
        "type": "user"
    "modifiedTime": "2014-02-21T20:52:37Z",
    "name": "foldera",
    "ownedBy": {
        "displayName": "User AA",
        "loginName": "userAALoginName",
        "id": "U0EAA20910FAF3052ACB79E4T00000000001",
        "type": "user"
    "parentID": "self",
    "size": "39",
    "type": "folder"

Example 2

The following example returns folder-definition information for the specified folder. This folder has a conversation associated with it, so two new fields, conversationID and isConversationInherited, are returned as well.

GET .../folders/F3EA22EE4F524F2931AAA841T0000000000100000001

Request Header


Request Body


HTTP Status Code


JSON Response

    "childItemsCount": "1",
    "conversationID": "39912",
    "createdBy": {
        "displayName": "User AA",
        "loginName": "userAALoginName",
        "id": "U0EAA20910FAF3052ACB79E4T00000000001",
        "type": "user"
    "createdTime": "2016-05-13T20:40:24Z",
    "errorCode": "0",
    "id": "F3EA22EE4F524F2931AAA841T0000000000100000001",
    "isConversationInherited": "false",
    "modifiedBy": {
        "displayName": "User AA",
        "loginName": "userAALoginName",
        "id": "U0EAA20910FAF3052ACB79E4T00000000001",
        "type": "user"
    "modifiedTime": "2016-05-13T20:40:24Z",
    "name": "folderB",
    "ownedBy": {
        "displayName": "User AA",
        "loginName": "userAALoginName",
        "id": "U0EAA20910FAF3052ACB79E4T00000000001",
        "type": "user"
    "parentID": "self",
    "size": "0",
    "type": "folder"

Example 3

The following example returns folder-definition information for the specified folder. The example uses a public link ID because this folder is under a folder structure not owned by or shared with the current user.

GET .../folders/FF4729683CD68C1AFB1AE87DT0000000000100000001

Request Header

LinkID: LF8D36FAFAB4388BECEAC4AEB5D17B95F47087F4E518

Request Body


HTTP Status Code


JSON Response

    "childItemsCount": "4",
    "createdBy": {
        "displayName": "User AA",
        "loginName": "userAALoginName",
        "id": "UEB6AD431E4357AE752CE3F2B5D17B95F470",
        "type": "user"
    "createdTime": "2016-06-06T21:34:23Z",
    "description": "PublicLinkDemo",
    "errorCode": "0",
    "id": "FF4729683CD68C1AFB1AE87DT0000000000100000001",
    "modifiedBy": {
        "displayName": "User AA",
        "loginName": "userAALoginName",
        "id": "UEB6AD431E4357AE752CE3F2B5D17B95F470",
        "type": "user"
    "modifiedTime": "2016-06-06T21:34:23Z",
    "name": "PublicLinkDemo",
    "ownedBy": {
        "displayName": "User AA",
        "loginName": "userAALoginName",
        "id": "UEB6AD431E4357AE752CE3F2B5D17B95F470",
        "type": "user"
    "size": "1189",
    "type": "folder"

Example 4

The following example returns folder-definition information for the specified folder. The example uses a public link ID protected by an access code because this folder is under a folder structure not owned by or shared with the current user. An access code (test12345) is submitted as part of a Cookie in the request header.

GET .../folders/FF4729683CD68C1AFB1AE87DT0000000000100000001

Request Header

LinkID: LF8D36FAFAB4388BECEAC4AEB5D17B95F47087F4E518
Cookie: dAccessCode-LF8D36FAFAB4388BECEAC4AEB5D17B95F47087F4E518=test12345

Request Body


HTTP Status Code


JSON Response

    "childItemsCount": "4",
    "createdBy": {
        "displayName": "User AA",
        "loginName": "userAALoginName",
        "id": "UEB6AD431E4357AE752CE3F2B5D17B95F470",
        "type": "user"
    "createdTime": "2016-06-06T21:34:23Z",
    "description": "PublicLinkDemo",
    "errorCode": "0",
    "id": "FF4729683CD68C1AFB1AE87DT0000000000100000001",
    "modifiedBy": {
        "displayName": "User AA",
        "loginName": "userAALoginName",
        "id": "UEB6AD431E4357AE752CE3F2B5D17B95F470",
        "type": "user"
    "modifiedTime": "2016-06-06T21:34:23Z",
    "name": "PublicLinkDemo",
    "ownedBy": {
        "displayName": "User AA",
        "loginName": "userAALoginName",
        "id": "UEB6AD431E4357AE752CE3F2B5D17B95F470",
        "type": "user"
    "size": "1189",
    "type": "folder"

Example 5

The following example requests folder-definition information for the specified folder. Because this folder is under a folder structure not owned by or shared with the current user, an access denied error message is returned.

GET .../folders/FF4729683CD68C1AFB1AE87DT0000000000100000001

Request Header


Request Body


HTTP Status Code


JSON Response

    "errorCode": "-20",
    "errorKey": "!csCloudItemInsufficientPrivileges,User BB,fFolderGUID:FF4729683CD68C1AFB1AE87DT0000000000100000001,FLD_INFO",
    "errorMessage": "User 'User BB' has insufficient privilege to access fFolderGUID:FF4729683CD68C1AFB1AE87DT0000000000100000001 with service FLD_INFO.",
    "errorType": "folder",
    "id": "FF4729683CD68C1AFB1AE87DT0000000000100000001",
    "title": "User 'User BB' has insufficient privilege to access fFolderGUID:FF4729683CD68C1AFB1AE87DT0000000000100000001 with service FLD_INFO.",
    "type": ""

Example 6

The following example requests folder-definition information for the specified folder. This folder is under a folder structure not owned by or shared with the current user, and only a public link protected by an access code is available. An error is returned because the access code was not submitted as part of the request.

GET .../folders/FF4729683CD68C1AFB1AE87DT0000000000100000001

Request Header

LinkID: LF8D36FAFAB4388BECEAC4AEB5D17B95F47087F4E518

Request Body


HTTP Status Code


JSON Response

    "errorCode": "-18",
    "errorKey": "!csAccessCodeRequiredForLinkAccess",
    "errorMessage": "The access code must be provided to access the link.",
    "errorType": "folder",
    "id": "FF4729683CD68C1AFB1AE87DT0000000000100000001",
    "title": "The access code must be provided to access the link.",
    "type": ""

Example 7

The following example returns folder-definition information for the specified folder. The example uses an applink because this folder is under a folder structure not owned by or shared with the current user. The applink ID and access token are submitted in the request header.

GET .../folders/F4927423081AA3C261E1D45AB5D17B95F47087F4E518

Request Header

appLinkID: LF5Bxj4TPo_p4n4qWn0tbKTicR2cTUJKv7X_ng9E7ry93rRuDokPqS1d6-wKwhb_wtcGYFDsI_cNMxeKQ-HR-FXQhiVoGRTYM_MPZY8qpICfYU94mmnMjM_cvsRhKMzc0NJgvwEJfqqDwPsAVrhc8cmg==
accessToken: 352FpiMmW66PeYI1Gh5b83I9CXRwZhLfYAu4TXdqpzD8uNKUBMZVVJ3ZvivUW8kQ

Request Body


HTTP Status Code


JSON Response

    "childItemsCount": "0",
    "createdBy": {
        "displayName": "User BB",
        "id": "U5083EA1954687218BA6C3D9B5D17B95F470",
        "loginName": "U5083EA1954687218BA6C3D9B5D17B95F470",
        "type": "user"
    "createdTime": "2017-06-15T21:08:54Z",
    "description": "subFolderTestByUserB CONTRIBUTOR applink",
    "errorCode": "0",
    "id": "F4927423081AA3C261E1D45AB5D17B95F47087F4E518",
    "modifiedBy": {
        "displayName": "User BB",
        "id": "U5083EA1954687218BA6C3D9B5D17B95F470",
        "loginName": "U5083EA1954687218BA6C3D9B5D17B95F470",
        "type": "user"
    "modifiedTime": "2017-06-15T21:08:54Z",
    "name": "subFolderTestByUserB",
    "ownedBy": {
        "displayName": "User AA",
        "id": "UEB6AD431E4357AE752CE3F2B5D17B95F470",
        "loginName": "userAALoginName",
        "type": "user"
    "parentID": "FAD7A87F0613A0CBDD4DA521B5D17B95F47087F4E518",
    "size": "0",
    "type": "folder"
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