Search Folders or Files



Search for a folder or file by fulltext or querytext in the user's home directory. This will search the entire directory tree under the home directory. This will also search shared folders. The search has a limit of 10000 items (folders and files).


Supported Media Types
Query Parameters
  • Specify the additional fields to be returned. Currently, the only value supported is metadata, which would result in metadata associated with items returned by the search results being added to the response. The default is not to return metadata in the search results. In order to have metadata returned, use


  • Search string used to match folders or files. It will search these locations: itemName, contents, extension, ownerName, lastModifiedName, and folderDescription.

    Either fulltext or querytext must be provided in the search API.

  • Specify the maximum number of items to return. Use this parameter to specify how many items to include on a single page of results. The default is 20 and maximum is 10000. The following example limits the number of returned items to 10:


  • Specify the point at which to begin the list of items from the complete set of items returned for the action. If you do not specify an offset, the returned items begin with the first item in the item list (offset=0).

    Use this parameter to specify the starting point for a given page of results from the complete set of returned items. The following example limits the number of items per page to 10 and displays the second page of results (items 11-20):


  • Order the resulting items using the specified field and sort order. You can use the name, size, lastModifiedName, and lastModifiedDate fields, and a sort order of ascending (asc) or descending (desc). For example, this is the default:


  • Search string used to search for folders or files using the targets listed below. It can replace fulltext, taking advantage of multiple targets at the same time.

    Either the fulltext or querytext parameter must be provided in the search API.

    The querytext parameter can target searches against the following string fields or number field. The search query is in the form:


    Multiple searches can be combined with <AND> and <OR>. Searches are not case-sensitive.

    The following string fields are supported:
    • xTags: search for tags
    • fItemType: search by item type, either File to return only file items or Folder to return only folder items.
    • fItemName: search for an item's name.
      In the response this is the name field.
    • fCreator: search by the ID of the item's creator.
      In the response this is the field.
    • fCreatorFullName: search by the full display name of the item's creator.
      In the response this is the createdBy.displayName field.
    • fCreatorLoginName: search by the login name of the item's creator.
      In the response this is the createdBy.loginName field.
    • fOwner: search by the ID of the item's owner.
      In the response this is the field.
    • fOwnerFullName: search by the full display name of the item's owner.
      In the response this is the ownedBy.displayName field.
    • fOwnerLoginName: search by the login name of the item's owner.
      In the response this is the ownedBy.loginName field.
    • fLastModifier: search by the ID of the user to last modify the item.
      In the response this is the field.
    • fLastModifierFullName: search by the full display name of the user to last modify the item.
      In the response this is the modifiedBy.displayName field.
    • fLastModifierLoginName: search by the login name of the user to last modify the item.
      In the response this is the modifiedBy.loginName field.
    • Searchable metadata fields can also be searched as string search targets, but metadata field values are not returned by the search. When you search by metadata fields, the target is MetadataCollectionName.metadataFieldName. For more information about metadata, see Metadata Collection REST Endpoints

    The string search supports <CONTAINS> and <MATCHES> operations.

    • <CONTAINS> operator instructs search to look for text fields being searched to contain specified "words". The words must be separated by tokens like whitespace and periods.
    • <MATCHES> operator instructs search to look for an exact (albeit, case-insensitive) match of the field value, including whitespaces and periods.

    The following date fields are supported:
    • fCreateDate: search by the created timestamp. Should be in the yyyy-mm-ddThh:mm:ssZ format, e.g. 2020-03-25T10:10:10Z.
      In the response this is the createdTime field.
    • fLastModifiedDate: search by the last modified timestamp. Should be in the yyyy-mm-ddThh:mm:ssZ format, e.g. 2020-03-25T10:10:10Z.
      In the response this is the modifiedTime field.
    • Searchable metadata fields can also be searched as date search targets, but metadata field values are not returned by the search. When you search by metadata fields, the target is MetadataCollectionName.metadataFieldName. For more information about metadata, see Metadata Collection REST Endpoints

    The following number field is supported:
    • dSize: search by the size in bytes of an item.

    The number and date search targets support the following operations.

    • Use < to search for values less that the search value.
    • Use = to search for values equal to the search value.
    • Use > to search for values greater than the search value.
    • Use <= to search for values less than or equal to the search value.
    • Use >= to search for values greater than or equal to the search value.

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Supported Media Types

200 Response

The request was fulfilled.

Body ()
Root Schema : SearchFolderContents
Type: object
Show Source
Nested Schema : items
Type: array
The folders and files returned by the search.
Show Source
Nested Schema : FileAndSubFoldersItemsDefinition
Type: object
The files and subfolders in the folder.
Show Source
Nested Schema : User
Type: object
User information
Show Source
Example Response (application/json)
                "displayName":"User AA",
                "displayName":"User AA",
                "displayName":"User AA",
                "displayName":"User AA",
                "displayName":"User AA",
                "displayName":"User AA",

400 Response

Request parameters are not formatted correctly.

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The following example searches for folders or files by fulltext in the user's home directory. This search includes the entire directory tree under the home directory and shared folders.

GET .../folders/search/items?fulltext=three&orderby=size:asc&limit=2&offset=1

Request Header


Request Body


HTTP Status Code


JSON Response

    "count": "2",
    "errorCode": "0",
    "offset": "1",
    "totalCount": "3",
    "items": [
            "type": "folder",
            "id": "FF4321BD2656077C897A0E701212FF6185DE5A6F9E67",
		"name": "three",
            "parentID": "self",
            "createdTime": "2015-12-09T20:51:53Z",
            "modifiedTime": "2015-12-09T20:51:53Z",
            "createdBy": {
                "displayName": "User AA",
                "loginName": "userAALoginName",
                "id": "UEB6AD431E4357AE752CE3F2B5D17B95F470",
                "type": "user"
            "ownedBy": {
                "displayName": "User AA",
                "loginName": "userAALoginName",
                "id": "UEB6AD431E4357AE752CE3F2B5D17B95F470",
                "type": "user"
            "modifiedBy": {
                "displayName": "User AA",
                "loginName": "userAALoginName",
                "id": "UEB6AD431E4357AE752CE3F2B5D17B95F470",
                "type": "user"
            "size": "-1"
            "type": "file",
            "id": "DB4C832D0F144C0DD6310F451212FF6185DE5A6F9E67",
            "name": "textData13.txt",
            "parentID": "F9363F588099E137C5B2939E1212FF6185DE5A6F9E67",
            "createdTime": "2015-12-07T23:19:13Z",
            "modifiedTime": "2015-12-07T23:19:13Z",
            "createdBy": {
                "displayName": "User AA",
                "loginName": "userAALoginName",
                "id": "UEB6AD431E4357AE752CE3F2B5D17B95F470",
                "type": "user"
            "ownedBy": {
                "displayName": "User AA",
                "loginName": "userAALoginName",
                "id": "UEB6AD431E4357AE752CE3F2B5D17B95F470",
                "type": "user"
            "modifiedBy": {
                "displayName": "User AA",
                "loginName": "userAALoginName",
                "id": "UEB6AD431E4357AE752CE3F2B5D17B95F470",
                "type": "user"
            "size": "38",
            "version": "1"

Example 2

The following example searches for a folder or file using an invalid orderby sort field.

GET .../folders/search/items?fulltext=three&orderby=date

Request Header


Request Body


HTTP Status Code


JSON Response

    "count": "0",
    "errorCode": "-96",
    "errorKey": "!csUnableToRetrieveSearchResults!csCloudOTSSearchInvalidSortField",
    "errorMessage": "Unable to retrieve search results. SortField is not valid.",
    "title": "Unable to retrieve search results. SortField is not valid.",
    "type": ""

Example 3

The following example searches for a folder or file using an invalid orderby sort order.

GET .../folders/search/items?fulltext=three&orderby=name:descending

Request Header


Request Body


HTTP Status Code


JSON Response

    "count": "0",
    "errorCode": "-96",
    "errorKey": "!csUnableToRetrieveSearchResults!csSortOrderInvalid,descending",
    "errorMessage": "Unable to retrieve search results. Sort order 'descending' is invalid. Should be \"DESC\" or \"ASC\".",

Example 4

The following example searches for a folder or file with no fulltext search criteria.

GET .../folders/search/items

Request Header


Request Body


HTTP Status Code


JSON Response

    "count": "0",
    "errorCode": "-97",
    "errorKey": "!csUnableToRetrieveSearchResults!csSearchMissingQueryText",
    "errorMessage": "Unable to retrieve search results. QueryText is missing.",
    "title": "Unable to retrieve search results. QueryText is missing.",
    "type": ""

Example 5

The following example searches for a folder or file with an invalid limit.

GET .../folders/search/items?fulltext=test&orderby=size:asc&limit=0

Request Header


Request Body


HTTP Status Code


JSON Response

    "count": "0",
    "errorCode": "-1",
    "errorKey": "!csUnableToRetrieveSearchResults!csSearchItemNotPositive,ResultCount",
    "errorMessage": "Unable to retrieve search results. ResultCount must be greater than 0.",
    "title": "Unable to retrieve search results. ResultCount must be greater than 0.",
    "type": ""

Example 6

The following example searches for folders or files with a specific tag in the user's home directory. This search includes the entire directory tree under the home directory and shared folders. The tag value must be delimited by an encoded value of ` represented by %60.

GET .../folders/search/items?querytext=xtags<CONTAINS>%60personal%60

Request Header


Request Body


HTTP Status Code


JSON Response

    "count": "2",
    "errorCode": "0",
    "offset": "0",
    "totalCount": "2",
    "items": [
            "type": "folder",
            "id": "FF4321BD2656077C897A0E701212FF6185DE5A6F9E67",
			"name": "three",
            "parentID": "self",
            "createdTime": "2015-12-09T20:51:53Z",
            "modifiedTime": "2015-12-09T20:51:53Z",
            "createdBy": {
                "displayName": "User AA",
                "loginName": "userAALoginName",
                "id": "UEB6AD431E4357AE752CE3F2B5D17B95F470",
                "type": "user"
            "ownedBy": {
                "displayName": "User AA",
                "loginName": "userAALoginName",
                "id": "UEB6AD431E4357AE752CE3F2B5D17B95F470",
                "type": "user"
            "modifiedBy": {
                "displayName": "User AA",
                "loginName": "userAALoginName",
                "id": "UEB6AD431E4357AE752CE3F2B5D17B95F470",
                "type": "user"
            "size": "-1"
            "type": "file",
            "id": "DB4C832D0F144C0DD6310F451212FF6185DE5A6F9E67",
            "name": "textData13.txt",
            "parentID": "F9363F588099E137C5B2939E1212FF6185DE5A6F9E67",
            "createdTime": "2015-12-07T23:19:13Z",
            "modifiedTime": "2015-12-07T23:19:13Z",
            "createdBy": {
                "displayName": "User AA",
                "loginName": "userAALoginName",
                "id": "UEB6AD431E4357AE752CE3F2B5D17B95F470",
                "type": "user"
            "ownedBy": {
                "displayName": "User AA",
                "loginName": "userAALoginName",
                "id": "UEB6AD431E4357AE752CE3F2B5D17B95F470",
                "type": "user"
            "modifiedBy": {
                "displayName": "User AA",
                "loginName": "userAALoginName",
                "id": "UEB6AD431E4357AE752CE3F2B5D17B95F470",
                "type": "user"
            "size": "38",
            "version": "1"

Example 7

The following example searches for folders or files with a specific tag in the user's home directory, using text file search at the same time. This search includes the entire directory tree under the home directory and shared folders. The tag value must be delimited by an encoded value of ` represented by %60.

GET .../folders/search/items?querytext=xtags<CONTAINS>%60personal%60<AND><ftx>txt</ftx>

Request Header


Request Body


HTTP Status Code


JSON Response

    "count": "1",
    "errorCode": "0",
    "offset": "0",
    "totalCount": "1",
    "items": [
            "type": "file",
            "id": "DB4C832D0F144C0DD6310F451212FF6185DE5A6F9E67",
            "name": "textData13.txt",
            "parentID": "F9363F588099E137C5B2939E1212FF6185DE5A6F9E67",
            "createdTime": "2015-12-07T23:19:13Z",
            "modifiedTime": "2015-12-07T23:19:13Z",
            "createdBy": {
                "displayName": "User AA",
                "loginName": "userAALoginName",
                "id": "UEB6AD431E4357AE752CE3F2B5D17B95F470",
                "type": "user"
            "ownedBy": {
                "displayName": "User AA",
                "loginName": "userAALoginName",
                "id": "UEB6AD431E4357AE752CE3F2B5D17B95F470",
                "type": "user"
            "modifiedBy": {
                "displayName": "User AA",
                "loginName": "userAALoginName",
                "id": "UEB6AD431E4357AE752CE3F2B5D17B95F470",
                "type": "user"
            "size": "38",
            "version": "1"

Example 8

The following example searches for folders or files with a specific metadata value in the user's home directory. This search includes the entire directory tree under the home directory and shared folders. The metadata value must be delimited by an encoded value of ` represented by %60.

GET .../folders/search/items?querytext=SearchableCollection.searchField1<CONTAINS>%60searchValue1%60

Request Header


Request Body


HTTP Status Code


JSON Response

    "count": "5",
    "errorCode": "0",
    "offset": "0",
    "totalCount": "5",
    "items": [
            "type": "folder",
            "id": "F454F4DE5EF397E880FFA186B5D17B95F47087F4E518",
            "name": "subFolder",
            "parentID": "FECEAA81A82C83700E64B43EB5D17B95F47087F4E518",
            "createdTime": "2016-10-10T13:54:09Z",
            "modifiedTime": "2016-10-10T13:54:09Z",
            "createdBy": {
                "displayName": "User AA",
                "loginName": "userAALoginName",
                "id": "U0EAA20910FAF3052ACB79E4T00000000001",
                "type": "user"
            "ownedBy": {
                "displayName": "User AA",
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            "modifiedBy": {
                "displayName": "User AA",
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                "id": "U0EAA20910FAF3052ACB79E4T00000000001",
                "type": "user"
            "size": "-1"
            "type": "file",
            "id": "D93A34CA721F82C77031708DB5D17B95F47087F4E518",
            "name": "file4.txt",
            "parentID": "FECEAA81A82C83700E64B43EB5D17B95F47087F4E518",
            "createdTime": "2016-09-21T14:08:54Z",
            "modifiedTime": "2016-09-21T14:08:54Z",
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            "version": "1"
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            "id": "DCDBEBB4803B7EE48E4B073AB5D17B95F47087F4E518",
            "name": "file3.txt",
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            "modifiedTime": "2016-09-21T14:08:13Z",
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            "createdTime": "2016-09-21T14:08:00Z",
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            "size": "25",
            "version": "1"
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