Create Metadata Collection



Create a named collection to store field values as strings. To create a global collection, you must log in as an administrator. A global collection can be used by all tenant users.

Before you can assign field values, you must assign the collection to a folder or file.


User personal collections can be created by prefixing the collection name with Personal.. A personal collection will be visible and accessible only to the user who created it; therefore, no naming conflict will exist if two different users define their own personal collections using the same name.


Global collection names must be unique in the instance where the collection is defined, and you cannot change the collection name after it is created. For these reasons, consider implementing naming conventions if you plan to make extensive use of metadata collections.


Supported Media Types
Path Parameters
  • Maximum Length: 240

    Global collection names must be unique in the instance where the collection is defined and used. User personal collection names must start with Personal., such as Personal.MyCollection, to be user scoped.


    You cannot change the name of a collection after you create it.

    The following restrictions apply to collection and field names:

    • Collection and field names can't start or end with a space.
    • The combined length of the collection and field name can't exceed 240 characters.
    • Collection and file names aren't case-sensitive; that is, Field Name and field name are considered identical.

    Don't use the following characters in collection or field names:

     / \ < > [ ] { } = $ %
     ' * " ? : # & ^ . , |

    The following strings are also not allowed in collection or field names:

    • NUL
    • NULL
    • xSystem
    • xUser
    • xAF
    • dMetadataUnitID
    • dParentMetadataUnitID
    • dMetadataInheritLevel
    • dAssignedMetaCollection
    • dMetaCollection
    • dMetaCollections
    • dMetadataCollectionID
    • dMetadataID

Body ()
The request body defines details of the create metadata collection request.
Root Schema : CollectionCreateBody
Type: object

Description of fields available to create a metadata collection.

Show Source
  • Maximum Length: 240

    One or more field names separated by commas. You can add and remove fields after the collection is created. Field names must be unique within the collection. All fields will be of type text.

    The following restrictions apply to collection and field names:

    • Collection and field names can't start or end with a space.
    • The combined length of the collection and field name can't exceed 240 characters.
    • Collection and field names aren't case-sensitive; that is, Field Name and field name are considered identical.

    Don't use the following characters in collection or field names:

     / \ < > [ ] { } = $ %
     ' * " ? : # & ^ . , |

    The following strings are also not allowed in collection or field names:

    • NUL
    • NULL
    • xSystem
    • xUser
    • xAF
    • dMetadataUnitID
    • dParentMetadataUnitID
    • dMetadataInheritLevel
    • dAssignedMetaCollection
    • dMetaCollection
    • dMetaCollections
    • dMetadataCollectionID
    • dMetadataID

  • fieldsArray
    Can be used instead of fields parameter if more granular control over created fields is desired. If both fields and fieldsArray are supplied, then the former will be ignored.
Nested Schema : fieldsArray
Type: array
Can be used instead of fields parameter if more granular control over created fields is desired. If both fields and fieldsArray are supplied, then the former will be ignored.
Show Source
Nested Schema : items
Type: object
Show Source
Example Request (application/json)
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Supported Media Types

201 Response

The request was fulfilled.

Body ()
Root Schema : CollectionCreateResponse
Type: object

Description of fields available in the create metadata collection response.

Show Source

400 Response

Request parameters are not formatted correctly.

A collection with that name already exists.

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The following example creates a collection called CollectionA with two fields, A1 and A2.

POST .../metadata/CollectionA

Request Header


Request Body

    "fields": "A1,A2"

HTTP Status Code


JSON Response

    "errorCode": "0"

Example 2

The following example creates a personal collection called Personal.CollectionA with multiple fields of different types with descriptions and default values.

POST .../metadata/Personal.CollectionA

Request Header


Request Body

        {"fieldName":"FieldA", "fieldType":"text", "fieldDescription":"Field A", "defaultValue":"Hello world"},
        {"fieldName":"FieldB", "fieldType":"number", "fieldDescription":"Field B", "defaultValue":123},
        {"fieldName":"FieldC", "fieldType":"date", "fieldDescription":"Field C", "defaultValue":"2020-02-20T11:12:13"},
        {"fieldName":"FieldD", "fieldType":"boolean", "fieldDescription":"Field D", "defaultValue":1}

HTTP Status


JSON Response

    "errorCode": "0"

Example 3

The following example attempts to create a collection using an already existing name.

POST .../metadata/CollectionA

Request Header


Request Body

    "fields": "field1,field2"

HTTP Status


JSON Response

    "errorCode": "-17",
    "errorKey": "!csUnableToCreateMetaColDef!csMetaDefinitionExists,CollectionA",
    "errorMessage": "Unable to create metadata collection definition. Metadata field definition 'CollectionA' is already defined.",
    "title": "Unable to create metadata collection definition. Metadata field definition 'CollectionA' is already defined.",
    "type": ""

Example 4

The following example attempts to create a collection using an invalid character in the name.

POST .../metadata/CollectionA,B

Request Header


Request Body

    "fields": "field1,field2"

HTTP Status Code


JSON Response

    "errorCode": "-96",
    "errorKey": "!csCollectionNameInvalidCharacters,CollectionA\\,B",
    "errorMessage": "Invalid characters in the collection name 'CollectionA,B'.",
    "title": "Invalid characters in the collection name 'CollectionA,B'.",
    "type": ""
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