Performs Bulk Delete Archive Items Operation



Performs bulk delete archived items operation with given payload.


Supported Media Types
Header Parameters
  • This parameter is used to control the interaction type (synchronous/asynchronous) of the request. If the header is provided with value respond-async, it indicates that asynchronous interaction is preferred. Otherwise, synchronous interaction is preferred. Asynchronous request is responded with 202 status with a status link in the location header. Synchronous request is responded with 200 along with response body.
    Allowed Values: [ "respond-async" ]
  • A custom header to mitigate CSRF attacks.
    Allowed Values: [ "XMLHttpRequest" ]
Body ()
Details of the bulk items operations.
Root Schema : BulkItemsArchive
Type: object
Item Bulk Archive
Show Source
  • failedItems
    items on which the action failed
  • items
    archiving items list
  • links
  • This parameter accepts a query expression condition that matches the field values. Many such query conditions can be joined using OR operators. The value of query condition follows the format of id eq "{itemId}". Query condition on any item field other than id is not supported. Any operator other than eq (Equals) in the query condition is not supported.
    Example: id eq "COREBE1BDF66159849B790CC9ACE49BD2199" OR id eq "CONT22AA154CDD884D81A3678E1BD37333B7"
Nested Schema : failedItems
Type: array
items on which the action failed
Show Source
Nested Schema : items
Type: array
archiving items list
Show Source
Nested Schema : FailedItemIdWithErrorCode
Type: object
Show Source
Nested Schema : ItemId
Type: object
Show Source
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Supported Media Types

204 Response

No content.

400 Response

Bad request.

404 Response

Not found.

500 Response

Internal server error.
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