Performs Bulk Items Assign Primary Channel Operation



Assigns a primary channel to the items specified in the bulk request. The other channels in the targeted channels list of these items become de facto syndicated channels.The assigned channel must have primaryChannelSupported property set to true, and the items specified in the filter query parameter must NOT be currently published.

Items are published in their latest versions to the primary channel, but in their latest published versions to the syndicated channels -- this is to allow content syndication among asset owners.


Supported Media Types
Header Parameters
  • This parameter is used to control the interaction type (synchronous/asynchronous) of the request. If the header is provided with value respond-async, it indicates that asynchronous interaction is preferred. Otherwise, synchronous interaction is preferred. Asynchronous request is responded with 202 status with a status link in the location header. Synchronous request is responded with 200 along with response body.
    Allowed Values: [ "respond-async" ]
  • A custom header to mitigate CSRF attacks.
    Allowed Values: [ "XMLHttpRequest" ]
Body ()
Details of the bulk items operations.
Root Schema : BulkItemsAssignPrimaryChannel
Type: object
Item Bulk Assign Primary Channel
Show Source
  • Primary channel id
  • failedItems
    items on which assigning primary channel failed
  • items
    Assigned primary channel items list
  • links
  • This parameter accepts a query expression condition that matches the field values. Many such query conditions can be joined using OR operators. The value of query condition follows the format of id eq "{itemId}". Query condition on any item field other than id is not supported. Any operator other than eq (Equals) in the query condition is not supported.
    Example: id eq "COREBE1BDF66159849B790CC9ACE49BD2199" OR id eq "CONT22AA154CDD884D81A3678E1BD37333B7"
Nested Schema : failedItems
Type: array
items on which assigning primary channel failed
Show Source
Nested Schema : items
Type: array
Assigned primary channel items list
Show Source
Nested Schema : FailedItemId
Type: object
Show Source
Nested Schema : ItemId
Type: object
Show Source
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Supported Media Types

202 Response


304 Response

Not modified.

400 Response

Bad request.

403 Response


404 Response

Not found.

500 Response

Internal server error.
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