Performs Permission Operations on resource



Performs permission operations on resource with given payload.


Supported Media Types
Query Parameters
Header Parameters
  • This parameter is used to control the interaction type (synchronous/asynchronous) of the request. If the header is provided with value respond-async, it indicates that asynchronous interaction is preferred. Otherwise, synchronous interaction is preferred. Asynchronous request is responded with 202 status with a status link in the location header. Synchronous request is responded with 200 along with response body.
    Allowed Values: [ "respond-async" ]
  • A custom header to mitigate CSRF attacks.
    Allowed Values: [ "XMLHttpRequest" ]
Body ()
Details of the permission operations.
Root Schema : PermissionOperations
Type: object
Permission Operations
Show Source
Nested Schema : PermissionOperationsActions
Type: object
Operations that can be performed. Currently only one operation at a time is supported.
Show Source
Nested Schema : SharePermission
Type: object
Details of the share operation
Show Source
Nested Schema : UnSharePermission
Type: object
Details of the unshare operation
Show Source
Nested Schema : failedRoles
Type: array
failed share list.
Show Source
Nested Schema : ResourceId
Type: object
Show Source
Nested Schema : roles
Type: array
details of the roles to be granted.
Show Source
Nested Schema : successRoles
Type: array
successful share list.
Show Source
Nested Schema : FailedSharePermissionRole
Type: object
Details of share operation role failed.
Show Source
Nested Schema : users
Type: array
Show Source
Nested Schema : FailedUserId
Type: object
Show Source
Nested Schema : SharePermissionRole
Type: object
Details of share operation role.
Show Source
Nested Schema : users
Type: array
Show Source
Nested Schema : UserId
Type: object
Show Source
Nested Schema : SuccessSharePermissionRole
Type: object
Details of successful share operation role.
Show Source
Nested Schema : users
Type: array
Show Source
Nested Schema : failedUsers
Type: array
Show Source
Nested Schema : successUsers
Type: array
Show Source
Nested Schema : users
Type: array
Show Source
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Supported Media Types

200 Response

Body ()
Root Schema : PermissionOperations
Type: object
Permission Operations
Show Source
Nested Schema : PermissionOperationsActions
Type: object
Operations that can be performed. Currently only one operation at a time is supported.
Show Source
Nested Schema : SharePermission
Type: object
Details of the share operation
Show Source
Nested Schema : UnSharePermission
Type: object
Details of the unshare operation
Show Source
Nested Schema : failedRoles
Type: array
failed share list.
Show Source
Nested Schema : ResourceId
Type: object
Show Source
Nested Schema : roles
Type: array
details of the roles to be granted.
Show Source
Nested Schema : successRoles
Type: array
successful share list.
Show Source
Nested Schema : FailedSharePermissionRole
Type: object
Details of share operation role failed.
Show Source
Nested Schema : users
Type: array
Show Source
Nested Schema : FailedUserId
Type: object
Show Source
Nested Schema : SharePermissionRole
Type: object
Details of share operation role.
Show Source
Nested Schema : users
Type: array
Show Source
Nested Schema : UserId
Type: object
Show Source
Nested Schema : SuccessSharePermissionRole
Type: object
Details of successful share operation role.
Show Source
Nested Schema : users
Type: array
Show Source
Nested Schema : failedUsers
Type: array
Show Source
Nested Schema : successUsers
Type: array
Show Source
Nested Schema : users
Type: array
Show Source

202 Response


400 Response

Bad request.

403 Response


404 Response

Not found.

500 Response

Internal server error.
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The following example shows how to perform permission operations on resource with given payload by submitting a POST request on the REST resource using cURL.

curl -X POST -H 'Content-Type: application/json' -H 'X-Requested-With: XMLHttpRequest' 'https://host:port/content/management/api/v1.1/permissionOperations'

Example 1:

Share a repository with id E1F4F961C7224422B0998434E4F4572E to a user in a synchronous way. Here the shared role is a custom editorial role with id 94950193E96940D7980FA8BA47E73491. Replace payload with your own data.


Request Payload

		  "operations": {
			"share": {
			  "resource": {
				"id": "E1F4F961C7224422B0998434E4F4572E",
				"name": "repository7",
				"type": "repository"
			  "roles": [
				  "message": "message1",
				  "users": [
					  "name": "cecuserLoginIdName2",
					  "type": "user"
				  "id": "94950193E96940D7980FA8BA47E73491",
				  "name": "Custom Editorial Role3",
				  "type": "editorial"

Response Body

		"operations": {
			"share": {
				"resource": {
					"id": "E1F4F961C7224422B0998434E4F4572E",
					"name": "repository7",
					"type": "repository"
				"roles": [
						"id": "94950193E96940D7980FA8BA47E73491",
						"name": "Custom Editorial Role3",
						"type": "editorial",
						"message": "message1",
						"users": [
								"name": "cecuserLoginIdName2",
								"type": "user"
				"successRoles": [
						"id": "94950193E96940D7980FA8BA47E73491",
						"name": "Custom Editorial Role3",
						"type": "editorial",
						"users": [
								"name": "cecuserLoginIdName2",
								"type": "user"

Example 2:

Share a custom editorial role with id 7EFD29110FE041ADAC888CCFAEE2923B to users in a synchronous way. The shared role must be manager. Replace payload with your own data.


Request Payload

        "operations": {
          "share": {
            "resource" : {
              "id" : "7EFD29110FE041ADAC888CCFAEE2923B",
			  "name": "Custom Editor Role",
              "type" : "editorialRole"
            "roles": [
                "name" : "manager",
                "message" : "message1",
                "users" : [
                  {"name" : "cecuserLoginIdName1", "type" : "user"},
                  {"name" : "cecgroupLoginIdName1", "type" : "group"}

Response Body

		"operations": {
			"share": {
				"resource": {
					"id": "7EFD29110FE041ADAC888CCFAEE2923B",
					"name": "Custom Editor Role",
					"type": "editorialRole"
				"roles": [
						"name": "manager",
						"message": "message1",
						"users": [
								"name": "cecgroupLoginIdName1",
								"type": "group",
								"groupType": "CEC"
								"name": "cecuserLoginIdName1",
								"type": "user"
				"successRoles": [
						"name": "manager",
						"users": [
								"name": "cecgroupLoginIdName1",
								"type": "group",
								"groupType": "CEC"
								"name": "cecuserLoginIdName1",
								"type": "user"

Example 3:

Share a scheduled job to users in an asynchronous way. Here ae071059448e4c7898cd5b303fc6017e is id of the scheduled job. Replace payload with your own data.


Request Payload

        "operations": {
          "share": {
            "resource" : {
              "id" : "ae071059448e4c7898cd5b303fc6017e",
              "type" : "scheduledJob"
            "roles": [
                "name" : "manager",
                "message" : "message1",
                "users" : [
                  {"name" : "ssvrint.admin1", "type" : "user"},
                  {"name" : "ssvrint.siteadmina", "type" : "user"}
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