Read a specific Recommendation by id.




Path Parameters
Query Parameters
  • This parameter is used to control the returned fields for a recommendation. This parameter accepts a comma-separated list of field names or all. These fields will be returned for each recommendation in the list. As all the field names are case-sensitive, users must provide the correct field names in the query. Each recommendation has both standard fields (id, name, apiName, description, type, createdBy, createdAt, updatedBy, updatedAt, main and defaults. When fields is specified as all (case-insensitive), all the standard and additional fields are returned. The standard fields are always returned in the response and cannot be filtered out. Users can only filter out the additional fields. This parameter is optional in the query and by default result shows only standard fields in the response. Any incorrect or invalid field name given in the query will result in an error.

    Example: ?fields=all
    This will return all standard fields and all additional fields for each recommendation.
  • This parameter accepts a query expression condition that matches the field values. Query conditions can be joined using AND operators and grouped with parentheses. The value of a query condition follows the format of {fieldName} {operator} "{fieldValue}". The only field name allowed is repositoryId. The only value allowed in the operator is eq (Equals).
    https://{cecsdomain}/content/management/api/v1.1/personalization/recommendations?q=(apiName eq "TestRecommendation")
    https://{cecsdomain}/content/management/api/v1.1/personalization/recommendations?q=(repositoryId eq "EAQWER42DGKJ10PCNMGAE")
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Supported Media Types

200 Response

Body ()
Root Schema : Recommendation
Type: object
Show Source
Nested Schema : channels
Type: array
Show Source
Nested Schema : contentTypes
Type: array
Content types the Recommenation will return. It is a required property in the get response and post/put request.
Show Source
Nested Schema : date
Type: object
Show Source
Nested Schema : defaults
Type: array
The default rule section.
Show Source
Nested Schema : main
Type: array
The main rule section.
Show Source
Nested Schema : publishedChannels
Type: array
Show Source
Nested Schema : ItemSubResourceListPublishInfo
Type: object
Item SubResource.
Show Source
Nested Schema : ChannelId
Type: object
Show Source
Nested Schema : ContentTypeId
Type: object
Show Source
Nested Schema : DefaultSection
Type: object
Default Section
Show Source
  • items
    List of items. This is optional and can be empty.
  • sort
    This is a very simple sort based of the normal quiery syntax.

    Example: [systemField | userDefinedfield]<:>

    standardAssetField - this is a predefined list of fields the user can choose to sort on. This can be given an ascneding and descending property by adding :asc or :desc


    publishedDate:asc - sort by published date ascneding
    userAssetField - This refers to fields defined in the content type as created by the user.
    field.myText or field.someThing:desc
    If no systemField or userDefinedField is provided, :random and :relevance can be provided.

    :relevance - Default. This will return assets ordered by their relevance.

    :random - This will return assets in a random order irrespective of any rules or fields.
Nested Schema : items
Type: array
List of items. This is optional and can be empty.
Show Source
Nested Schema : sort
Type: array
This is a very simple sort based of the normal quiery syntax.

Example: [systemField | userDefinedfield]<:>

standardAssetField - this is a predefined list of fields the user can choose to sort on. This can be given an ascneding and descending property by adding :asc or :desc


publishedDate:asc - sort by published date ascneding
userAssetField - This refers to fields defined in the content type as created by the user.
field.myText or field.someThing:desc
If no systemField or userDefinedField is provided, :random and :relevance can be provided.

:relevance - Default. This will return assets ordered by their relevance.

:random - This will return assets in a random order irrespective of any rules or fields.
Show Source
Nested Schema : ItemId
Type: object
Show Source
Nested Schema : MainRulesSection
Type: object
Main Rules Section
Show Source
  • RulesProperties
  • rules
    Main list of Rules. This is optional and can be empty.
  • sort
    This is a very simple sort based of the normal quiery syntax.

    Example: [systemField | userDefinedfield]<:>

    standardAssetField - this is a predefined list of fields the user can choose to sort on. This can be given an ascneding and descending property by adding :asc or :desc


    publishedDate:asc - sort by published date ascneding
    userAssetField - This refers to fields defined in the content type as created by the user.
    field.myText or field.someThing:desc
    If no systemField or userDefinedField is provided, :random and :relevance can be provided.

    :relevance - Default. This will return assets ordered by their relevance.

    :random - This will return assets in a random order irrespective of any rules or fields.
Nested Schema : RulesProperties
Type: object
Show Source
  • Allowed Values: [ "ALL", "ANY" ]
    The operator that will be used to combine the rules in this group. This is optional and defaults to ALL if omitted.
Nested Schema : rules
Type: array
Main list of Rules. This is optional and can be empty.
Show Source
Nested Schema : sort
Type: array
This is a very simple sort based of the normal quiery syntax.

Example: [systemField | userDefinedfield]<:>

standardAssetField - this is a predefined list of fields the user can choose to sort on. This can be given an ascneding and descending property by adding :asc or :desc


publishedDate:asc - sort by published date ascneding
userAssetField - This refers to fields defined in the content type as created by the user.
field.myText or field.someThing:desc
If no systemField or userDefinedField is provided, :random and :relevance can be provided.

:relevance - Default. This will return assets ordered by their relevance.

:random - This will return assets in a random order irrespective of any rules or fields.
Show Source
Nested Schema : Rule
Type: object
Show Source
Nested Schema : data
Type: array
Show Source
Nested Schema : PublishInfo
Type: object
Show Source

304 Response

Not modified.

400 Response

Bad request.

403 Response


404 Response

Recommendation not found. The requested resource not found.

500 Response

Internal server error.
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