Update a Recommendation.



Update a Recommendation with given payload.


Supported Media Types
Path Parameters
Query Parameters
Header Parameters
Body ()
Update a Recommendation with the given information in the payload.
Root Schema : RecommendationInput
Type: object
Recommendation Input Bean
Show Source
Nested Schema : channels
Type: array
Show Source
Nested Schema : contentTypes
Type: array
Content types the Recommenation will return. It is a required property in the get response and post/put request.
Show Source
Nested Schema : defaults
Type: array
The default rule section.
Show Source
Nested Schema : main
Type: array
The main rule section.
Show Source
Nested Schema : ChannelId
Type: object
Show Source
Nested Schema : ContentTypeId
Type: object
Show Source
Nested Schema : DefaultSection
Type: object
Default Section
Show Source
  • items
    List of items. This is optional and can be empty.
  • sort
    This is a very simple sort based of the normal quiery syntax.

    Example: [systemField | userDefinedfield]<:>

    standardAssetField - this is a predefined list of fields the user can choose to sort on. This can be given an ascneding and descending property by adding :asc or :desc


    publishedDate:asc - sort by published date ascneding
    userAssetField - This refers to fields defined in the content type as created by the user.
    field.myText or field.someThing:desc
    If no systemField or userDefinedField is provided, :random and :relevance can be provided.

    :relevance - Default. This will return assets ordered by their relevance.

    :random - This will return assets in a random order irrespective of any rules or fields.
Nested Schema : items
Type: array
List of items. This is optional and can be empty.
Show Source
Nested Schema : sort
Type: array
This is a very simple sort based of the normal quiery syntax.

Example: [systemField | userDefinedfield]<:>

standardAssetField - this is a predefined list of fields the user can choose to sort on. This can be given an ascneding and descending property by adding :asc or :desc


publishedDate:asc - sort by published date ascneding
userAssetField - This refers to fields defined in the content type as created by the user.
field.myText or field.someThing:desc
If no systemField or userDefinedField is provided, :random and :relevance can be provided.

:relevance - Default. This will return assets ordered by their relevance.

:random - This will return assets in a random order irrespective of any rules or fields.
Show Source
Nested Schema : ItemId
Type: object
Show Source
Nested Schema : MainRulesSection
Type: object
Main Rules Section
Show Source
  • RulesProperties
  • rules
    Main list of Rules. This is optional and can be empty.
  • sort
    This is a very simple sort based of the normal quiery syntax.

    Example: [systemField | userDefinedfield]<:>

    standardAssetField - this is a predefined list of fields the user can choose to sort on. This can be given an ascneding and descending property by adding :asc or :desc


    publishedDate:asc - sort by published date ascneding
    userAssetField - This refers to fields defined in the content type as created by the user.
    field.myText or field.someThing:desc
    If no systemField or userDefinedField is provided, :random and :relevance can be provided.

    :relevance - Default. This will return assets ordered by their relevance.

    :random - This will return assets in a random order irrespective of any rules or fields.
Nested Schema : RulesProperties
Type: object
Show Source
  • Allowed Values: [ "ALL", "ANY" ]
    The operator that will be used to combine the rules in this group. This is optional and defaults to ALL if omitted.
Nested Schema : rules
Type: array
Main list of Rules. This is optional and can be empty.
Show Source
Nested Schema : sort
Type: array
This is a very simple sort based of the normal quiery syntax.

Example: [systemField | userDefinedfield]<:>

standardAssetField - this is a predefined list of fields the user can choose to sort on. This can be given an ascneding and descending property by adding :asc or :desc


publishedDate:asc - sort by published date ascneding
userAssetField - This refers to fields defined in the content type as created by the user.
field.myText or field.someThing:desc
If no systemField or userDefinedField is provided, :random and :relevance can be provided.

:relevance - Default. This will return assets ordered by their relevance.

:random - This will return assets in a random order irrespective of any rules or fields.
Show Source
Nested Schema : Rule
Type: object
Show Source
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Supported Media Types

200 Response

Body ()
Root Schema : Recommendation
Type: object
Show Source
Nested Schema : channels
Type: array
Show Source
Nested Schema : contentTypes
Type: array
Content types the Recommenation will return. It is a required property in the get response and post/put request.
Show Source
Nested Schema : date
Type: object
Show Source
Nested Schema : defaults
Type: array
The default rule section.
Show Source
Nested Schema : main
Type: array
The main rule section.
Show Source
Nested Schema : publishedChannels
Type: array
Show Source
Nested Schema : ItemSubResourceListPublishInfo
Type: object
Item SubResource.
Show Source
Nested Schema : ChannelId
Type: object
Show Source
Nested Schema : ContentTypeId
Type: object
Show Source
Nested Schema : DefaultSection
Type: object
Default Section
Show Source
  • items
    List of items. This is optional and can be empty.
  • sort
    This is a very simple sort based of the normal quiery syntax.

    Example: [systemField | userDefinedfield]<:>

    standardAssetField - this is a predefined list of fields the user can choose to sort on. This can be given an ascneding and descending property by adding :asc or :desc


    publishedDate:asc - sort by published date ascneding
    userAssetField - This refers to fields defined in the content type as created by the user.
    field.myText or field.someThing:desc
    If no systemField or userDefinedField is provided, :random and :relevance can be provided.

    :relevance - Default. This will return assets ordered by their relevance.

    :random - This will return assets in a random order irrespective of any rules or fields.
Nested Schema : items
Type: array
List of items. This is optional and can be empty.
Show Source
Nested Schema : sort
Type: array
This is a very simple sort based of the normal quiery syntax.

Example: [systemField | userDefinedfield]<:>

standardAssetField - this is a predefined list of fields the user can choose to sort on. This can be given an ascneding and descending property by adding :asc or :desc


publishedDate:asc - sort by published date ascneding
userAssetField - This refers to fields defined in the content type as created by the user.
field.myText or field.someThing:desc
If no systemField or userDefinedField is provided, :random and :relevance can be provided.

:relevance - Default. This will return assets ordered by their relevance.

:random - This will return assets in a random order irrespective of any rules or fields.
Show Source
Nested Schema : ItemId
Type: object
Show Source
Nested Schema : MainRulesSection
Type: object
Main Rules Section
Show Source
  • RulesProperties
  • rules
    Main list of Rules. This is optional and can be empty.
  • sort
    This is a very simple sort based of the normal quiery syntax.

    Example: [systemField | userDefinedfield]<:>

    standardAssetField - this is a predefined list of fields the user can choose to sort on. This can be given an ascneding and descending property by adding :asc or :desc


    publishedDate:asc - sort by published date ascneding
    userAssetField - This refers to fields defined in the content type as created by the user.
    field.myText or field.someThing:desc
    If no systemField or userDefinedField is provided, :random and :relevance can be provided.

    :relevance - Default. This will return assets ordered by their relevance.

    :random - This will return assets in a random order irrespective of any rules or fields.
Nested Schema : RulesProperties
Type: object
Show Source
  • Allowed Values: [ "ALL", "ANY" ]
    The operator that will be used to combine the rules in this group. This is optional and defaults to ALL if omitted.
Nested Schema : rules
Type: array
Main list of Rules. This is optional and can be empty.
Show Source
Nested Schema : sort
Type: array
This is a very simple sort based of the normal quiery syntax.

Example: [systemField | userDefinedfield]<:>

standardAssetField - this is a predefined list of fields the user can choose to sort on. This can be given an ascneding and descending property by adding :asc or :desc


publishedDate:asc - sort by published date ascneding
userAssetField - This refers to fields defined in the content type as created by the user.
field.myText or field.someThing:desc
If no systemField or userDefinedField is provided, :random and :relevance can be provided.

:relevance - Default. This will return assets ordered by their relevance.

:random - This will return assets in a random order irrespective of any rules or fields.
Show Source
Nested Schema : Rule
Type: object
Show Source
Nested Schema : data
Type: array
Show Source
Nested Schema : PublishInfo
Type: object
Show Source

400 Response

Bad request.

403 Response


404 Response

Recommendation not found. The requested resource not found.

500 Response

Internal server error.
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