Patch a category property definition



with given JSON merge patch document.

The following rules apply to the merge patch document:
  • If the category property definition already contains the given object or field, the value will be replaced.
  • The value null in the merge patch means a given object or field will be removed. Mandatory fields cannot be removed.
  • Arrays cannot have individual values added or removed. The array provided in the merge patch document will replace the entire array in the category property definition.


Supported Media Types
Path Parameters
Body ()
Patches a category property definition with the given information in the JSON merge patch document.

The examples below describe the minimal update possible on a per field basis. Any combination between these examples below are valid and they should be used to patch only the desired fields. For system defined properties such as keywords, synonyms and relatedCategories only isPublishable and valueCountRange in settings can be updated.
displayName The displayName field is mandatory and it cannot be deleted.
```{ "displayName" : "this is the updated display name" }```
This payload will replace the displayName of the category property definition. The same uniqueness rules and server formatting used on create still apply.
description The description field is optional. It can be added, updated or removed.
```{ "description" : "adding/updating description" }```
This payload will add or update the description of the category property definition. The same rules used on create still apply.

```{ "description" : null }```
This payload will remove the description of the category property definition.
isPublishable The isPublishable field is mandatory and it cannot be deleted.
```{ "isPublishable" : true }```
This payload will replace the isPublishable of the category property definition. The same rules used on create still apply.
valueCount The valueCount field is mandatory and it cannot be deleted. Allowed values for valueCount are 'single' and 'list'.
```{ "valueCount" : "list" }```
This payload will replace the valueCount of the category property definition. The same rules used on create still apply.
defaultValues The defaultValues array is optional. It can be added, updated or removed.
```{ "defaultValues" : ["default value 1", "default value 2"] }```
This payload will add or update the defaultValues of the category property definition. The same rules used on create still apply.

```{ "defaultValues" : null }```
This payload will remove the defaultValues of the category property definition.
settings.caas.valueCountRange The settings.caas.valueCountRange field is optional. It can be added, updated or removed.
```{ "settings" : {"caas" : { "valueCountRange" : {"min" : 1, "max" : 50} } } }```
This payload will replace the settings.caas.valueCountRange of the category property definition. The same rules used on create still apply.

```{ "settings" : {"caas" : { "valuecountRange" : null } } }```
This payload will remove the settings.caas.valueCountRange of the category property definition.
settings.caas.valueCountRange.min The settings.caas.valueCountRange.min field is optional. It can be added, updated or removed.
```{ "settings" : {"caas" : { "valueCountRange" : {"min" : 10} } } }```
This payload will replace the settings.caas.valueCountRange.min of the category property definition. The same rules used on create still apply.

```{ "settings" : {"caas" : { "valueCountRange" : {"min" : null} } } }```
This payload will remove the settings.caas.valueCountRange.min of the category property definition.
settings.caas.valueCountRange.max The settings.caas.valueCountRange.max field is optional. It can be added, updated or removed.
```{ "settings" : {"caas" : { "valueCountRange" : {"max" : 100} } } }```
This payload will replace the settings.caas.valueCountRange.max of the category property definition. The same rules used on create still apply.

```{ "settings" : {"caas" : { "valueCountRange" : {"max" : null} } } }```
This payload will remove the settings.caas.valueCountRange.max of the category property definition.
settings.caas.customValidators The settings.caas.customValidators array is optional. It can be added, updated or removed.
```{ "settings" : {"caas" : { "customValidators" : [{ "type" : "length", "options" : {"validateOnEachValue":true, "ignoreEmpty":true, "min":10, "max":1000} }] } } }```
This payload will replace the settings.caas.customValidators of the category property definition. The same rules used on create still apply.

```{ "settings" : {"caas" : { "customValidators" : null } } }```
This payload will remove the settings.caas.customValidators of the category property definition.
settings.caas.editor The settings.caas.editor field is mandatory and it cannot be deleted.
```{ "settings" : {"caas" : { "editor" : {"name" : "multi-selectbox", "options" : {"multiple":true} } } } }```
This payload will replace the settings.caas.editor of the category property definition. The same rules used on create still apply. The field is mandatory and it cannot be deleted.
```{ "settings" : {"caas" : { "editor" : {"name" : "multi-selectbox" } } } }```
This payload will replace the of the category property definition. The same rules used on create still apply.
settings.caas.editor.options The settings.caas.editor.options field is optional. It can be added, updated or removed.
```{ "settings" : {"caas" : { "editor" : { "options" : {"multiple":true} } } } }```
This payload will replace the settings.caas.editor.options of the category property definition. The same rules used on create still apply.

```{ "settings" : {"caas" : { "editor" : { "options" : null } } } }```
This payload will remove the settings.caas.editor.options of the category property definition.
Root Schema : schema
Type: object
Additional Properties Allowed
Show Source
Nested Schema : additionalProperties
Type: object
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Supported Media Types

200 Response


204 Response


400 Response

Bad request.

403 Response


404 Response

The requested resource was not found.

409 Response

The requested resource operation is temporarily unavailable

500 Response

Internal server error.
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