Use Sauce Video


Sauce Video is the cloud-based video creation platform for teams. It provides a fast, easy, and affordable way to create videos together anywhere, anytime. Collaborate with your teams, fans, and community to create awesome videos together. The Sauce App turns any community into a film crew, empowering you to create incredible videos quickly and affordably.

Sauce offers a seamless solution for creating videos in collaboration with internal or external groups. Sauce makes video file transfer easy compared to the alternatives. With all your video clips arranged in each project, you can watch exactly what content you have and even notify your groups to keep them updated. Permissions give you granular control of user access at the project and account levels. Users can comment on videos to provide feedback. And videos edited with the Editing Studio are stored in the cloud and can be re-edited easily by users with the correct access privileges.

Sauce is the best collaboration tool for video! Take advantage of its powerful, user-friendly web app, or use the mobile apps for iOS or Android on the go.

All Sauce Video data is stored in London, UK.

Set Up Sauce Video

Before Sauce Video can be used, the system administrator must first set up and configure Sauce Video:

  1. Provision Sauce Video in your Oracle Content Management (OCM) instance:

    • Enable the Video Creation Platform license option for your OCM instance.
    • Create a repository for Sauce Video.
  2. Create a Sauce Video user group in Oracle Identity Access Manager (IAM) or Identity Cloud Service (IDCS), depending on how your Oracle Content Management instance has been configured.

  3. Assign the SauceEnterpriseUser role to the Sauce Video user group in IAM or IDCS.

  4. Assign users to the Sauce Video user group in IAM or IDCS, which gives them full, unlimited access to the Sauce Video application.


Use Sauce Video

Once Sauce Video has been configured, you can log in to the Sauce Video web application or mobile apps for iOS or Android and start using it.

Create successful video projects in Sauce Video in five easy steps:

Step 1: Create Your Project

To create a project in the Sauce Video web application, click Create Project. In the mobile app for iOS or Android, tap the plus icon.

You’ll find a range of templates to use as inspiration. If you create a project based on a template, you can customize it by modifying the project details.

Add a shot list to direct your creators. This will guide them to capture the best-quality content.


Step 2: Invite Creators

Next, invite your identified group of creators to your project. Send them an invitation link by email, Slack, or any other tool that you use to communicate. You can even create a QR code to scan!

In the Sauce Video web application, click Invite Creators. In the mobile app for iOS or Android, tap the icon. This will generate the invitation link, which you can copy and paste wherever you want. You can send the same link to all creators.

You’ll receive notifications as creators join your project. In the Creators tab of your project, manage their permissions and send group messages.


Step 3: Creators Upload Videos

Now it’s time for your creators to capture their content and upload it. They can film directly in Sauce Video or upload videos and photos they already have.


Step 4: Create Your Movies

Now that you’ve collected all this great content, it’s time to edit it and create your movie. You can edit your Sauce Video footage in different ways:


Step 5: Share Your Movies

Now it’s time to share your movie with audiences using Sauce Video’s built-in sharing capabilities:


Mobile Apps

There are Sauce Video mobile apps for iOS and Android, so you can work with Sauce Video on the go:

Check out the video tutorials that are available to help you use the Sauce Video mobile apps.

Sauce Video mobile apps.


Sauce Video offers a number of integrations that extend its capabilities:

Integration with Oracle Content Management

Take your videos further with Sauce Video’s integration with Oracle Content Management:

Learn more about the Oracle Content Management integration in this video:

Integration with Oracle CrowdTwist

Collect user-generated videos and photos in your loyalty program with the Oracle CrowdTwist integration:

Learn more about the Oracle CrowdTwist integration in this video:

Integration with Adobe Premiere Pro

Add some Sauce to your editing workflow in Adobe Premiere Pro:

Install the Sauce plugin in Adobe Premiere Pro, and off you go.

Adobe Premiere Pro integration.

Enterprise Security

Sauce Video offers enterprise-level security at various levels:

Enterprise-Grade Security
Microservice Architecture
Granular Controls

Oracle Creative Studios

If you need some help, support packages are available for a full range of video editing requirements, from simple editing tasks to advanced motion graphics. Our specialist team of editors work within the Oracle Sauce platform, in addition to Adobe Premiere Pro, Adobe After Effects, and other standard professional software.

For more information, please contact:

Kevin Palmer
Director, Oracle Creative Studio

The package includes the following:

Kick-Off Meeting

One- to two-hour session to discuss the following:

Ongoing Support

Oracle Creative Studio becomes an extension of your team to support your video editing needs, including:

Quarterly Business Reviews

Quarterly business reviews (QBRs) are relevant for longer-term engagements over several months. They include:


In addition to ongoing video editing support and QBRs, regular check-in calls will be arranged (weekly or bi-weekly) to suit your needs.

Help and Support

FAQs and Tutorial Videos

There’s a dedicated FAQ section that covers all functionality in detail from the web app, iOS app, or Android app perspective.

The help section can be accessed by clicking ? in the top-right section of the web app.
In the mobile apps for iOS and Android, access help by going to Settings and then FAQ.

In addition, there’s a large collection of video tutorials available to help you use Sauce Video and get the most out of it.

Service Request

For additional technical support, please submit a service request (SR) in My Oracle Support.

Product Experts

For strategic and specific product requirements, please contact:

Stuti Kohli
Senior Client Success Specialist

Priya Shah
Senior Product Strategy Manager