Action Command

Use the action command to specify how to trigger and start a specified task and how to present the results.

The following table shows the properties of an action command.

Property Required Description



A non-empty string that uniquely identifies the action in the application.



A non-empty string that is displayed for the action in the web user interface. It can also be a key that can be translated using translation maps defined in stringsMap.



A string that is displayed for the action in a web user interface tooltip. It can also be a key that can be translated using translation maps defined in stringsMap.



Specifies if the action is triggered through a context menu taskbar (MENU), or when the item is opened (SELECT). If you do not explicitly include trigger in the configuration file, it is dynamically added during application configuration and is given the default value of MENU.

In the Application Integration Framework, the SELECT trigger occurs when an item is opened, not when simply checked in a folder listing.



Specifies how action results are displayed to the end user. Possible values are UI and DIRECT. If the value is DIRECT, a call is made to the URL specified with invoke, and the response displays as a notification in the Oracle Content Management web interface, if possible. If the value is UI, the presentation property specifies the type of web interface to use.



Specifies the presentation to use if type is set to UI. Possible values are CLIENT to embed the action results in the integrations side panel on the right of the display, POPUP to display action results in a separate browser dialog, and WINDOW to display action results in a new browser window or tab. If type is set to UI and presentation is omitted, it is added to the action with the default value of CLIENT. See Presentation Command.



Specifies if the action applies when multiple items are selected (true) or not (false). If you do not explicitly include multi in the configuration file, it is dynamically added during application configuration and is given the default value of false.



Must be valid JavaScript Boolean value that evaluates to true or false for the selected item. For more information about expression evaluation, see Expressions.



Specifies the external service in an invoke command to use when action is triggered. See Invoke Command.