7 Develop Custom Field Editors

Oracle Content Management provides a large selection of field editors out of the box for data fields that you can use to enable contributors to assign values to the field. Oracle Content Management also allows you to extend beyond out of the box editors with the help of the field editor SDK.

With the Oracle Content Management field editor SDK, you can develop and use your own custom field editors for any field. The main purpose of the SDK is to facilitate communication between the custom editor component and the content item form. To develop a custom field editor, you first need to create the custom field editor. Once created, you must promote it so that it can be used when creating content types. Once promoted, the field editor is available for use when a data type named when creating the editor is used to define a content type. Lastly, you can open and edit the files associated with the custom field editor to fit your purpose.

You can make custom field editors and forms available to everyone:

1. Update existing content forms and field editors to public during server upgrade in the background.

2. Add the service SCS_SET_CONTENT_FORMS_FIELD_EDITORS_PUBLIC to set all form and editor folders to public.

3. In SCS_CREATE_COMPONENT, mark content form/field editor as public on creation.

4. Mark content form/field editor as public on import.

The following sections provide more information about custom field editors.