edit.html for Custom Content Forms

The edit.html file is where the custom content form implementation begins. It is a mandatory file. This file is called to load the custom content form within the iframe when creating or editing a content item. In general it deals with HTML markup, styles, and code implementation needed for rendering the content item fields and metadata. This file loads the content-form-sdk-1.0.js JavaScript library to communicate with the content item page in the user interface. This file also handles notifying field value changes to the user interface and listening to the updates from the interface. The default implementation of this file in starter form renders system metadata field editors of the item. This can be edited to include type-specific field editors or to alter system field editors as needed.

Import the SDK Library

Oracle provides a JavaScript API for the custom form residing in an iframe element to communicate with the content item edit page in the user interface. So this library should be included in edit.html. Load the content-form-sdk-1.0.js library using either the <script> tag or requireJS. This SDK has a global object called contentFormSDK.

Using the <script> Tag

<!-- load the content form SDK -->
<script src="/documents/static/gemini/api/content-form-sdk-1.0.js"></script>

Using requireJS

<!-- using requireJS -->
        paths: {
            contentFormSDK: '/documents/static/gemini/api/content-form-sdk-1.0'
            function (contentFormSDK) {

Initialize the Form

Invoke contentFormSDK.init() and pass a callback function to initialize the form and start communicating with the interface. This callback function will be called with an instance of the SDK when the user interface is ready to render the form. With the SDK instance, the item being created or edited can be accessed, and the custom form code can communicate with the interface.

Below is the sample callback function initForm.

        /* globals contentFormSDK */
        (function() {

        function initForm(sdk) {

            // type
            var type = sdk.getType();

            // item being rendered in the form
            var item = sdk.getItem();

            // current locale of the UI
            var locale = sdk.getLocale();

            // fields of the item
            var fields = item.getFields();

            // item properties
            var itemProps = item.get();

        // this is the entry point to initialize the form sdk.


Get and Set Item Name and Description

The item name and description can be obtained from the item.get() method . When they are set in their respective editors, the change event listeners of the editors can set their updated value in the item by calling item.setName() and item.setDescription() as shown in the following sample.

        // item properties
        var itemProps = item.get();

        // name field
        var nameField = itemProps.name ? itemProps.name :'';
        nameField.addEventListener('change', function(e) {

        //description field
        var descField = document.getElementById('description-input');
        descField.value = itemProps.description ? itemProps.description : '';
        descField.addEventListener('change', function(e) {

Get and Set Field Values

Custom fields can be obtained from the item.getFields() method. It returns an array of field objects. These field objects help access field values and modify them.

//  fields of the item
    var fields = item.getFields();

        var fieldDefn = field.getDefinition(),
            fieldName = fieldDefn.name,
            dataType = fieldDefn.datatype;

        // handle updating a field of datatype 'text'
        if(dataType === sdk.dataTypes.TEXT){
            var titleInput = document.getElementById('title');    
            titleInput.value = field.getValue() ? field.getValue() : '';
            titleInput.addEventListener('change', function(e) {

Validating System and Custom Field Values

Validating field values is optional. If you would like to validate values before setting values in the item or field, you can invoke their respective validate methods to check if the value is valid. These validate methods work similar to the validation in out-of-the box content forms.

// validating name of the item
var nameField = document.getElementById('name-input');
nameField.value = itemProps.name ? itemProps.name : '';
nameField.addEventListener('change', function (e) {
  item.validateName(nameField.value).then(function (validation) {
        if(validation && validation.isValid) {
            // set name of the item
        } else {
            // display name validation error
    }).catch(function (error) {
        // handle  error

// validating a field value
var titleInput = document.getElementById('title');
titleInput.value = field.getValue() ? field.getValue() : '';
titleInput.addEventListener('change', function (e) {
    field.validate(titleInput.value).then(function (validation) {
        if(validation && validation.isValid) {
        } else{
            //display field validation error
    }).catch(function (error) {
        // handle error

For multi-valued fields, when you want to validate values for a specific index, you can pass an additional parameter {index: <index>}.

field.validate(value, {index:2}).then(function (validation) {
// handle validation result

Validating Form

Content form SDK provides a mechanism to implement custom validation of the form by registering a validation callback function. This can be done via sdk.registerFormValidation(callback). If such registration and callback function is present, then the callback function will be invoked from the interface when the form is saved. This callback function should handle form validation and return whether or not the form is valid.

var item;
function initForm(sdk) {
  item = sdk.getItem();
  // validation callback registration
  // ... rest of the form init code
function validateForm() {
  var isValid = true,
      message = '';
  if (!item.get().name) {
    isValid = false;
    message = 'Name is required'
  return {
    isValid: isValid,
    message: message

Previewing Assets from the Form

Content form SDK provides an option to preview other assets that the item references. This can be done by invoking sdk.previewAsset({id: <assetId>}) and passing an id of the asset you want to preview. This opens up the asset in preview drawer.

sdk.previewAsset({id: <asset_id>});