External Processor Execution Flow

An external processor can operate in two modes of execution: push versus pull.

In the push mode, Content Capture pushes documents to the external processor. In this mode, the external processor responds to API events that come to it. Conversely, in pull mode, the external processor pulls Content Capture to find new work.

The push model of operation requires the external processor to implement a REST endpoint service definition that Content Capture expects. The push model introduces additional networking complexities since the receiving external processor must be publicly accessible over the Internet. Content Capture is restricted to only sending outbound requests via HTTPS thus requiring external processors implementing the push model to receive requests over HTTPS.

An external processor implemented in the pull model does not have these additional networking challenges. It can easily be placed behind a corporate firewall while making its calls outbound to the publicly accessible Content Capture APIs. The pull model imposes the additional work on the external processor of polling for new work.

The push and pull models are explained in the following sections:

  • Push Model


    The push model is deprecated and under maintenance. The documentation will be available when the push model is updated and re-released.
  • Pull Model